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 Post subject: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Aug 19th, '15, 02:33    

Mikael Hart

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In a hangout conversation with Veetles, we got into a pretty spiffy talk about reading and our favorite books, and decided to do some reading together. Then we thought, "Hey, why keep it just between us? We should make a book club so that everyone else can join!" and so here we are!

The KofK BC is pretty casual and straight-forward; we pick a book and read a chapter a week until it's done! During that time, members are encouraged to discuss about the book up to our current reading chapter [and as for the rest, please put it under a spoiler cut].

When we're done, we'll either continue with the next book in the series or start on a new book.

Note: It's never too late to join! Since we only read a chapter a week, members who join later on can always try catching up! :)

Update: We've finally picked a new book to start on. Come and join us!


Starting Date: 11/01/17

Current Book: "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman
Current Chapter: 02 (Chapter 01 complete.)

Books on the reading list:

FablehavenPeter and the Star CatchersThe King of Attolia

Previous books:

The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner [08.19-30.15]
The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner [08.31-09.20]


"Howl's Moving Castle" by Diana Wynne Jones [09.21-30.15]. On chapter 10.

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club
Posted: Aug 19th, '15, 22:56    


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Yes, please join us fellow kofk members!! It would be much more exciting to read with others. (:

I am sure we would be open to any suggestions you have for reading as well. ~

I found "The Thief" at my local library, so if you are interested in joining us I suggest you look for it at your library. (:

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club
Posted: Aug 19th, '15, 23:07    

Mikael Hart

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It's a pretty popular book, so I'm fairly sure that it would be accessible in most public libraries. I've come across it enough times in libraries and bookstores to be confident of its popularity [minor as it is].

And yeah, suggestions for future readings would be welcomed!

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club
Posted: Aug 20th, '15, 11:59    

Mikael Hart

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Mmk, I read today's chapter, and tomorrow's as well [because it's technically the next day]. Let's have a talk. :)

I often rec this book to friends, but it was actually the second book I initially read in the series, not the first [due to a mix-up that I sometimes have with series books, I had read it out of order]. Because of this, I had already endeared myself to the protagonist [Gen's a frickin' charmer] as well as had subjected myself to all sorts of overall series spoilers [and so it took away a biiit of excitement from the first book].

I've been told that "The Thief' is sometimes slow or boring [although the same reader has affirmed that the story picks up in subsequent books], and although I enjoy the book very much, I can almost see what my friend means.

There's a lot of description going on right in that first chapter; it's interesting, and it paints a good picture, but it's not always notably relevant beyond being "detailed scenery". It does show the history of the world though, so when I'm not reading the series while half-asleep, I tend to enjoy it.

I really enjoy Turner's subtlety, honestly; all the things she describes or doesn't describe; the way she hints at this and that without making you question too much of it.

I also like that Gen's not an untouchable protagonist --he gets weakened by his little prison stay and jostled around as much as anyone would expect of a small person with a big mouth/personality. People just don't appreciate his wit. XD Also, I like the description of the sores and the bathing, weird as that is. I mean, it's just so easy to picture --how there are different qualities of soap [but obviously the Magus has got some good stuff] and how the sores would have developed in prison [admirably realistic]. Also, without having to describe Sophos too directly or with much focus, Turner manages to convey his personality through his speech and mannerisms [which I adore].

Honestly, I was mildly concerned about being bored with the rereading [since I had read it about last year, I thought it might be too soon for a reread], but no, the company of Turner is always a welcome and pleasure, pfft. I hope you all are enjoying this as much as I am. <3

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club
Posted: Aug 20th, '15, 13:14    


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Haven't actually looked at the text yet, but I can still reply to some of that. :D
Because of this, I had already endeared myself to the protagonist [Gen's a frickin' charmer]
Mm, one of the friends I rec'd it thought Gen was too immature at the beginning of The Thief, and that was one of the reasons they didn't finish it. xD; My first time through it, I didn't get that vibe, but I understand why they might have thought him annoying. c':

I rarely reread from cover to cover. I flip through the sections I liked and reread those. :D

And I can't imagine taking a year between rereads! When I finish a book, I take a 30min-half day break and then start rereading*. xD This is when I pull together what I think of the book. I read slightly on autopilot so I have room for thinking. It's much easier for me to reflect while I'm still absorbed in the book's universe. I'm too distracted the rest of the time. D:

