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Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 8th, '19, 00:28
by Audriella
Hello! I find interrupting conversations weird, but I caught this thread early enough that it doesn’t count.

I think I chatted with you on my old account—mysticalmoon? I just...a lot of things happened irl that i’d rather forget, so new account! It’s shiny!

I rarely travel, but I love looking at pictures and imagining. I’m in Texas, and you can drive 3 hours without leaving the state. Being foreign is a little foreign to me.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 00:04
by Rubie
Hi Audriella, I honestly don't remember but that usernane sounds familiar.

Aw yes, Texas. Went there the first time over Christmas/New year's. More like travel there to get on a cruise ship I think it took the same amount of time in Texas as it did in the 3 other states travel wise (it's was around a 19 hour drive)

The most foreign feeling I get in the states is...nothing really. occasionally we get Japanese businesmen in restaurants because we got a few foreign companies in the area.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 00:15
by Audriella
I’m unremarkable! I’m not kidding how much that pleases me.

I used to live in Wisconsin, and was the only Asian kid in my grade. I felt very foreign then.

Was the cruise nice? I’m terrified of cruises for probably irrational reasons. Granted, I’m terrified of interacting with people for probably irrational reasons.

Did you have a good day? There’s a storm coming here, I think, and I already developed a cough. :x But in better news, it won’t be sweltering just yet.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 00:42
by Rubie
I didn't mean it like that! I just have name remembering problems. I was calling this one lady in my tour group the wrong name the entire time and no one corrected me.

Oh boy, was it. It was a Disney cruise that still had plenty of entertainment for adults. Second one I've been on. I spent most of it chilling on the balcony reading or playing bingo. Lol. You forget your on a big ship tbh.

I had a fun day at work not doing much still but gopher work. I work for my family so they wanted a new office done for my sister and I, but they are just getting to it so I am basically watching people work or being told how to work in the worst way. I learn by doing not seeing.
Oh, it looked like it was going to storm this morning, but it didn't. I have Windows open and my dogs rather be outside now. Hbu?

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 01:13
by Audriella
There goes my dream of being a spy!

That sounds really fun! Were there Disney characters or something? I’m having a hard time imagining how a Disney cruise would differentiate itself, but...

I like people watching, but not being watched, hence my dream of being a spy.

I had a calm day, spent mainly on kofk. My health has cratered to the point that work isn’t an option, but nothing major really happens day-to-day. As long as I’m careful and have tons of help.

I did have a weird squash...soup? I thought it was orange juice and was immediately disappointed. :x (I was easily confused because I typically drink my water with a spoon...)

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 03:08
by lunar_eclipse66
Hello! I vanish pretty often and most of my old friends have moved on from the site so almost all of my old hangouts are kaput. I'm also awkward at jumping into conversations between a group of users that have known each other forever so I love the thought of new hangouts being made.

A Disney Cruise sounds fun. I'm not sure how I would handle if it was crowded though.

Also squash soup seems like it would be an awful surprise if you were expecting orange juice.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 03:23
by Rubie
Thus why I made a new hangout (plus I'm pretty sure the first one I made hadn't seen a post in 3 or so years) I just like chatting when I have time (and motivation, sometimes I don't have the energy to reply to people)

Yeah there were a ton of Disney characters and everything on the ship was Disney themed. My nephew had a blast (he just just turned 7). I would go find a quiet spot in a not so used section, like we're the adult clubs were at, and read there too.

I'm sorry to hear? You have any hobbies besides browsing kofk?

My cowoirker at my bank job made the best squash soup. Mix in some tortellinis and top it with croutons and parmesan cheese.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 03:33
by Audriella
Hi! I vanish a lot too. Life gets too unpredictable. It’s hard for me to even maintain rl friendships, unfortunately.

Even worse, it was squash soup...with oatmeal. Almost the worst combo ever. Eating healthy is important, but some things aren’t right.

I had salmon and pancakes for dinner, which is amazing, so my tastebuds are happy.

/low attention span

@Rubie: Neat! I love Disney. Though, I still fear not being on land...

I write poetry, am a bit fannish, collect jokes. Things that I can still do. I do tire easily, unfortunately...

Hmmm, that would improve the soup greatly! I’m on a restricted diet, though, so it might not be an option.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 05:11
by Rubie
Sometimes real life is too much. I always have too much I want to do and never enough time to do it so I sometimes neglect things I shouldn't.

Okay now that is not an appetizing combination. Sigh, after tomorrow it's time to get back on my diet and work off the weight I put back on after on and off bad eating for 4 months.

I don't like fish, but pancakes and fish sound like an interesting combination imo. I had Subway and I got their limited time raspberry lemonade cookies which were too dang sweet. Which was disappointing.

I understand that. I got my own irrational fears like being locked in a room and never being able to get out...

Oh that sounds like fun. I never really got into writing poetry, but did read quite a few in middle school.

Oh, maybe you can alternatives for it? I don't know what restrictions you are on, but being on my self-inflicted diet, I found quite a few alternatives to yummy foods, just not as good as the real thing. Like I know some people who make noodles from Greek yogurt and flour. Doesn't sound good, but hey, it's healthier.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 9th, '19, 15:36
by lunar_eclipse66
Oatmeal? In squash soup. Ewww. Not a fan of that combo.

Yeah, life gets busy so I just kinda poof out of existance, and I completely understand when other people do it.

I need to go back to eating more protien. I need to gain weight because I’m under my target again. I’m surprised my doctor didn’t make a conment about it when I saw her a few weeks ago.

I’ve beeb learning to cook around my husband’s dietary restrictions. I might be able to help out with ideas.

Also poetry is fantastic! I wish I had the creative mind gor it. I used to write short stories though. Those were fun. What kind of poetry do you write?