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Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 12th, '17, 17:36
by Moi

If you can't tell, I enjoy matching clothes.
I try hard to make nice avatars on every site I'm on.
Sometimes I will throw random things together because it looks good to me.

I'm not so good at doing that in real life.
Most of my clothes are black, so I don't have to try hard.
But when I do have colorful clothes, I have issues matching anything.
And I also only have a few pairs of shoes.
I'm currently wearing a teal top and black pants with pink sheep on them and brown flip flops xD;

Do you like matching clothes or matching things in general?

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 12th, '17, 18:14
by Kitalpha Hart
I was gonna say, it's time for a clutterfuck Avi


Re: Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 14:18
by Reht
I love matching colours too c:
I always try to balance colour on my avatars

In real life I don't get as much oportunity to, just because I don't have much money for clothes, so generally if it fits and I like it (and it's not too expensive) I buy it, not really thinking too hard about if it'll match any of my accessories xP

I do have a watch that matches my hair though P:
(I dye my hair a greenish blue)

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 16:21
by ArmyAunt
Yep, I like to be color-coordinated. Most of the time it's fairly easy because I usually either wear jeans and a top or black slacks and a top.

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 20:02
by Sanssouci
I do like to match.

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 22:43
by Fire
I love matching avis. I will pick a color scheme, head to the DAC, and go from there.
But in real life? I can't be bothered.
I'm terrible at making outfits. :mcdead: My fashion sense is pretty terrible.

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 23:03
by Zupprika
I'm more of a "let's see what clothes I grab first" in real life ;x

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: Apr 16th, '17, 15:50
by Poshi
I like it when my avatar adheres to a colour scheme and also if it's uniform all the way through c:

Irl I'm like that too. I won't say I have an extensive wardrobe, but I do have a hefty amount of clothing and jewellery. I wear a lot of neutral and warm tones. I think currently my wardrobe is dominated by creams, camels, turtlenecks and the occasionally jade green and cobalt blue. Most of my shoes are black or black with gold metal. I own black ankle boots, flat thigh highs, heeled thigh highs, black sneakers, flip flops, wedges etc 8U I've got almost every style of shoe I can wear in black. I also have a universal black and gold Ted Baker hand bag so it's really easy to co-ordinate with my plethora of black x gold shoes.

I usually make an outfit about a particular item I wish to wear whether it be my leaf green riding pants or my bright orange turtleneck or my camel plaid fuzzy skirt >_>; Black is my filler colour. I rarely wear white and sometimes if I'm really neutral I'll add some accessories like gold dangle earings or some opal/garnet/moonstone rings.

I however, never match my PJs xD Hey man, if I'm inside my house I can be a hot mess if I want to be. I'm currently in a plum turtleneck, a grey puffy vest, some betty boop pj pants in white/black, pink fluffy socks and some heart slippers.

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: May 15th, '17, 03:59
by light_sucks
On here I'm generally really good at getting a matchy matchy avatar.
In real life not so much. I thankfully have mostly black clothes. But I do have some pops of color and some of those colors do not go together at all. lol. Like I will have maroon pants and a blue shirt. Not great. lol.

Re: Matching Attire

Posted: May 15th, '17, 04:03
by Lycanthus
i have the most standard taste in clothing. i like simple things that are comfortable.

i mean, i'd totally be more fashionable if i had the money, but at the same time even when i do buy expensive/nice clothing, i've learned that i rarely have a reason to wear them since my daily life consists of errands to the store and evening college classes. nothing i need to look good for. plus, i love being comfortable above all else, so basically my only stipulations for clothing are: 1) it doesn't look stupid, and 2) it's comfortable.

i think i'm pretty good at coming up with outfits, but i never really... have a reason to do so.