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Archie Sonic Comics

Posted: Jul 31st, '17, 05:29
by Death Candy
I stopped getting them, but I liked hearing about what was going on online. Now Archie and SEGA's Sonic the hedgehog comics contract has been terminated. ): Now all the cool new characters are going to be gone.

However IDW comics has a contract with SEGA to do a Sonic comic. I don't think it'll pick up where Archie left off, but hopefully it'll have some good stories.

20 years! Archie had done Sonic for 20 years and now it's gone! I am so bummed out. There better not be any dumb crossovers like a Sonic and My Little Pony.

Anyone else bummed out? Do you like the idea of IDW comics getting the contract? Do you think they'll do a good job?

Re: Archie Sonic Comics

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 09:40
by Gwendolyn Quincy
Who Has Megaman now? I thought the Sonic Megaman crosses where fun. I never got to read the second one sadly.