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 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 3/04/2023
Posted: Apr 18th, '23, 16:49    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
What do you need? I might have some stuff that I can send over.

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Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 3/04/2023
Posted: Apr 18th, '23, 19:29    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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Location: Wherever the wind takes me...
What I have left after digging today is.....32 x Crystal Ball, 156 x Holy Wind, 46 x Laughing Gas, 215 x Shell, and 19 x Water Orb. X'D Lord Wuffel is really putting me through the ringer for these Glass Fairy Wings.

I found another wererat tail and some more yellow balloons while digging today, so I cancelled and restarted the trade. :qh:

By the way, I LOVE the avatar you made with your new Glass Fairy Wings! I've always been a sucker for how fluffy the Hippocampi hair is. And the Glass Fairy Wings go SO WELL with the Hippocampi Wings and Headwings! What a great idea!

What is that star crown you're wearing? It's so cute!

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x 21x Groundselx

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 3/04/2023
Posted: Apr 19th, '23, 01:59    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
Posts: 9561
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
Damn, you are in luck because all of those are things I have in excess. Don't freak out because I have a lot of mats so this was nothing, lately i've just been hit with a few quests that have asked for a high amount of that one item I don't have stockpiled.

Thank you for the items!

Also thanks! I love these wings and the hair! The tiara is the skydancer tiara. I got it somehow in a market auction for like 10kfps. I wish I could find better eyes and a better background though.

I love your avi! What arms are those? Also ever since that hair came out I've been trying to play with avi idea for it! You rock it!

(0) (0)
Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 3/04/2023
Posted: Apr 24th, '23, 13:28    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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Location: Wherever the wind takes me...
So, apparently this reply never posted. Oops! Sorry about that!

:mcomg: Aaaah! Thank you so much! This is definitely the fastest I've ever finished a quest. Now onto the Veilribbon Clip! Hopefully the Alchemist will be merciful this time.

I am going to have to keep an eye out for the Skydancer Tiara. It's so pretty! I'm always a sucker for celestial-themed items. :qstar:

Thanks, hun! The second I saw the announcement for this hair, I went straight to the DAC. It's so much fun to play with! I have a feeling I'm going to be using it a lot for future avis.

They're the Naga Arms! I am obsessed with the multi arm items. I've got 3 pairs atm, but I'm trying to collect them all!

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x 21x Groundselx

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 3/04/2023
Posted: Apr 24th, '23, 18:47    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
That's okay. It happens, and I've also done that a bunch of times.

Yay! I'm glad I was able to help! I haven't gotten that item yet. I should do that next. That or I should just power through a bunch of easy ones because I've been letting them build up for a while.

Theres a whole set apparently, I recently go the ribbons as well and I'm trying to figure out a good way to use them on my avi to show them off because they work so well with the tiara and they are midnight blue, powder blue, and cream colored. I should add the naga arms to my wishlist too.

You found a way to make it work really well and it doesn't look forced or messy!

(0) (0)
Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 3/04/2023
Posted: Apr 25th, '23, 19:41    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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Location: Wherever the wind takes me...
I don't really have many items in Amethyst, but I just love all of the flowy layers of the ribbon, so I think it'll be a fun challenge. :mccool: Probably going to have to fill it out with a lot of commons, but we'll see! Maybe by the time I finish this quest, Firn will release a new TT or MT in Amethyst.

Ooh, that sounds like a beautiful color combo! Reminds me of the original Natsu Matsuri set, which I absolutely adore. I swear, I've missed out on so many cute sets while I was gone.

I sent you over some of my Golden Crowns and Green Candles to help with your current quest. :qh: Quests are more fun with a friend. Besides, I could swear that my Knuffels are allergic to the mats I actually need for my current quest - they do good about finding stuff, just not what the Alchemist is asking me for atm. :mcmeh: I was stuck on my last quest for so long that I couldn't even remember what the reward for it was! Ended up giving up and just buying what I needed from mem. The thing I just couldn't find? Wren eggs. They're not even rare! My Knuffels apparently just hate eggs. X'D

Well, thank you! I got stuck on this avi for awhile because of the tail, tbh. I didn't have much in the way of options for a Gray White tail, and nothing in Bright Berry, and anything in Aqua blended in to the Bg and Wave too much. But when I saw how cute the hair layered with the Seadancer Headwings and Opalise Knuffel Horns, I knew I needed to make her some form of sea serpent. I ended up having to combine the Air Tail and the Seadancer Tail to get a usable tail option that didn't get lost in either the BG or the hair. . But then I suddenly needed to incorporate the Cream White from the dorsal fin in, so I had to go in and find some suitable accessories. ^^; I tend to make pretty cluttered avis, but I just love layering different textures so much. I feel like it adds a lot of depth and movement to an otherwise static 2d avatar.

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x 21x Groundselx

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 26th, '23, 02:01    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
Posts: 9561
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
Are there any tough items you need to finish the ribbon quest? I ran through a bunch of easy quests for the little mushroom buddy to help cull some of my items and open quests, but got stuck like 5 quests in so I didn't burn through as much material as I'd hoped.

The color combo is beautiful! Its the same combo used for the halloween set this past year.

Thank you so much for the candles and crowns! I'm hoping my knuffel can make up the difference. I have quite a few light and earth knuffel so that should help.

I didn't even realize the air tail was layered in there, that's super cool! The cluttered avis honestly usually look so much better as long as they are layered properly and don't use every color of the rainbow. Every time I make an avi that's not cluttered, it looks empty and sad.

(0) (0)
Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 26th, '23, 17:17    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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I just finished digging for the day (man, feeding all of these Knuffels takes FOREVER), so what I still need are 266 x Chestnut, 67 x Cottonwood Leaf, 50 x Earth Potion, 18 x Mermaid Tear, and 66 x Olive Tree Leaf. :mcsweat: But don't worry too much about it, I'll get there eventually. I have been pretty motivated to dig, despite my hatred of button mashing to feed and play with them, since I really like the current digging set, and I'm not sure when it will get changed. Firn usually keeps designs out for a year or two, and I think it's already two years old :mcomg:
What I'm still missing is the
Earth, Water, Fire, and Dark Kimonos
Earth and Fire Kanzashis
Earth, Fire, and Air Earrings
Earth, Water, Fire, and Air Fans
Earth Background.
Which, still a ways to go, but I have a couple dupes, so I might try to trade 'em for ones I'm missing.....if I can ever get the motivation to set up a Selling Forum. ^^; I've been online a lot doing job apps, so I have the opportunity, I've just been really low in social points lately, so I've been spending all of them on keeping up with the discord and talking to C, so I don't have a lot to spare for Kofk...or, like, family. >>

I completely missed most of the events last year, since camping meant basically no wifi. x.x I'll have to add the Halloween items to my wishlist so that I can snag them when they come up on the Marketplace. I love the hat and bg! :mclove:

I agree! The simple/uncluttered avatar contests in the Collectors Corner (back when it was up and running weekly) were always the hardest for me. :mcdead: I think Ziaheart (who was a regular host there) was fond of them? But I had such a hard time with them! Even my current avi feels a little bare, but without a matching set of demon or bat wings to go with, I'll have to settle for the pile of skulls in the background.

My babies weren't able to get any Golden Crowns or Green Candles on this dig sesh, but as soon as I find more, I'll send 'em your way. Prob won't be tomorrow, since C and I are going to hike Matka Canyon, or the next day, since we're leaving our current home and heading to Ohrid. But prob the next day I'll have time to dig again. ^^

Nomad life is really weird, but fits my brain and lifestyle really well. I love that our entire life upturns every month. It means that any problems I'm having aren't permanent, just a temporary issue. And yeah, they may pop up again in the next place, but then it's just another temporary issue. It's nice to have a hard reset every month or so. It's good for my perspective on life. I've got a lot of health issues that are chronic and very painful (physically and mentally) and it's nice to conceptualize it as being only temporary, we can try again in the next place. Gives me the hope to keep moving forward, and combat all of the suicidal thoughts I'm usually plagued with.

In far more fun news, the place I've been living for the past month (and will be leaving the day after tomorrow) is right next to a Pokemon Go Gym, so I've been really taking advantage of it. Managed to finally get myself a Milotic AND a Red Gyrados for the first time in my life (despite playing Pokemon games for a decade+). I'm super stoked! ^^ Idk how many ppl would realize how exciting this is, but I know you'll care since you play. The Red Gyrados has been haunting me since Diamond, where it's a major plot point but you can't ever capture it; and despite many months of my life dedicated to finding it, I have never managed to find a Milotic in any game I've owned. >:( I am PUMPED! :mccool:

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x 21x Groundselx

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 26th, '23, 18:26    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
Posts: 9561
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
I just sent over a trade as a thank you for helping me out! I don't have everything you need but I had most of it and hopefully this gives you a head start. The current digging items have also been motivating me to dig. I'm missing about half the items and the air and darkness kimonos are haunting me right now because they are so cute but my knuffel refuse to find them. Yeah this is usually the time of year that they swap out right? I haven't heard anything.

That's okay. No judgement. Being social takes a lot of energy. To be honest I've been so active because executive dysfunction is a bitch. I have 3 papers to do that are all due these next few days and I've decided to spend my time participating in the lemon and CC event here, clean the house, and learn a new soup recipe. :mcheh: My prioritizing is a mess.

I love the skullls! I didn't even know that item existed. You might be able to get wings and the body part shop. they would be tiny though.

Thank you for sending me what you have, its been a big help to be honest. I also sent you some halloween items that I had extras of. Honestly I got them because I though you might have wanted them, and I wished I'd been smart enough to ask before selling off the extra eyes.

