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Market problem... I think

Posted: Aug 5th, '18, 21:58
by Miky90
I was trying to get a FC in an auction a few minutes ago but when I tried to make a bid 6 seconds before it ended, the add bid section stated that I don't have enough fp.
The thing is, the last bid was 24300 fp and I'm currently at 45k.

Was it a glitch?

Please give it a quick look if everything is OK with the market, cuz it's... Well... A bit enfuriating. Nothing grave, but with this kind of auction I figure everyone is waiting till the last moment to make a bid.

Or maybe the time was up. Also a possibility, but again would appreciate if you could take a look when you have the time, in case it was a glitch. Usually it just states the time is up or auction is over when the time is up.

Re: Market problem... I think

Posted: Aug 6th, '18, 09:02
by Firn
I'll tell starkad to look into it, but I am not sure whether he logs bids that aren't accepted. :mcsad: Do you remember who the seller of the FC was?
I would think that maybe someone else bid in the last 6 seconds though and bid more than the 45K you have?

Re: Market problem... I think

Posted: Aug 6th, '18, 09:43
by Miky90
I actually have the link to the auction (got it from the message when I was outbid):

I was on my phone when I tried to place a bid (was using the google chrome).
I don't think that is the case, cuz the auction ended with 24300 fp. Maybe the auction stoped taking bids a few seconds before the timer stoped and instead of the auction is over it showed the not enough fp message? Or maybe the timer on my phone was a bit forward, but usually it let's me click the place bid button before it announces that the auction is over. That's why I thought it was a bit strange
The thing is that it was a matter of seconds so I'm also considering the possibility of being too late

Re: Market problem... I think

Posted: Aug 6th, '18, 09:56
by Firn
That may very well be possible, as the time often is not accurate, especially when the page has been open for a while. But that's why there is even a warning on the left side on the market.

Re: Market problem... I think

Posted: Aug 6th, '18, 10:35
by Miky90
I know, that's why I don't take a big issue with it, but I thought the message was strange, so I thought it would be best to bring it up incase it's something else.