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 Post subject: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 02:21    


Joined: Nov 20th, '18, 01:50
Posts: 33
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Hi there~ :qsml:

I'm trying to make my way back into the avatar site scene, something that I've pretty much neglected for the past five or six years. Though as it turned out, the sites I used to frequent when I was younger have either disappeared off the face of the internet or are pretty much dead. After a little browse I found this site mentioned somewhere and vaguely remembered being here before (though I don't ever think I was properly active here for whatever reason), so thought I'd take a little peak to see what was what. I'm pretty impressed with everything so far, it still seems pretty active from what I can see in the forums and the whole site is just really cute in general. Although at the same time I'm also a little lost with all the new features that this site has to offer. I'm sure with a little fumbling around I'll get to grips with things soon though :qstar:

Though at the same time, any helpful tips or advice would also be greatly appreciated :qhehe:

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all as I make my way through the site though! :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 02:59    

Akili Li

Joined: Nov 24th, '15, 22:02
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Hello and welcome (again). There are definitely a lot of aspects to the site!

Since you seem most interested in avatar stuff, I recommend checking out the DAC (= Dream Avatar Creator; you can find it from the drop-down menu in "avatar" section on the top menu, or also there's a link to it from your wardrobe) and seeing what all there is. There's been a lot!
Then I recommend heading over to some of the charity threads for help getting started with some avatar items.

After that, you can get some :food: (basic non-donation site currency) by going through old forum posts and participating in any open polls you see, by posting here and there in various chat threads, and by submitting a score from the Memory game (you can submit a score once a day for :food: . The amount you get depends upon what your score was; it maxes at 1k :food: for a 10k or 10k+ score. That seems like a lot, but you'll notice that if you match pairs in a row it will double and redouble the points you get for the match. So if you aren't gong to make the 10k by the 10th level (which is the last level of the Memory game), then I recommend grabbing a notebook and writing down what is where, and then matching all the pairs at once.)
I'm sure the "Whack-a-wuffel" game would help, too, but my computer doesn't do well with that game so I've never been able to get very far with it to see.

Let's see, what all else?
Knuffel can find :food: when they are digging in Candy Island as a rare chance if they would not find anything else (so if you max a knuffel's digging score to 109 in fire and dig in fire, they will 100% of the time bring you back a quest material -or one of the year's limited digging items- but not food. If you dig with that same knuffel in darkness area, where they only have 1 stat point, they'll mostly bring back nothing but sometimes bring you food).
Many people max out the elemental score because everything over 100 gives you an extra chance at the rarer items.

Regular elemental knuffel from Knufftropolis also give you 1k :food: each time they level up to a multiple of 10. (so at level 10, 20, etc, up to lvl 100).

Wild knuffel, made and submitted by site users, don't give you food at those levels, but will give you a random avatar item from the Wild Knuffel item possibilities. It's random and not related to what kind of wild knuffel you got.


But if you're good at art, creating wild knuffel can get you food, because half of the purchase price (whatever it is at the time) goes to the knuffel creator whenever anyone buys one.

edit: this is super long, sorry.

(1) (0)
I want to buy or trade for these knuffels:
Earth Gen 18, Light Gen 19, Fire Gen 21, Air/Light/Water Gen 22, Light Gen 23, Earth/Light Gen 25, Darkness Gen 26.
Please PM me if you can help!

 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 03:23    


Joined: Nov 20th, '18, 01:50
Posts: 33
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Hi there! Thank you for the kind welcome and all the helpful info! Though I'm going to say sorry in advance because I'm probably going to have some really stupid questions :qhehe:

I definitely think I'll need to have a little look at the kinds of items I can get and make a note of what I want to try and get my hands on. Though it'll probably be everything. The art style here is just so cute and all the avatars I've seen so far while browsing have been stunning :qh:

Does the food that you earn randomise or is it calculated by post length etc? I've made a couple posts and voted in a few polls now but I'm not really sure how the earning works :food:

I had a little look at the wild knuffle and some of them are super cute! I haven't looked at any of the other options yet though. When it comes to knuffles, can you change their appearance? Like if I adopted one that was naked can I get clothes for it, or would it get them as I level it up, kind of like pokemon evolution?

I've not even checked the games tab or the quests tab yet! I do quite like memory games though so I might have to have a little look at that before I log off for the night. I just got distracted in the games forum :qhehe: I'm assuming with the quests though that they're kind of like little challenges, that if you meet whatever the criteria is, you get items or something as a reward?

