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Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 18:54
by Nympharia

Hello everyone!

The Treasure Trove is offering two new sets:



You can find them in the Treasure Trove:


These sets are time-limited and will stay in the Treasure Trove till
November 29th

For more information about how to obtain Image please go here.

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 18:56
by Lliikkiittaa
Pastel unicorn shirt is sooooo cute.

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 19:00
by Julie
Excited to see a set in Bright Orange! :mcsquee:

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 19:12
by Sonnentau
princess xin set nice

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 20:40
by JellyBrain
Gladly those arent my cup of tea.^^

So I can spare my last fc, for other sets.

But they are totally beautiful and nice.

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 21:02
by jacobgrey
The preview for the pastel unicorn set with the halo on looks like a whole set in itself 8D It's so pretty together like that. She's some kind of mecha magic girl XD

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 22:20
by AlkseeyaKC
Aw man, I wish you did the ears and hair from the Pastel Unicorn. I would have loved that. Especially in the black and blue set.

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 8th, '18, 23:14
by witch77
aww, I need to decide which unicorn I want now. thank you :qh:

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 9th, '18, 01:00
by Suugar-Fiend
I was OBSESSED with the eyes on this set and have been wanting them in more colors. I swear I wore them exclusively for like months straight after their release. My fav are the rose gold and azure blue set eyes, the maroon eyes i'm on the fence about and the leaf green ones I could have done without. I would have loved a gold version, maybe a next month's perk item *wink* *wink* -nudge-
I am also still hoping for the queens headwings to get a matching pair of wings. I like appreciate the recolor this month but I'm really hoping we get a matching pair instead soon.
Only thing that I would have liked like KC said I would have loved the ears too I wasn't a big fan of the shirt. Like i liked it in the set but if I had to choose i would have chosen the ears over the shirt. I get that it makes the set look more put together but the ears would have been a lot more popular item.

Damn what can I say about the Princess Xin set that can also express how much i LOVE that set. It's funny because I missed it the first time around and spend like 6 months HUNTING it SO HARD till I found someone who could sell it. It was a struggle~!
I have made it a conscious effort to buy every single recolor since avoid further major regret and mad hunt lol. I love 3/4 color combos for this re-release, I am very very unsure about that neon pumpkin one. I gravitate a lot more to pastel colors then I do neon so that one might not make it to my list. I might buy it for the sake of the collection.....idk i'd see how i feel.

My absolute fav is the soft ruby combos for this set tho I think all those colors look so well together.

Re: Treasure Trove Update

Posted: Sep 9th, '18, 02:46
by Kitalpha Hart
hey PayPal don't screw this up again