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Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Jul 17th, '19, 14:39
by Sanssouci
From The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock.

Question #42: How would you react if you were to learn that your mate had had a lover of the same sex before you knew each other?

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Jul 17th, '19, 17:26
by Akili Li
? I wouldn't really care unless it came out in the context of a conversation along the lines of "Hey, my old ex so-and-so is back and I'm leaving you for them". That would be a problem. Otherwise, meh.

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Jul 17th, '19, 22:26
by Sanssouci
I would be surprised with my current partner just because it would mean that he lied about it before when we talked about it like 12 years ago. But if it was a new partner or if we had never talked about our pasts, then I wouldn't really feel anything because I don't think it matters one way or the other.

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Jul 18th, '19, 20:58
by Moi

I don't think I'd have a problem with it. To me, all that matters is how you love someone and how they love you back. Gender and race don't matter.

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Jul 18th, '19, 21:28
by bombus
I wouldn't have a problem with it, and thankfully my husband didn't have a problem with me having had ex boyfriends and ex girlfriends

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 20:35
by Chrizine
Same as Sanssouci, the only thing that would be weird about it is hiding it from me before, but if we are in the hypothetical scenario where I'm still in the learning about exes stage of the relationship then where's the issue?

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Aug 29th, '19, 10:59
by light_sucks
The only reason I would have a problem with it is because that would have meant that my husband lied to me about his previous relationships many times.

If that wasn't the case I wouldn't care at all really.

I mean, I'm pansexual so it would be really hypocritical of me to care. lol.

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Oct 11th, '19, 16:48
by Rune
I thought my boyfriend had a narcissistic boyfriend who broke his heart in a situation similar to mine.
He was telling the guy that owned the comic book store about the dude that I thought was his ex, and at first I had a small panic attack because I thought he might be gay and just looking for a girlfriend to cover his ass, we do live in the bible belt afterall.
So on a whim I bought a comic book that had a sexy looking cover of a man, and gave it to him.
He told me that in one of the issues you could see batmans dick. I didnt know what to say so I apologized for buying something with a dick in it for him.
He said it was all right, it wasnt the comic where you could see the dick, and even if you could, it was worth a lot of money, so he wouldnt mind.

So yeah, I found out he wasnt gay, that I was just paranoid.

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 01:56
by IceAddict
I'd probably not think much of it, not my business anyways.

Re: Your Mate's Same Sex Lover

Posted: Oct 21st, '19, 19:05
by jacobgrey
I wouldn't care haha, we are both bisexual. Also I suspected at first that we HAD been in a relationship with his best friend, because they have this thing where they fake flirt. Turns out they're both just weirdos haha.