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 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 07:56    

Akili Li

Joined: Nov 24th, '15, 22:02
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The food you get from posting is mostly random, but there are some guidelines -posts in the "spam" and "word games" areas are 1-3 :food: each, if I recall correctly, while posts elsewhere have a wider range and can net more. Food from polls are from 1-10.
If a poll allows re-voting then changing what your choice was won't net you more food -but if the owner of the thread/poll goes in and edits the poll, then you can vote again for food... IF the change of the poll has changed the number of options.
(So if there were 3 choices before, it doesn't matter which choice you voted for previously, the new vote won't give you food if you vote again with still 3 choices, even if they changed. If the owner edited it so there are now 5 choices, then voting again in the poll gives you :food: as if it were a brand new poll)

I know what you mean though about having a super-long wishlist! I wish I could donate. If you have :fc: then you can usually manage to get hold of the fun retired items, but finding someone who'll sell it for :food: is sometimes harder. Oh, well, there's still plenty of cute stuff in the stores and on the market for :food: too.

Knuffel evolve as they level up. The first change happens at lvl 25, then at lvl 50 then 75 and last when they max at lvl 100. If you look at the "evolution preview" on the wild knuffel, it will show you a preview of what they look like at each of those stages. To see how the regular/elemental knuffel evolve you can check out the semi-official thread that's pinned near the top in the Knuffel subforum.
Once they reach lvl 100, you can "fix" their state to show one of the earlier evolutions, if you like, but otherwise they just look like their final forms. (Once you fix a state there is no current way to undo or change it, for the wild knuffel. For the regular knuffel, you can choose to 'abandon' the knuffel which returns it to Knufftropolis and nets you 100 :food: for each level it has reached -10k at max- and then you can re-adopt it and it will have been reset, you can start all over. Other than that, no way to change the fix state).

Quests are mostly kind of later-game options, because they will all ask for materials you can only get by having your regular elemental knuffel dig on Candy Island, so you'll want more knuffel and at higher levels before you start any. If you decline a quest after accepting it (or decline it instead of 'maybe later' option when it is given to you), then that quest is gone permanently so please be careful in your choices!

And yes, the quests will each give an item as a reward. They all follow the same format of asking for something, telling you the Alchemist can help, and telling you what reward they will give if you do the quest. Then you accept, go to the Alchemist, who gives you a randomized list of quest materials needed (the same quest will have different requirements for different people. Some things are set, like the proportion of rare/uncommon/etc materials, or I think for instance the quest to find a "fairy wand" will always require a twig, but mostly it's random), and when you have those materials you go back and trade them for the quest item, and then trade that to the quest giver for the reward.

(1) (0)
I want to buy or trade for these knuffels:
Earth Gen 18, Light Gen 19, Fire Gen 21, Air/Light/Water Gen 22, Light Gen 23, Earth/Light Gen 25, Darkness Gen 26.
Please PM me if you can help!

 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 13:01    


Joined: Nov 20th, '18, 01:50
Posts: 33
Hugs: 1956
Ah I was thinking that it was randomised rather than being correlated to post length or whatever. I haven't actually had a look in stores to see what the prices are like yet though, so although I think at the moment I'm earning a decent amount I'm probably horribly mistaken :qhehe: :food:

It's pretty cool that you can trade for the donation currency though! I remember a lot of sites I used to be on didn't allow that, so you'd have to just trade for whatever item you wanted. I think being able to get the currency yourself though gives you a bit more freedom rather than being forced to get a certain thing (even if that's what you'd end up buying anyway). I had a little look at a donation page but it was to show the extra items you received, it didn't actually say how much of the currency I'd receive so I wasn't really sure what the standard needed to get the rares for a month was :fc:

I got a trial knuffle last night just so I could kind of see what they were like and have a play about with them. I wasted all my digs for the day though which was a bit of a rookie mistake, I can see what you mean now about maxing out the elemental score :qhehe: I'll need to have a little look at the thread though to kind of get an idea of what they'd look like and decide what ones I want to focus on first. So far I picked a light knuffle :qh:

Oh I'll definitely wait a little before taking on any quests then, I don't want to accidentally get rid of one that could have been pretty lucrative. They seem a fun little extra though. It's also pretty cool that there's a bit of randomisation with the quest items so if you were to play on a mule too or whatever you're not necessarily repeating yourself. My knuffle found some maple leaves last night and that was it, so I think I'm a little way off being able to use them to get me rare items :qhehe:

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 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 13:18    

Akili Li

Joined: Nov 24th, '15, 22:02
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Oh, right! So if you go to the "Donation perks" that tells you the bonuses, but if you want to know amounts go to the "donation methods" page, because the amount of :fc: you get does vary a little depending on how you donate. Some of the methods being easier than others or involving more fees on Firn's end of things.

