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Wishlist can't edit

Posted: Sep 1st, '18, 18:34
by jacobgrey
So the wishlist has a bug - I think it's probably related to the server crash because I noticed it a couple of times, but didn't think much of it while all the other stuff was going on. Now it's still happening: I try to add or remove something from my wishlist, I just get "AJAX ERROR" and then when I try to access Kofk at all on any page for a little while, I just get a 'bad gateway' page.

Re: Wishlist can't edit

Posted: Sep 2nd, '18, 10:04
by Ziaheart
Hmm, I'm not having this problem. I was just able to add an item and remove it from my wishlist right now. Just to make sure it's not a browser problem, which browser are you using? Have you tried clearing your cache? A different browser or a different computer?