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Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Nov 17th, '16, 07:42
by ChicaChicken
Does anybody like the series of Sherlock Holmes.

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Nov 17th, '16, 14:26
by Isenthya
I read something bu not everything. It's a very nice classic :qlov:

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Nov 18th, '16, 16:29
by PulciniVerdi
Never read much of his serie but I like it.

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Nov 22nd, '16, 16:02
by Akili Li
Yes, definitely.

Although there are modern Sherlock stories (since the character is not in copyright) that I like better than the original. Laurie R. King's version of the man springs to mind, for one. Doyle, of course, takes credit as creator of such an iconic character, but, well.... Doyle lived in a very different age and culture and I can't help but enjoy the more modern versions.

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Dec 11th, '16, 13:37
by Gwendolyn Quincy
I think I've only ever read the Redheaded Leage a long time ago in elementary school, maybe middle school. I love Sherlock, but I'd rather listen to or watch it.

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Feb 18th, '17, 08:20
by Butter
Although I have not read any of the series of books, I adore Sherlock Holmes.
Maybe one day I'll pick up one of the books. I mainly watch the Tv shows and of course the Movies.
I'll bet the books are so much better than either, but maybe no. ?

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Feb 18th, '17, 08:29
by Akili Li
It really depends on which shows and which movies and what kind of thing your tastes run to!
Some people will find the stories better but some will prefer one set of movies or another and others adore a show series....

The books... are more than one set of books, too. Just like there are lots of movies and stories by many people, so too with the books. If you mean the originals, well, you can definitely tell that they were written long ago. It's not just the setting, it's the underlying assumptions made by the author. If you love history, that might make them even better and more interesting to you. If you are very modern in all outlooks, it might make them intolerable.

So I would never say they were "better" or not. Just.... different.

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Feb 26th, '17, 18:25
by -Leo-
I hope to have one day all of the original stories. And while the BBC Sherlock was good and all (not even counting the elementary or whatever that other one was called, don't remember. Also the "new" movies are a bit too hollywood for me, like most stuff that comes out of that place...), it's still not what the real thing is. But then I usually prefer the book to the TV and movies anyway (not always, but as a general rule). But anyway, it's not much of a surprise I like SH, since I've always been such a huge fan of detective and mystery stories ever since I was a kid... Other genres came and I lost interest after a while, but not these...

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Mar 3rd, '17, 12:19
by Rococo
I love it
it got me introduced to detective and crime novels, and it's got a special place in my heart

I recently downloaded the whole series on audible, narrated by Stephen Fry, I mean how could I not?

As for TV shows I prefer Jeremy Brett and Benedict Cumberbatch in the role
the movies were... acceptable, mostly because Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. had very good chemistry as Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes

Elementary was a huge NO for me, I definitely didn't appreciate how it turned into romantic tension >_>;

Re: Sherlock Holmes

Posted: Mar 3rd, '17, 17:46
by Akili Li
Elementary is the American tv show, yes? But... that Sherlock Holmes might be dating a woman only it all happens off-screen after the first getting together, and we only hear about it in a few references in maybe two shows, over several seasons? And I don't think Joan Watson is dating anyone! At least she wasn't in any of the shows I watched. How is that romantic tension? There was more tension about her relationship with her sister.