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Marvel MCU

Posted: Jul 15th, '18, 21:51
by Tiamatsan
I'm kind of amazed that no one has made a thread for this yet. So what's your favorite MCU movie/tv series and any thoughts about any up-coming movies?

Also warning, spoilers in bound.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Jul 16th, '18, 21:42
by CycloneKira
Hands down, I'll say Jessica Jones. I am in love.

That probably has to do with the fact that I kinda identify with her (self-destructive moody bitch), hence I'm a bit biased. Still love it though :P

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Jul 16th, '18, 22:03
by Tiamatsan
Oohhh! I really liked the first season of Jessica Jones, but I feel like the second season was an entire season of "let's not talk to anyone about anything and be a total dick to each other" except for Jessica.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Jul 18th, '18, 14:12
by Star Crystal Rose
I started watching Jessica Jones but then I got told I was supposed to watch something else first and then all the other stuff came out and now I'm confused.
I prefer the movies since most of them have a clear order or it doesn't matter when you watch them because things like Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange don't really impact the Avengers movies that much.

My favourite movie is currently Avengers: Infinity War, though that may just be because I'm having fun speculating about what's going to happen next year.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Jul 20th, '18, 08:35
by Tiamatsan
Jessica Jones takes place after the first Avengers movie, so does Daredevil and Agents of Shield. All of these you can watch without worrying about timeline continuity. BUT Luke Cage takes place after the first season of Jessica Jones and Marvels Defenders takes place after the first season of Jessica Jones and the second season of Daredevil. You should wait to watch Defenders until after you've seen those two seasons first.

There are also a lot of others series, but they aren't on netflix (as far as I know) so they're harder to find.

If you want something that kinda follows the movie timeline. Agents of Shield is best because it deals with the major fallout of each movie. Just a heads up though. The longer the series goes, the more outlandish and comic bookish it gets.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Sep 16th, '18, 09:21
by Gwendolyn Quincy
Agents of Shield is definitely my favorite, but Daredevil isn't bad. At least the first season, I haven't been able to get into the second season yet. I need to watch the other Defender shows. I have the first season of Jesica Jones, is the first season of Luke Cage out?

Oh and Agent Carter was my second favorite. It's too bad it didn't get a third season.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Oct 27th, '18, 18:13
by Wunschkind
I haven't seen any of the series yet, but I own all the movies on DVD or BlueRay and I have t say that "Doctor Strange" is my favourite so far, although both "Guardians of the Galaxy" are close runner ups.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 17:37
by Hiyono
So far I like Black Panther the best. I can't wait to see what happens next.
I was so glad to see Fury still alive.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 20:20
by TSheena
I used to not be into MCU a few years back. Then a friend made me join her for The Winter Soldier and I was hooked (mostly steve rogers haha ) Last few years I got more into it and follows the movies pretty regularly. Though I don't see them all in the cinema. I haven't really gotten into the tv shows though I wanna try and watch AoS.

My favourite movie is probably the winter soldier because it got me hooked.

Re: Marvel MCU

Posted: Nov 7th, '18, 13:46
by Star Crystal Rose
I never got a chance to watch Agent Carter as they only ever had it on a channel you had to pay for where I live. I managed to watch about a season and a half of Agents of Shield from just before and during Sky's identity crisis but then they put that on paid channels as well.
I have Netflix but but it seems the Netflix shows may move to the new Disney Streaming Service or getting cancelled or something.
I think the problem with the MCU and the Marvel TV shows is that you can't get everything. I have quite a few of the movies but compared to how many their are I barely made a dent in the surface.

(I own Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2, Thor 1 and 3, Avenger 1 and 3, Captain America 1 and 2, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and a Hulk Movie... I think. I may have Iron Man 3. And I have a few X-men movies too but they don't count... yet)