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Age and Skill

Posted: Jun 2nd, '17, 01:08
by Moi

I sometimes feel bad when I see an artist with better skill than me and they're younger than me.
I've seen 16 year olds with way better art and I feel inferior because I'm older and they're younger.

I don't think badly of anyone except myself.
Like I should be more advanced with my age.
And I know it doesn't matter overall.
Everyone starts at different times and improve differently.
But I still inferior at times.

Re: Age and Skill

Posted: Jul 25th, '17, 16:33
by Ririenne
It's the same for the performing industry. I started late at 15, I'll feel proud that I just did two turns and then a four year old comes in and does twenty. I can just about do the splits and a kid comes in and over extends and everyone's just standing there like :mcargh: :mcargh:

But hey, if they work for it they deserve it so kudos to them.

Re: Age and Skill

Posted: Jul 31st, '17, 05:32
by Death Candy
Same here. I wish my skills matched my age. XD

Re: Age and Skill

Posted: Jul 31st, '17, 20:30
by Stuart Pot
I feel a bit worse when I see younger ppl with a better art skill.
Then I think I wasted my time to not work hard enough on my own drawings and improve my skills.
Actually I would wish to be 10 years younger with the skills I've yet x'DD

Re: Age and Skill

Posted: Aug 1st, '17, 07:28
by SaltPoisson
They say you should only compare yourself to yourself. In other words, don't worry about what others do. Just worry about whether you've improved and how much rather than how better or worse you are compared to others.

Re: Age and Skill

Posted: Aug 11th, '17, 11:16
by Limikkin
You totally don't need to feel bad.
One of our professors told us there was this kid in his school class that was way better than him. He could replicate a photo nearly 1:1. But he was never able to do anything than copy. And he didn't improve at all.

And my prof is teaching at an art school now and drawing comics. So, it is not about what you are able to do at a special age, but what you make of it.

Re: Age and Skill

Posted: Aug 12th, '17, 22:17
by Afanasei
i don't feel bad about it because i know they must have worked insanely hard to get so good. and anyway, age is meaningless as a marker of skill, because some people have better teachers, resources, they might learn faster, they might have people helping them... it's all a combination of luck and persistence.

Re: Age and Skill

Posted: Dec 19th, '17, 02:02
by February
For me I feel guilty, because I think 'if I was more consistent in drawing, there wouldn't be any disparity'.
But some people just advance at different rates, some people have more favourable circumstances/opportunity to work on their art...
Or so I say to myself. :mcheh: