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Unable to trade a knuffel

Posted: Aug 2nd, '17, 11:37
by memoriam
So I tried trading a knuffel between my accounts, but this one just won't be added in to the trade. I can add any other knuffel in the trade except this one. When I click it, nothing happens. (Or if I slide the site slightly down and click the knuff, the site will just hop up as if I clicked the Home key).
It's not something urgent, just thought I'd report it, since it didn't go away on it's own (silly of me to think it may, I know, but I just don't want to make any trouble :qoops: )

Re: Unable to trade a knuffel

Posted: Aug 3rd, '17, 05:33
by Carrot Cake
I dont know this for sure but do you have something equipped in its room? That might prevent the trade until you remove all room items?

I know something like this happens with trading items you are wearing on your avatar :mcsweat:

It would also help if you link the knuffel so Firn and Starkad knows which one to look into otherwise :mcsweat:

Re: Unable to trade a knuffel

Posted: Aug 3rd, '17, 08:42
by Firn
That shouldn't be the reason, because Knuffel trading is built in a way that all items equipped to the room should simply return to the owner's wardrobe.

I am not sure what the problem here is. I thought maybe it had something to do with the number in the Knuffel's type name, but I just traded a Halloween Knuffel 2014 between my mule without any trouble.

Starkad will look into this, but it might be one of the errors which are hard to figure out, as it can't be reproduced with another Knuffel of the same type, so this might be tricky.

Re: Unable to trade a knuffel

Posted: Aug 3rd, '17, 09:11
by memoriam
@Carrot Cake: I did link the knuff :mclaugh:

@Firn: Thank you for your reply. Take your time with solving this, as I said, it's not something urgent :mchappy:

Re: Unable to trade a knuffel

Posted: Aug 3rd, '17, 18:22
by starkad
I think it should be fixed now, it's about the apostrophe in the name.
Thx for reporting, have fun!

Re: Unable to trade a knuffel

Posted: Aug 3rd, '17, 21:45
by memoriam
I knew that name would bite me in the backside someday :mcargh: It's fixed now, thank you so much! You're quick! :mclaugh: