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 Post subject: Lost Books Thread
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 02:04    


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Lost Books Thread

This thread is to help people find books that they have forgotten the name and author of. Hopefully, with each others help we will be able to find those beloved stories that we may only remember vaguely.

Please post as much as you can remember about the main characters or plot.


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 Post subject: Re: Lost books thread
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 02:05    


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Found Books!

All of the lost books that have been found and who to thank for finding them!

Nin: The Singer of all Songs | Chanters of Tremaris :qstar: Found by Saloiq!
Shadami: Gone-Away Lake | Return to Gone-Away :qstar: Found by Saloiq!
pyrakitt: Majyk by Accident :qstar: Found by Saloiq!

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 Post subject: Re: Lost books thread
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 02:06    


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 Post subject: Re: Lost books thread
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 02:08    


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 Post subject: Re: Lost books thread
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 02:09    


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 Post subject: Re: Lost books thread
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 02:11    


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 Post subject: Re: Lost books thread
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 02:12    


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I have been trying to remember a book I read when I was in middle school, I really enjoyed it. This is what I remember;
It was about a girl who lived in a sort of coven/city of some kind. I specifically remember her hair was in "plaits" because I didn't know what a plait was. I think she also was in charge of taking care of the bees in her coven.
The main plot was the girl has ice powers(as did the rest of the bunch there), I think, and she goes outside of the walls for some reason, and it is about her adventures all over the land.
There were people with other powers I believe and she /may/ start to develop more (I don't remember exactly)

This book was a trilogy, I read the first and second but my library did not have the third so I never read it. I hope this is enough to go on that someone will recognize it. I remember loving the book so much and I would really like to find it again.

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 Post subject: Re: Lost Books Thread
Posted: Oct 31st, '14, 01:18    


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I got you! hell yeaah. :mccool:

The Singer of All Songs
Excerpt from a Booklist review: Cloistered behind a wall of ice, Calwyn is a novice priestess in one of the last remaining realms to practice its ancient chantment: ice-call, the ability to control all things cold.
When I read "in charge of taking care of the bees", I knew this was the book right away. How many fantasy books start off with a girl taking care of bees? :D

The series' name is the Chanters of Tremaris, the 2nd book is The Waterless Sea, and the final book is The Tenth Power.

I read this trilogy in high school and thought it was pretty awesome. (At least the first 2 books were - even though I read the last book, for some reason I can't remember what I thought of it. D: Hopefully it's good!)

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 Post subject: Re: Lost Books Thread
Posted: Oct 31st, '14, 01:50    


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By the way, http://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue might be a good place to check out for anyone else in this predicament with a movie/video/game (and books, if we've failed you ;_;)

And I'm looking for a book too! This is probably going to be a hard one because it wasn't a very good book...

-It was a fantasy anthology.
-As mentioned above, the stories in it were not the best.
-Here's the story that I'm looking for the book for:
Main character: A boy who has a crippled leg, and who has an older brother who is physically fit. The older brother bullies him a bit, but the rest of the family ignores it. The main character observes/narrates the mom defending him half-heartedly.
Setting: The family lives in a town that at first, sounds like a fishing town (or just a town centered around a specific industry, like a coal town, but it had a harbor, so). As the story progresses, you learn that the town's business is actually cutting apart giants that are flown to them by helicopters, and then packaging them to be sold. Like in whaling.
• The family is very close to running out of food, because the town hasn't had any business in a while.
• The bell rings, the signal of a giant coming in, and everyone rushes to the job center. Giants are dropped off at the harbor/docks.
• This time, even the main character gets a job, because there's so much to do. He is a counter/guy who keeps the rhythm.
• The giant is described, giving you a very strong impression that it is human. Its brain and nerves and meat, and a substance that is either hinted at as or straight out called testosterone are harvested. All the parts of the giant can go to some use.
---the smell of ozone is mentioned
• All the workers, mainly men, tie the giant down.
• The workers are cutting away when the people working on the brain see some sparks between the neurons, and then the giant stands up.
• Everyone panics because this giant is really giant, and if it falls in the town's direction, the town is doomed. The main character wishes for a second that the giant would fall on the town.
• The giant falls back down, not on the town, and everyone gets back to work, relieved they're not dead.
• At the end of the day, the main character drinks with all the other men.
-Another story that was in this anthology, in case it jogs anyone's memory:
There are two beautiful sisters, and there's a man who wants to date them. He's a magician who is very confident in himself, and he does something (can't remember what) that makes him believe that now one of the two sisters will marry him. The sisters think nothing of him/he isn't memorable, and they throw a party. Some stuff happens, and at the end with the two sisters going into some trap of a alternate world/place that the magician has set up. They're riding on a carousel in this world, and the trap activates - it freezes them slowly. The last scene is of the magician walking with a female magician.
---I remember this story was creepy because when the sisters froze, there was a definite mention of their lady bits freezing. Not by using the word 'vagina', maybe phrased as "they froze from where they touching the horses" or something. x(

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 Post subject: Re: Lost Books Thread
Posted: Oct 31st, '14, 05:30    


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Alright, it'll be interesting if someone can actually find this book. I read it in high school where it was at my local library. I've since tried to find it again but it was no longer there and now I don't think I remember the name correctly.

But here's the plot: The entire book is set in a fantasy world that's a slight turn on what you normally expect. In a Piers Anthony sort of way. The book follows the main character who I believe was named Rat Smasher, since his job was smacking rats in the kitchen of a castle. Then one day a portal opens up and a house cat walks through.

This is a huge deal because in a world where Unicorns are average and magic is everywhere the house cat is a mythical creature. This one in particular is a tom that belonged to a writer living in NYC. The cat can now talk and stays with the boy on his adventures.

I remember a few snippets from different parts of the story. Such as when they were trying to describe how the world works to the cat.
"So what you're telling me is that Glinda and Tinker Bell got blitzed one night on too many pixie dust shooters and shot the planet?" is a paraphrase of one part of the conversation. The cat can't take the level of weird he's hearing and covers his ears yowling while exclaiming, "For the love of Stephen Hawking!"

The only other character I remember is that there is a barbarian that joins the party at some point.

OH and their magic system is different. It's chopped into majick which is the actual energy and magic which is the ability to manipulate it. I believe the title had something to do with Majick but am not sure.

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