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New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 15:31
by Firn

Hello everyone,
starting now we have something new for you: Donation perks.

Until now, only users who donated the equivalent amount for 20 Fairy Coins within a month were rewarded with a montly limited item, the Queen's Gift.
After some suggestions from our lovely users we have decided to reward smaller donations with additional items too.

Starting now, we are giving out different donation perks to users who donate for 5, 10, 15 and 20 :fc: within a month. The items change every month and we have added a donation perk overwiv page here, where you can see each month's donation perks.
You can find the link to this page from the "Donation" link in our menu bar. The current items are for the month of October 2017. (If you planned on donating today and still hoped to get September's Queen gift - The Royal Wedding Dress (Gold), please drop me a PM, otherwise you will get next month's items already.)

You do not need to donate the sum at once (but within the same month) to qualify for the perks, but we strongly encourage users to do so, as we have to pay additional fees for each single PayPal transaction, so the more you split up your donation within a month, the less of the money reaches us and Kingdom Of Knuffel strongly relies on donations to exist.

For our monthly posting contest, the 5 winners will be rewarded with the item you can only get by donationg for 20 :fc: each month, just like it was with the Queen's Gift before. (You do not get all 4 items like you would through donating)

Since this is all new and donation perks have to be given out manually by me, I have yet to find the best way to keep track and organize all donations so I don't miss someone. If you donated enough to qualify for a donation perk item, but do not get your item(s) within 24 hours, please do not hesitate to PM me, so I can take care of it and make sure you have not been overlooked.

As always, we are very thankful to everyone who donates. Always remember that you are not only donating to obtain "some virtual item", but to keep this site and experience alive. Thank you!

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 15:41
by Lliikkiittaa
Thanks Firn.

It is always a good idea to receive "something" by donating.

Until now, just GotQ for 20 :fc:.

From now onwards little donatins will receive some items.

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 15:42
by Moi

That sounds pretty awesome 8u
Especially with the top 5 posters getting stuff.

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 16:45
by Sonnentau
i really hope this change brings more donations ^^

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 17:11
by TrickyLA
Thank you for the update! I'm excited to see the different perks in the coming months! c:

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 17:36
by Serra Britt
I think this is a lovely idea. Maybe some people who can donate smaller amounts than 20 FC will be more willing to do so now that they will also get something :)

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 18:26
by Eva
This is really amazing firn, thank you! I loved the gift of the queens, but this adds some variety. And while I know getting the FC is all well and good, these little perks are so nice, thank you for all your hard work!

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 19:02
by witch77
woah, that's generous! thank you! :qh: :qh: :qh:

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 19:13
by memoriam
Wow, so soon! This is so awesome, I really hope it will encourage more of the small donations :mcglee:

Question: Does this mean the GotQ will no longer be exclusively in Gold? And will they be completely new items, and not just recolors of other items from now on?

Also, does it mean October's top 5 posters will get the Queen's Qing Hair or is it possible to ask for another item from the donation perks list?

I feel like I've asked some stupid questions but whatevs :mcmeh:

Glad to see this implemented already, thank you so much! :qh:

Re: New: Donation perks

Posted: Sep 30th, '17, 20:02
by Carrot Cake
Ohh I am very happy that this was implemented so fast! Thank you so much for listening to our suggestions :qh:

I will look forward to donating whenever I have something to spare :qlov: