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What Freaked You Out Recently

Posted: Jun 15th, '19, 04:11
by Moi

My aunt put together this fireplace that's digital and it looks like it's burning logs, but it's not. It is heated, though.
Anyways, it turned on by itself earlier.
You have to physically press the button to turn it on and she said you gotta push a little hard to turn it on.

Mom: I can't get over that uB
Aunt: I know! I'm gonna be scared to sit in there uB
Me: You know, a picture frame fell off by itself in there too 8u
Aunt: That doesn't help \uB</

I was sitting in there by myself one night and a picture frame across the room just fell off the wall and shattered on the floor.
I looked at it and continued what I was doing.
I wasn't scared because it was either something simple like the nail was slipping out all these years or if it was a ghost I didn't feel it was malicious. Even if it broke the frame. I mean I don't think they have a lot of options 8u

I also used to sleep on the couch in there every night and I was asleep one night and I heard a loud thump at the end of the hall. I assumed it was my grandpa because he was up and down at night. I closed my eyes and heard the same thump - but it was closer. I knew it wasn't my grandpa, so I started to freak out. I closed my eyes and snuggled into the couch. I heard one more thump - right by my head. I forced myself right to sleep. I wanted to look but fuck that 8u

Have you had something freak you out lately?
Doesn't have to be anything like ghosts - it can be anything.

Re: What Freaked You Out Recently

Posted: Jun 16th, '19, 21:53
by Akili Li
Trying to clear out an old mouse nest (my brother left some empty hive boxes outside), which I thought was empty, and then suddenly a little rustle and a tail disappearing and I freaked out a LOT.
It's just a mouse.
not even a rat!
Just a little mouse!
But, nope, too startled to be rational. Plus it was only about 8 inches from my hand -I freaked out.

Re: What Freaked You Out Recently

Posted: Jun 18th, '19, 23:23
by Moi

A lil ol mousey 8u

The fireplace keeps coming on by itself u8

Re: What Freaked You Out Recently

Posted: Jul 22nd, '19, 03:43
by lunar_eclipse66
I got a call a while back from my mom saying my brother was in a car accident on a dangerous highway where they lived. I called him immediately for him to just tell me the accident happened a day ago, his car was totaled because it was just old and couldn’t handle anything else and he was fine.

Re: What Freaked You Out Recently

Posted: Jul 22nd, '19, 20:34
by Moi

Lunar: That's good that he was okay. That'd freak me out too xD