But while I'm rereading I also have my eye out for any details I've missed. I'm not the most meticulous reader. My habit of skipping over things doesn't bother me when I'm reading for fun, but it can bite me in the butt when I'm doing reading for a class. @-@;

*unless it doesn't have any parts worth rereading. :|

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club
Posted: Aug 20th, '15, 21:07    

Mikael Hart

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Although the books have never directly stated his age, by approximation, the Wiki claims that Gen is about fifteen at the beginning of "The Thief" which I find to be plausible. Although I've always thought him to be a bit older at the time, he does have that lingering childishness [I mean, he is a brat], pfft.

Ah, nice. I actually reread my favorites from over to cover, but I do it every once in a considerable while, so that everything will feel fresh enough when I do. This is usually every five years or longer. I do this for favorite anime as well, but it's usually every once or two years and up. I just really like what I like. *facepalm* I'd watch Oofuri with everyone who'd watch it with me is how much I like it. *double-facepalm*

My first read is mostly the absorbing, yeah; I really jump right into the story. The second time around is more analytical, as you say, but I can't read right away because it would bore me. *facepalm* I also like to look into the foreshadowing, character development, and the set up for plot-twists [if the story has any].

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club
Posted: Aug 21st, '15, 03:33    


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Oh man, I remember counting the winters in the 2nd book to try and figure out how old he was! XDD

I reread good-but-not-favorites about that frequently. I was reminded to go over the Chrestomanci series again after you mentioned it in the Goodreads thread. :D I put a hold on the first book and hopefully it gets to my library soon!

I love looking back and realizing the foreshadowing! C:

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club
Posted: Aug 21st, '15, 03:48    

Mikael Hart

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Ah, I still need to finish the Chrestomanci series [among many, many others]. *facepalm*

Foreshadowing is wonderful, but not many authors I know seem to do it skillfully. *facepalm* All my favorites tend to do a good job at it though, naturally. XD

Edit: Good grief, I just want to go through this entire book, but it's good that we've limited it to a chapter a day. This way, I can actually sleep and do other things. *facepalm*

Is it just me, or do the characters seem more detached than interactive so far? Well, it's all from Gen's perspective, and mostly he's hungry and tired, so I kinda see the relational gap there, pfft. But I do like how Turner gives us a little peek into each character's personality and nature. She can convey a lot without listing the traits to us outright [as some are wont to do].

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]
Posted: Aug 22nd, '15, 15:24    


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I love Gen.

I absolutely love him. I dont know if my feelings for him were influenced by you previously stating he was one of your favorite characters or not but either way i do not care. I have just woken up for the day so I have not yet read chapter four, but i am excited to do so today.

It is probably better that we are only reading one per day, but yesterday I certainly wanted to go on! but I have been mildly busy so its okay.

i agree with what you last said. They do seem more detached but I think that is mostly because of Gen's narrative. and I think the reason I have been so interested in reading this, is also because of his narrative.

I didnt think too deeply about his age, I was actually thinking he was somewhere around 18. :v He seemed to be about young adult age but I suppose I would believe he was more teenager. i do not find it slow or boring, but getting to know characters is one of my favorite things so perhaps that is why i feel that way. :p

I enjoyed the first chapter and learning the way that Turner describes the surroundings. I like when some things are left up to the imagination. Also, Gen had me smiling shortly after I first met him. The description of the sores was almost difficult for me to read; i do not like insides of bodies or detailed medical talk, yikes! but it was very well done and surely believable.

but yes i am very interested in what is going to happen to Gen and i am definitely enjoying reading this ! I would like to learn more about Sophos and Ambiades ~ which hopefully i will be doing soon! (:

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]
Posted: Aug 22nd, '15, 23:40    

Mikael Hart

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Aha, I'm glad to hear that! He's a very precious character, isn't he? [Now go order the next book from your library! D: You can do it online, ne?]

*patpat* I'm going to have a tough time balancing all the things I want to do in a day, I know. XD

Aha, yes, his narrative is pretty good. I guess writings that come from the protagonist's perspective does have a certain feel to it.

Yep, I read chapter four, but I think I won't give any specific comments until I get into chapter five [which I will do once midnight hits, I think. XD]

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