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Trauma (Not For The Squeamish)

Posted: Nov 13th, '18, 22:39
by Moi
Earlier this year or late last year, I got really sick.
I had eaten slices of ham and drank Big Red and I started feeling extremely nauseous.
I ran to the bathroom and threw up.
Since I had recently eaten, I threw up chunks of ham and Big Red.
My sister freaked out because she thought I was puking blood.
I don't know what made me sick, but I can't eat ham anymore.
I can eat bacon but will not touch regular ham.
And I know the ham didn't make me sick, but I'm pretty much traumatized by what happened xD

I've gotten sick like that three times. I don't know if it was food poisoning or not. People told me "You'd know if you had food poisoning!" Mmk. I was in excruciating pain, puked over and over, was too weak to get out of bed, couldn't eat, could only drink water.
The first time I got sick, I didn't eat for about 4 days.
I think I was able to eat a few crackers, but no real food.
Once I got better, my mom had made this chicken that I really liked.
I was really afraid to even eat because I had been so sick and hurt so bad.
But I did eat and was fine.
Of course, it happened again two more times.

I also had a traumatic event involving someone trying to get into my car.
Since then, I don't like waiting in the car and I constantly make sure the doors are locked and I don't like the car stopping while the windows are down.
It doesn't scare me as much as it used to, but I still feel fear.

People seem to think that only soldiers experience PTSD, but it's not true.
I don't know if what I have would be labelled as PTSD, but it traumatized me enough to stay with me for years.
Anyone can have PTSD. My mom has PTSD because of traumatic things in her life.

I found an interesting post on Pinterest a while ago.
People were talking about traumatic events in their lives.
Someone said they were traumatized by jello and straws.
People assumed they were being an asshole and mocking others with "real" issues, and were rude to them.
Turns out the person was in the hospital and experienced bad things and could only eat jello and had to use straws.

I think it's always important to understand that people are very different and have different thoughts and feelings and reactions.
Just because it sounds dumb to you, doesn't mean people are wrong or stupid for feeling the way they do.

Anyone have anything to share on this subject?

Re: Trauma (Not For The Squeamish)

Posted: Nov 14th, '18, 02:30
by Sanssouci
I used to get sick a lot. Every time I would get sick, I would swear off whatever food I had eaten right before! Then I started keeping a really detailed food diary and finally found out that I am peanut intolerant. So now I don't eat peanuts and I don't get nearly as sick anymore. Although I did get really sick at the state fair a couple years ago, and we had to leave early.

My grandmother was in the hospital for almost a month once. My mother kept spraying her with body spray when she was in there. So then my grandmother associated that body spray with being really sick, and she couldn't stand to smell it anymore.