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Posted: Oct 5th, '18, 15:08
by Jill Valentine
have you gone through this situation?
How long it takes me to get over it?
recommendations to not feel sad in this situation.

Re: Breakup

Posted: Oct 5th, '18, 17:32
by Akili Li
It takes as long as it takes.... sometimes longer than others...

I find that starting something new helps me, because it takes me to places without any old memories, and gives me something active/positive to focus on and think about, kind of a distraction which at the same time reminds me that life goes on....

Good luck

Re: Breakup

Posted: Oct 5th, '18, 17:58
by Jill Valentine
is what I try, go out with friends, meet new people, but memories fill me with so much nostalgia/longing. u, u

Re: Breakup

Posted: Oct 5th, '18, 18:15
by Akili Li
Yes, it's the memories that surprise me that usually get me, too.

It's why I like going to entirely new places, there is less chance of that...

It is hard! It is better to stay strong, though, and do what will make you happiest in the long run... you can do it!

Re: Breakup

Posted: Oct 5th, '18, 19:23
by Jill Valentine
Thank you very much for your words, and if I try and be strong.

Re: Breakup

Posted: Oct 6th, '18, 03:25
by Sanssouci
I always got over them really fast. But that could also be because my exes were all huge losers!

Re: Breakup

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 16:42
by Hiyono
I'm in the same boat as Sanssouci for this but what I find is that it's a lot better if you lean on your friends (I've been in the friend role many times). You don't even have to explain the situation, it's just nice to have someone there you can hang out with.

Re: Breakup

Posted: Nov 14th, '18, 01:29
by Batcheva
Eat your favorite foods, read your favorite books, play with pets, distract yourself any way you can. Or find new things to enjoy, things that don't have any memories with your SO.