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Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Mar 3rd, '17, 00:19
by Rococo
Okay so hear me out
This is not as much guilty pleasure as diverse tastes.
We probably all have it, that one or two movies that most of the world agrees are bad, or just unimpressive, that you love the heck out of.

For me it's Don Bluth's Anastasia and Disney's Treasure Planet
I don't even feel guilty for it, I love those two animated movies to death

(And I have lost count of how many times I have re-watched them)

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Mar 19th, '17, 05:11
by Khalessii
I have seen Anastasia and Treasure Planet.. I personally like the soundtrack in Anastasia's Once upon a december
It's like a closure to the mystery of princess anastasia's disappearance because no one up to this date has found out or least can surely confirmed that she died young or got lost and have amnesia like the conclusion they gave on the cartoon or she's alive and died of old age and just refused to show herself in the public's eye because of all the trauma she had suffered.. we can never tell which..
I also liked disney's Swan Princess

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Mar 21st, '17, 06:50
by -Leo-
There are few, since my taste is overall so different from most people's anyway.
Not without my daughter comes to my mind as one of the last ones I've seen and even own. Good movie.

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Apr 19th, '17, 20:59
by PastelWitch
Oh I love Anastasia and Treasure Planet! They're such good films.

I think my choice for this topic will have to be... The Road to El Dorado It always makes me laugh and I love the characters, they have so much personality. It's also animated, by Disney I think, but it's one of the lesser known ones since it's not a 'Princess' film.

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Apr 20th, '17, 01:18
by ashabellanar
That movie is hella good. If it's unconsidered unpopular I am out. Out of the human race.

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Apr 23rd, '17, 02:44
by Hamda
So guilty pleasure just without the guilt part. :mclaugh:

For me it's a few movies actually, I know their not good ones but I love them and don't care what people think.

Swan princess (I heard people call this genre Diet Disney/Disney light, Don Bluth's Anastasia is supposedly the same category) I've loved it since I was kid and still do even though I can see it's flaws as an adult.

Into the woods, I must have seen this one 5 times last year! it's has... issues.... alot of issues, infact I often skip Depps part but I love it!

The nightmare before Christmas. I see alot of merch. for this one but I was a kid when it came it and it wasn't popular back then, infact I was the only one that went crazy for it and just HAD to have it on every year for Halloween. I showed it to my niece and nephew recently and they were not impressed, I think it's aged rather well though.

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: May 13th, '17, 16:41
by Corlainey
I really love The Wild Hunt and Circle. I would really recommend checking them out. (Not the new movie Circle there is a different one)

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: May 25th, '17, 05:04
by ashabellanar
OMG. I loved The Wild Hunt.
High five.

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Jun 16th, '17, 00:57
by Merrymaking
How is Anastasia even a guilty pleasure :mcargh:

I think my favourite 'bad movie' is Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. I really love the hell out of it, it makes me die with laughter every time, but all around me I hear people who think it's really lame humour. Personally I think they just don't have a sense of humour themselves, but hey, I won't judge. :mccute:

Re: Favorite Unpopular Movie?

Posted: Oct 20th, '17, 05:40
by Fox Constantine13
Hm, I know a lot of people think it's corny but I really loved The Stepford Wives (2004) and Fright Night (1985 not the remake). Because a love of all things Bette Middler and Evil Ed's character were the first of many hints that I should get comfortable being out of step with the majority. :mcheh: