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My dad's ex had a lot of her stomach removed because of a sickness.
We actually bonded over showing off scars we had.  31%  [ 9 ]
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 Post subject: Surgery
Posted: Jun 15th, '19, 04:45    


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My dad recently had surgery on his elbow/arm for a torn rotator cuff and a torn bicep, so I wanted to make this thread.

My dad and I are both extremely accident-prone. We get hurt in so many ways normal people don't.
It's kind of a running joke in the family.
But while I've never broken anything and have only had one surgery - my dad's broken a lot of his bones and has had multiple surgeries.

The only surgery I've had was oral surgery to remove wisdom teeth.
Mine were barely poking out of my gums, but they told me I should just get them removed.
I had to have all four cut open and stitched back together.
The surgeon and the nurse were father and daughter, and they were really nice.
I remember the nurse putting the IV in my arm and saying "I'm starting your IV now, so you might feel a little dizzy!"
And the whole room just started spinning and I was like "Wheee~ \8u/"
However, I was completely aware of everything.
I've seen so many people loopy and out of it during oral surgery, but I was not.
I don't know if it was the anesthesia they used or if my medication messed with it (heard that can happen).
When I got home, the numbness was mostly gone, so I felt a lot of pain.
I actually cried because it hurt and my tongue was numb so I couldn't swallow my pills.
Luckily, my grandpa ground them up and put them in a milkshake and I was good to go.
My stitches dissolved, so I never had to go back.
And one was a little loose, so I'd pull on it and it hurt, but in the good way~

Overall, it wasn't that horrible. Just the part where I couldn't swallow my pills, but it got solved quickly.

You have any?

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"I'll miss the winter
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 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Jun 15th, '19, 15:08    


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I got two of my wisdom teeth out. I wanted all four out, but only two were actually bad. And one of the ones that wasn't bad had a nerve wrapped around it. So the dentist said he didn't want to risk giving me facial paralysis for a tooth that wasn't even bad. So he only took the two. It went very well, and I didn't have any pain.

I also had a pre-cancerous spot taken off my cervix, which also went well.

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 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Jun 16th, '19, 19:16    


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Oh man, how does a nerve get wrapped around the tooth? D:

Like you two, I've also had wisdom tooth surgery. Moi--I'm surprised you were aware during your entire surgery. My surgeon told me they usually put you completely under if they're going to do the 4 at once. I got lucky, my sister was good about helping change my ice frequently, so I didn't feel much pain. My tongue definitely stayed numb longer than normal so it was also hard to swallow stuff. ;_;

I've also gotten spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis. If you looked at my back straight on (not from the side), my spine was shaped like a backwards S. :D The bottom curve was 60deg or something. And it was so bad when the doctor caught it, wearing a brace wouldn't help.

So now I have 2 titanium rods and lots of screws in my back to straighten out the spine. I can set off metal detectors! :D And I've got a nifty card in case I ever do.

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You may call me Hikari, Hika, Soul, or anything else you come up with. (Cute art by Nankuii! <3)

 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Jun 16th, '19, 21:28    

Akili Li

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Not too bad for me, either, been very lucky that way. Had some hearing issues, and had 5 ear surgeries when I was very young, but that happened so early on that I don't have any memories from it directly. (I do remember all the fuss and bother every time I had an ear infection, later, and the intense debates about ear tubes (built up scar tissue had them both leery of using them and also worried about ruptures if they didn't).
I also had my tonsils out when I was very young -I was an underweight baby, according to my mother, and I had a lot of issues with spitting up all the time and not getting enough down, and they said my tonsils were so oversized it was triggering gag reflex when I'd try to swallow, so they took them out.
Again, too young to remember that.

Then there was that awful orthodontist who decided to remove ONE tooth (upper right just behind the canine) and left me lopsided, and then later the attempt to even it out by only removing three of my wisdom teeth -except the fourth never came in properly so they ended up having to remove that, too.
For the oral surgeries...
I apparently am VERY susceptible to the whatever-it-is-they were using. They put in the IV and I was out before they even did that thing asking you to count backwards from 10, and then I didn't wake up on time after.... and I slept for nearly two days and never had any pain because I wasn't awake.

Dad says they kept going into the room and checking my pulse and all, since I didn't wake up, and even debated calling the hospital. But I was fine, I was just unconscious.

It worried me, later, to have that great big gap in my memories, when I was helpless and anything could have happened.

So for the later of the oral surgeries, I made them use less powerful anesthetics. Not fun, but less worrying.

All in all, I've been really lucky!

A nerve wrapped around your tooth sounds really scary, in comparison! I hope it stays a VERY healthy tooth so you don't have to do anything with it later.

Hikari, how do you turn and bend with rods and screws in your spine? How does that work? Are they like tiny little mini ones or do they run up and down your whole spine? (Don't answer if you don't want to! I'm curious but don't want to pry if you'd rather not!)
Did you get to have an xray first? I think it would be so neat to be able to see your own bones like that! I've heard that we have teensy tiny little ones here and there called "sesamoid" bones after "sesame seeds" because they're so small, and ever since I heard that I've wanted to try and find them on an xray. I don't even know where they are, exactly, since the doctor who told me just said, "Oh, all over, and different people can develop them different places" which doesn't tell me much.

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 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Jun 16th, '19, 22:12    


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Akili Li, you sound like you were a difficult child to handle. xD I'm glad you were able to get through all those safely.

That sounds really messed up of the orthodontist. My sister had to have teeth removed, but that's 'cause they were actually growing in a weird spot, so it was messing up her bite.

I feel like the anesthesiologist messed up there... For my wisdom tooth surgery, they used the laughing gas first to numb me enough to give me the stronger anesthetic that would put me under. Based on how I reacted to the laughing gas, they were able to give the right dose of the major anesthetic.

But yeah, getting put under is what made me realize that's probably what death feels like. I don't remember going under and the only reason I even realized I was ever asleep is because I woke up after.

You can Google image search "spinal fusion xray" to see what it looks like. :mcwink: It looks really messed up pre-surgery because of the unnatural looking curves. :qhehe: The misalignment can affect your shoulders, hips, boobs, etc placement so if it doesn't get treated, you can have lots of other problems. You gotta have an x-ray first so they know what to fix. Usually it's detected by having someone touch their toes and following the spine.

The rods are titanium, so I guess they must be sorta flexible. The screws are placed between each vertebra to straighten it out, then the rods are there to hold the spine in place. The surgeon's assistant told me that she knew one girl who was a ballerina and was able to be almost as flexible as she was before the surgery. I just have superb posture now. And my curl ups really suck because I have no core strength and I can't cheat with my back. :mcsmirk:

The length is dependent on how severe your curve is. Since I had a backwards S that spanned almost my entire back, that's how long the rods are. If I remember correctly, I might only have about 5 vertebra tat don't have a screw between them.

It's an 8 hour procedure and you have to learn how to sit, stand-up, etc all over again. It was such a monumental day when I was able to poop again. It really sucks to have the feeling and then not be able to go when you want to. My "favorite" question is, "Are you going to get another surgery to get them removed???" Uh no, they're super permanent and I don't want to go through that again if I don't have to!

Sesamoid bones sound familiar, but I don't know where they are... Google would probably be your best bet. :mclol:

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You may call me Hikari, Hika, Soul, or anything else you come up with. (Cute art by Nankuii! <3)

 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Jun 16th, '19, 22:26    

Akili Li

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... I keep forgetting that Google is a thing. I don't know how, because really it gets used all the time!

Thank you though! I didn't know you could get actual pictures from searching, I'll have to go look.

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 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Jun 16th, '19, 22:54    


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Honestly, I didn't think to look until recently either. I'd have to dig through my email for scans of the x-rays I got from a recent follow-up. I had the surgery in 2007 so my parents have the x-ray films.

I figured it's not super gorey or scarring, and was surprised to find images on the internet! XD

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You may call me Hikari, Hika, Soul, or anything else you come up with. (Cute art by Nankuii! <3)

 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Jun 18th, '19, 23:58    


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Sanssouci: Yeesh uB
I was told about facial paralysis several dentist visits. It's scary. That's good they got the spot 8U

Hikari: 8D Hey~
I learned about Anesthesia Awareness where you people are actually still conscious and feel every bit of surgery, but they also said sometimes you're aware but don't feel anything. They said medication can mess with it, so I assumed that's what happened.
I noticed the dentist was talking to me like I was out of it and helped me to the car but I was functioning normally. Was a little wobbly because I was lying back for a while.
That spinal surgery sounds so unpleasant xD
My sister's back is messed up and she might have Scoliosis so she may need that surgery too u8

Akili Li: My mom, aunt and uncle had all their tonsils removed at the same time. Wow that sounds bad. I'm glad you were okay and they use less powerful stuff o_O

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A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
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 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Aug 29th, '19, 04:20    


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I've only had very minor surgeries.

Wisdom teeth removal.

Then I had a birth control implant put in my arm.
Had it removed after it expired.
Then I had an IUD inserted into my uterus.

The worst one was the IUD. Apparently if you ain't had a baby the cervix just don't wanna open up. lol. Thankfully the pain didn't last very long. And the sharp intense pain itself was over quickly. The rest was just achey, kind of like medium period cramps.

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 Post subject: Re: Surgery
Posted: Aug 31st, '19, 04:04    


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But they have no problem opening for a baby amirite 8u/

Ahhh my mom is worried about me getting an IUD.
She's scared it'll get messed up and hurt me.
I asked my old doctor about it and he just looked like a deer caught in the headlights xD

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

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