Digs are never wasted! Even if you don't find anything it still gives xp to level up the knuffel, after all. And it will reset with the server day. It takes a while to level up knuffel enough that digging becomes consistently productive, which is why quests are more mid-to-late game, as it were, rather than introductory.

Hm, what else? Sometimes you can find bonuses while wandering around the site.... it requires a small captcha and then rewards you with either a quest material item or a happy pill (or possibly a daycare coupon? Those might just be random posting bonuses, though, like the donuts). VERY VERY VERY rarely (as in, maybe once or twice in a decade of playing) you can find a Fairy pop-up which gives a special fairy avatar item, depending on what fairy it is (and if the fairy gives more than one, it's random what you get).

Ahhh, there's just so many little facets....

(0) (0)
I want to buy or trade for these knuffels:
Earth Gen 18, Light Gen 19, Fire Gen 21, Air/Light/Water Gen 22, Light Gen 23, Earth/Light Gen 25, Darkness Gen 26.
Please PM me if you can help!

 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 13:29    


Joined: Nov 20th, '18, 01:50
Posts: 33
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Yeah that makes sense, I'm pretty sure lower amounts have higher fees so you don't get as much of a donation as you would if it was a slightly bigger amount. To be honest though it was more just curiosity, I don't really think I'm at a position where I could donate. Even if the items and the idea of rare pixels are incredibly tempting :qh:

Aw I never realised you got XP for digging, though I suppose that would fit. So far my little trial knuffle is coming up to level 3. I like the fact that you can get XP by feeding and playing with them though, it makes the whole process a little faster than having to rely purely on digs. I'm guessing the happy pills would fully fill either their energy or happiness bar?

Ooh I love the idea of finding little extras like that! :qh: Fairy items sound intriguing, though I can definitely see why those kind of spawns would be a rarity :qhehe: There really are so many little features and extra details, I'm in love :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 21st, '18, 07:09    

Akili Li

Joined: Nov 24th, '15, 22:02
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Happy pills fill the bar and also give 10 xp each. You can make them by giving the alchemist extra quest materials of the prevalent and common rarities (It takes 5 or 15 items, depending on which rarity), so those tend to be even later stage than the quests, but they're quite useful in leveling up knuffel as well, so they're popular trade items.

You can also level up knuffel by using day care coupons (or paying :food: for them) and then Tifunee will keep their bars full up for as long as they are in there, and when the time is over they gain the XP bonus of whichever level you used...
but while they're in there you cannot feed nor play with them, nor dig with them. I mostly use coupons with wild knuffel, which can't dig to begin with.

You can get daycare coupons as a random posting bonus, sometimes.

There are definitely a lot of little things, I really adore how complex and how much depth there is to KofK, even while it remains so cute and seemingly simple on the surface :qh:
Well, plus the community is great.

(0) (0)
I want to buy or trade for these knuffels:
Earth Gen 18, Light Gen 19, Fire Gen 21, Air/Light/Water Gen 22, Light Gen 23, Earth/Light Gen 25, Darkness Gen 26.
Please PM me if you can help!

 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 21st, '18, 11:55    


Joined: Jun 11th, '10, 17:14
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Hi there and welcome back.
Sorry for throwing in my two cents.^^

If you equip the knuffel room with apples and cupcakes their bars get filled automatically, every hour 15-20 points, and they get 2 exp every hour from them.
Tested it on a regular knuffel and without touching it, it gathered round about 360 exp within a week.
Doesnt sound much for someone who is online everyday for a longer time, but good for the ones that log in sometimes or just for short periods.
The bars are full and you can directly start digging without feeding or playing with the knuffel until they are full.

If you are interested I would like to give you some apples and cupcakes.
Well as I said my two cents.^^ :qhehe:

Have fun and feel free to ask for whatever!

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 Post subject: Re: An old newbie~
Posted: Nov 21st, '18, 19:24    

Akili Li

Joined: Nov 24th, '15, 22:02
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Location: Buried under the To-Do list
That advice is really good..... also if you want some help with the food to permanently adopt your trial knuffel, let me know. :qwhee:

(0) (1)
I want to buy or trade for these knuffels:
Earth Gen 18, Light Gen 19, Fire Gen 21, Air/Light/Water Gen 22, Light Gen 23, Earth/Light Gen 25, Darkness Gen 26.
Please PM me if you can help!

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