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Wild knuffel costs

Posted: Aug 25th, '18, 13:52
by JellyBrain
Hey there!

I was thinking about the costs of the wild knuffels, as you may know they start at 2500 and get expensiv at the beginning and cheaper in the end, down to 1000 food points.

And you get 50% of the costs.

What if we change the costs directly to 1000 fp - from beginning to end - and change the income to 75% instead 50%.

Maybe more will buy wild knuffels they normally wouldnt buy, because reasons, just because of the idea as by the look or style.
The most wait till its about to end when its the cheapest, and then maybe miss the wild out.

If we would have them cost the same all the time,its no matter if you are online once in a month / week / day... You can buy it without fearing to miss it.

Just a thought.
I know many of you creators sell a lot in the very beginning when their wilds get approved, and you may dislike it, but please think about it.^^

As I said it is just a thought that ran through my head since a few days.