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Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 20:20
by Nympharia

Hello everyone!

The Treasure Trove is offering two new sets:



You can find them in the Treasure Trove:


These sets are time-limited and will stay in the Treasure Trove till
October 28th

For more information about how to obtain Image please go here.

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Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 20:30
by Bononn
alriiight.time for feedback from the most hated user here: me lol

The Bat Momma set, i didnt really expect this,even though i secretly hoped.Is there a hope for us getting a MT Set in original colors?
Since i really like the hair!
Still not sure about how much i can use this but the Eyes are lovely!!!!*-* :qh:
i will definally get for them!

As for the wings i like them,not sure about the ears,since i probably wont use them^^' But might use the wings.

Denim as base is a great choice! not so sure about the reddish within the denim to be honest..Looks good in total, but still not sure..I guess i will let it work on me a while longer?

:qh: Ecru WITH blush? is this blush?! I LOVE IT! really great combination! :qh:

Lilac: matches well,not my fav color would the combination is good.

As for Magenta..well kinda unsure.Matches with coffee or course but..Hn..just not sure

Lets get to the Astrid set:
thanks for the recolors,i love it*-* Really hoped i could get my hands on more of those,since i missed the first ones T_T
Jade Green: i love it*-* :qh:
Beige: PERFECT! there isnt anything else i could say for this one!
Soft my style.i mean the color along with the items arent to my liking in this combi.I prefer pale or brighter colors for those sets but well.
Scarlet is great i need more of this color!

So in total i am really happy with the astrid sets*-* and the bat momma is something really nice*-* thanks

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 20:34
by LittleJulez
Thanks, looks nice!

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 20:36
by Sonnentau
I like the bat momma set
my favorite item are the eyes and i like the set in denim

i think that color in the wings is rose gold O.o

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 20:42
by Bononn
Sing along Songs wrote:I like the bat momma set
my favorite item are the eyes and i like the set in denim

i think that color in the wings is rose gold O.o
sadly there is nothing in the DAC but if you check out the colors there, and take a look at the bigger picture,its definally blush!*-*
(you can look it up once they're available there ^^just wait a bit)

Rosegold would be more "dirtier" and pale than this^^
Its,except of the hair in the CCrew the first blush item!*-* i am waiting for this color*-* It has the same shades as the blush hyades set,if you check them up close,and next to each other its easier to see ^^

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 20:43
by Lily White
Bat momma - omfg so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 22:08
by Poshi
Initial impression is I love the bat momma set. I really enjoy the NPC sets. I think any set with both eyes and hair would do well. I probably will use the ears. I'm actually a fan of most body parts but I have a lot of wing shaped ones so often they get lost in my selection. You've got my staple colours ecru and lilac so I'll be purchasing those at some point.

As for the astrid set, I purchased the original but never got the items to work for me so I'll pass this time.

Thanks for the new sets. Updates are always exciting.

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 22:11
by Haze
Bat momma looks so good, and for Astrid wasn't a big fan but the colors are nice!

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 22:19
by Eva
Not sure what the purpose of saying you're the most hated user is... and then going through every single item and sharing your own personal likes and dislikes and would wear and wouldn't wears is... without really giving much critique at all.
Nor is there ever really a benefit to blatant "I love this" feedback, even if it's true XD so I won't do that.

So I will share as well... Firn has never really had trouble with making great color pairings imo.
But I have never really cared for that hair extension, I don't think it goes with a majority of hairs on the site/sits too high up on the head.
I'm also not sure what's up with that bat hair, is it wavy, is it straight? It looks like it has a mind of it's own.
We have a bunch of "bat" wings but having them in "prettier" colors I suppose is nice.
The rest of the items are fairly unique and nice to have, so thank you.

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Aug 8th, '17, 22:40
by Bononn
Eva wrote:Not sure what the purpose of saying you're the most hated user is... and then going through every single item and sharing your own personal likes and dislikes and would wear and wouldn't wears is... without really giving much critique at all.
Nor is there ever really a benefit to blatant "I love this" feedback, even if it's true XD so I won't do that.

So I will share as well... Firn has never really had trouble with making great color pairings imo.
But I have never really cared for that hair extension, I don't think it goes with a majority of hairs on the site/sits too high up on the head.
I'm also not sure what's up with that bat hair, is it wavy, is it straight? It looks like it has a mind of it's own.
We have a bunch of "bat" wings but having them in "prettier" colors I suppose is nice.
The rest of the items are fairly unique and nice to have, so thank you.
The first thing, is more like a wordgame, because usually you only read from me that i dont like much things XD
"I dont like i dont like i dont like" thats what you usually see from me XD

So this time i thought i'll let her know that i really like the new items and i mentoined those color things to give her a clear feedback about the color choices,since we (another thread) discuss about new color combinations and colors that we wanna see more(and colors that got negleted the last years).
So i put that all into one post XD By reding this you see,ok Bon isnt always hating everything,and she states what colors she likes,in hope we get more of those.
If no one gives color feedback we end up the same as we did now: too many of 2 or 3 colors and all others get ignored..We clearly have some colors that are much more common than others for TT sets the last 3 years..
And some that never got chosen in that time..

Also i said " i wont use" to make a statement like:
i like the item,but i personal have no use for those.
This doesnt mean the items itself are bad, the bat ears for example are really lovely to begin with, but i am not using bat ears (dont use the older ones from halloween,i wont use those i think)..but they're still nice! ^^
Thats what i was trying to say with it.