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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 16:43    


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Hmmm, that's pricey.
I don't know. Do you mind if I sit on this?
I may need my FPs if I happen to find a seller who offers the Viserys Hair.
I don't mean you to hold it, if you find another buyer go ahead and sell it :mccute:

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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 18:27    


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I don't mind, not like anyone has offered on them since I put them up lol.

I would probably sell them less than what the going rate is whatever that is.

I know you didn't say anything, but I would trade them for one of your Lady Antoinette sets, or if you aren't interested in trading, I'll hop over to your thread to buy them lol.

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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 18:38    


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Not sure about that trade.
I would rather sell them for FCs (so I can buy new shiny TT sets) or for some of the sets in my buying lists.

Queen items are hardly a priority for me, I simply saw yours and thought that if they were affordable I could grab something while I wait for my huge buying list to vanish :mclaugh:

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 18:47    


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No problem. I understand. I can probably spare an FC or two, but I feel like those older sets are worth more than that lol! And it's funny, as soon as I get a giant hoard of FP no one wants those, they want FC because those still have value lol. I need to donate again, but skipping this month for any online/donating cuz I went into cross stitch hell and bought some new accessories for it. (even tho I said I don't need any because what I currently have works fine)

LOL my wishlist has barely dwindled in the past few years. If you still want them, I'll put them on hold for you.

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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 18:52    


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I sold one of those sets for 3 FCs, seemed a fair offer to me.
I guess I'll be asking the same for the rest of sets.

Yeah, donating is often a bit complicated.
I donated last month, I'm not so sure about this one...

Nah, don't hold, it's hardly a priority for me.
If I change my mind I'll be back and offer again. I'm currently in a forum-stalker mode :mclaugh:

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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 19:35    


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I see. If the next time I donate and you still have sets available, I might just snag one. but who knows when that will be lol.

I got too many sites I'm active one so I have to rotate unless I do small donations, but I like to do the larger amounts because you get more for the amount. I'm a sucker like that. (plus I stick within a dollar amount a month because I get myself in trouble if I don't)

Okay lol. They will probably still be here.

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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 20:45    


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I'm probably gonna rotate my sales quite often, just for the sake of exposure and for setting sales in an organized manner. I hardly remember what I own :mcheh:
But if I don't have it listed there anymore, feel free to ask me anyway.

I've never been active on other places, so it's always been quite easy to focus on this one.
Still trying not to spend too much, because I'm the kind of person who overdoes everything...

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A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 22:43    


Joined: Jan 21st, '09, 03:10
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That's a good idea. I'll just stalk your thread if I see it changed. lol. I have way too many items I know I'll never get on my wishlist lol.

Yeeaaaaahhh I spent waaaaay too much on a mobile game that never actually linked to my google account and I lost so much. I learned my lesson the hard way. Plus it's so easy to spend money on microtransactions. That's why those exist. I like donating to sites like these cuz I don't want them to disappear.

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 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 17th, '21, 22:47    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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I don't use much the wishlist. I would like it better if the image were larger. And if there were a "add all to wishlist" button.
I started adding this Viserys Hair to my wishlist one at a time, but at a certain point I got lost and gave up. I removed the ones I had already added and be done with it.

I try to avoid mobile games.
I always end up addicted, checking them at all times and not focusing on important stuff.
So I play for a while, I notice I'm playing too much, I freak out and delete them.

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [B] Wishlist Items with FP / [S/T] Two Queen items
Posted: Aug 18th, '21, 15:06    


Joined: Jan 21st, '09, 03:10
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I sat there once and just spent hours adding everything from the dream avatar creator that I wanted to my wishlist lol.

I only have one I'm really playing now and I go through spurts where I want to be one there all the time (like the have puzzle/game events) to being on there once or twice a day. It's a farming game too looool. So I either play it casually or all the time. Sometimes it suckers me into spending more than I should because $1 here and there don't seem like a lot, but it adds up. Well, I only spend $10 on mobile games so not a lot unless I forget to count (it's only at $10 because I do pokemon go too and I don't mind spending the money on coins to get incubators lol)

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