Well I'm glad the nomad style has been working for you. If you ever feel like you need a break from it, you know where to find me and my other half. I'm sorry the health issues are still bothering you. Remember to listen to your body and take temporary breaks when you need to.

Yay! I'm so happy for you because getting a shiny Magikarp is a nightmare and usually to get a Mylotic you need to do a lot of walking. Next time you are in the area we should do a trade because I got a extra shiny febass from an event that I think you would love.

(0) (0)
Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 26th, '23, 20:49    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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Mood: Radi radi! Happy Holi!
Location: Wherever the wind takes me...
Well, aren't you just the entire sugar bowl? <3 Thank you, love! I can't wait to try out my new items! I'll send you over more Green Candles and Gold Crowns as soon as I find them! :qh:

II'll keep an eye out for an extra Air and Darkness Kimono for you. In the meantime, I managed to snag an extra Light Kimono, Water Kanzashi, Air Kanzashi, Darkness Earrings, Fire Background, and Light Background, so if you're missing any of those, let me know and I'll send 'em over! :qh: Firn never announces before she switches digging sets, so I am determined to find all of them before she changes the digging rewards!

Dude, Executive Dysfunction is a BITCH! That's 100% why I'm on Kofk suddenly - it's either panic, and switch to a tab that makes me happy and calm, and hope I can go back to the thing I'm suppose to be doing, or just abandon quest altogether. :mcangry: What soup are you learning to make? I know far too few soup recipes, and am always looking for more! I make a mean chicken noodle soup, if I do say so myself, as well as a pretty kickass rabo del toro, and C makes an awesome beef stew. Mum makes great butternut squash soup, but I never learned how to make it, bc C hates pork and it has bacon in it. x.x

Dude! Prioritization is a myth pushed by neurotypicals to make you feel bad. At least, that's how I see it. X'D I can't prioritize for SHIT. Maybe that's my multiple disorders talking, but since hs I haven't been able to do a single assignment without several endorphin tabs up. Usually Kofk or Tumblr or drawing refs or youtube or something enjoyable that I can switch to when my anxiety takes over and says "think of something else or PERISH". X'D

I have looked at the commons shops, but realistically the only one that works without hiding the skull pile behind and is in the correct color combo is the Agate Knuffel Wings (Blue Iris), and idk when I'll be able to find one of those. x.x Same with the horns - most items cover the cute little space buns in this hairstyle. The Devil Horns work, but that is an Original Item and really hard to get in either color. :mcdead: I wish Firn had more tiny horns....

I'll keep an eye out for the Golden Crowns and Green Candles for you. :qh: I'm sure my babies will come by them eventually.

You are the greatest friend, and the strongest lifeline, I have in my life, and I don't thank you enough for it. :qh: :qh: :qh: It means the entire world to me that I have a place to come back to when home stops being home. <3 I've actually been doing surprisingly well since leaving the states. I joke with C that I must be allergic to the US. While my chronic pain has been dehabilitating some days, and my tics and seizures still come out occasionally, I'm back to being at the point that I am seizure-free most days, am mentally clear enough to think and process and do basic math and carry on basic conversation and even think I can hold a job, it's incredible. Six months ago, I couldn't look C in the eyes and say "I think I will be employable again before I die", and that caused a lot of interpersonal issues, as you can guess. But leaving the US, I am SO much better, I have no idea if its something in the air or something in the food that I'm allergic to or what, but I can suddenly THINK again, and it is everything. You know how much my brain matter to me, how much I valued my intelligence, made it my identity. Not being able to think enough to carry on basic conversations KILLED me. It was a fate worse than death. I watched my grandmama go through dementia, and it felt like that in fast forward. The fact that I'm doing so much better, that I'm recovering like I did in uni after hs, is hope I couldn't ask for. :qh:

I was SO MAD, bc I found a shiny magikarp the other day, super stoked to have a golden magikarp AND a red gyrados at the same time, and it ended up being a Zaroua!!! >:( I was SO PISSED that you COULDN'T get a red gyrados in Diamond, despite it being SO CENTRAL to the plot. I am SO EXCITED to finally find one. And the Milotic???? I have searched for SEVERAL MONTHS STRAIGHT to find a Feebas in Diamond, knowing that it only shows up in 2 squares per day and a tiny % rate, and I NEVER found one.....I am SO EXCITED to have my pretty noodle. :qlov: :qh:

I also have several shinys I wanna trade you! I was so mad that you couldn't trade over wifi, bc I got a few extra shinys that I wanted to share. Shiny Magmar/Magmortar, which come in flaming Barbie Hot Rod pink, complete with flame designs and sparkles, and shiny Shinx/Luxio/Luxaray, which perfectly capture the Stary Night theme. :qh: It's SO DUMB that so many of the features in Pokemon Go (including the Scatterbug feature) are wifi-based, but the trading is gps-depenedent. >:( Let me give my friends my cool shinies!!!!

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x 21x Groundselx

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