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Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Jan 31st, '20, 12:32
by Tinker Bell
This med has a bunch of ugly side effects. And people die from the flu without it too... It's unfortunate, but there isn't anything anyone could have done

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Feb 9th, '20, 11:51
by chuunibyou
i wish there was some better drug for it. tbh the number of deaths from flu this season in the US is so alarming, i really think they should set about trying to come up with a better medicine, or idk do SOMETHING to lessen the mortality rate from flu. like i think they should worry about it more than they're worrying about the coronavirus. the number of deaths from coronavirus is nowhere near close.

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Feb 10th, '20, 02:35
by Tinker Bell
It's our system. People can't afford to take days off work. Or they use it when their children get sick and go when they're sick...

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Feb 10th, '20, 13:34
by chuunibyou
that is so messed up :mcargh: i've also heard terrible things about the healthcare system. like, it's not affordable, and medicines aren't either because insurance companies have tie-ups with specific drug companies... i'm not surprised people are dying if that's how it is. i've heard of people not wanting to call 911 after an accident or telling people not to call 911 if they have a seizure, all because the medical bill just from calling the ambulance and hospitalizing them would be such a huge bill to foot. they'd go into debt from just one ambulance call.

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Feb 11th, '20, 21:01
by Tinker Bell
It's awful. I tell everyone in my area that if they need an ambulance, to always use their volunteer ambulance instead of the contracted one because it's cheaper. I haven't gone to the doctor in over a year because I can't afford it. I haven't gone to a dentist either. That will change when I get on my company's health insurance next month. But right now, I'm paying about $300 a month for health insurance and I have to pay everything but preventative care until I pay $8000. I haven't used any of it...

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Mar 2nd, '20, 16:10
by chuunibyou

i really think they have to overhaul the whole healthcare system anyway but ESPECIALLY now that there's a dangerous virus spreading? like,,, i know there's an idiot sitting in the president's seat right now but STILL like what is everyone DOING

it sucks that you have to pay so much... what about medical tourism? do americans go abroad a lot for healthcare, since it's cheaper and also good quality abroad? that is expensive in itself tho (the travel and everything) and also it sucks cause you need medical care close to home!! and you can't travel abroad for emergencies or for minor but nevertheless necessary doctor's visits/procedures

also found out the coronavirus has reached my home state, it was detected in one person from my home state. //sighhhh

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Mar 4th, '20, 00:34
by Tinker Bell
I haven't heard about anyone really going international unless it was a rare thing they had. And yeah, coronavirus made it here too. About 2 hours away from where I live...

I'm glad you survived midterms.

And definitely an idiot as president. I like to call him an oompah loompa...

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Dec 21st, '20, 03:43
by Tinker Bell
Hey!! It's been awhile. How are things with you? How is the pandemic there? We've spiked again here because people don't care as much anymore, which is awful...

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Jan 21st, '21, 12:22
by chuunibyou
Hi! Omg the pandemic has been awful! But not as awful as in the U.S.- I hope you've been safe and that your precious people have been safe too! My family's been sitting here getting scandalised by the U.S every time we watched the international news, but you have a new president now who's at least better than the Orange Cheeto- how is it in general though? Are people out and about and protesting the mask mandate or are they a little more sensible where you live?

My grandfather (who lived with us) died during the lockdown, not due to corona though. And I'm graduating from home, which is going to be weird. Also had some struggles with mental health which I think many people did during the pandemic, and I've figured out things which help me. How have you been?

Re: Neverland {Private}

Posted: Jan 27th, '21, 21:21
by Tinker Bell
The new president is definitely a blessing. My area is a little better (nys and the governor is doing stuff about it). They started rolling out the vaccine (not with any plans or anything) but I've got an appointment in about a month for the first dose. Had a shutdown at work because of it and within the last month about 10 cases. I didn't get it and no one got it bad.

I'm sorry about your grandpa, but I'm glad you're finding ways to overcome your struggles!