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fairy points eaten?

Posted: Jun 17th, '18, 22:31
by Kitalpha Hart
I had three, donated for ten more last night
I'm now at ten
Is my display wrong or did I lose three fp somewhere?

Re: fairy points eaten?

Posted: Jun 18th, '18, 08:54
by Firn
You had three and donated for 7 last night, not 10. :mcheh:
I think the confusion comes from the fact that you probably wanted to donate in €, but donated in $ instead, so 19$ and not 19€. (We are not even sure how that worked as the donation system should not let you donate amounts that don't fully add up to Fairy Coins. So that should not be posible and also has never happened before). 19€ would be 10 Fairy Coins, but 19$ are 7,6 Fairy Coins and since we don't round numbers that's 7 Fairy Coins.

Re: fairy points eaten?

Posted: Jun 19th, '18, 05:22
by Kitalpha Hart
When I donate, I specifically list ten points and have PayPal convert the currency on my end
Have since I found that donating in dollars means more fees on your end
So yes, I should be at thirteen
Now I wonder if that's PayPal messing up or something else somewhere

Re: fairy points eaten?

Posted: Jun 19th, '18, 09:03
by Firn
Please check your PayPal account. All the information about how much money was taken from your account can be found there.
19 US$ were transferred to us, not 19€.
I am sorry about this, but this is not something that happened on our end and probably a PayPal issue that is out of our control. You should not be able to donate odd numbers for Fairy Coins and as said, this has never happpened before. Starkad looked into it already and says he has no idea how that could have happened from our side. We have not changed anything on our end. I know Paypal is currently undergoing some changes, but I am not sure it has anything to do with that.

I can reverse the transaction and refund you all the money of the transaction and remove the Fairy Coins /queen gift from your accont again if this is what you want.

Re: fairy points eaten?

Posted: Jun 19th, '18, 11:53
by Kitalpha Hart
I'll keep the FP, I intended to donate as it was
Hopefully it won't happen again, to anyone

Re: fairy points eaten?

Posted: Jun 20th, '18, 09:01
by Firn
Argh! It seems to be a new issue with PayPal. Today we got a donation in British pounds. :mcshock:

Re: fairy points eaten?

Posted: Jun 24th, '18, 14:08
by starkad
For a few days we had a strange issue where the paypal donation pages would change currency during the process, and some users who didn't notice ended up donating the amount not in the currency they'd checked but their own, leading to all sorts of confusion, especially with our Fairy Coin handout system.

Since yesterday this problem seems to have gone away... I'm assuming the people at paypal somehow created this glitch and have fixed it now quietly. I'm hoping this issue is settled.

Please keep your eyes open during the donation process if the currency displayed on the checkout screen in your paypal account is the same you selected when initializing the donation process, and let me know if this problem occurs again.

Have fun!