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New Lover

Posted: Nov 6th, '19, 04:17
by Moi

My uncle is seeing this new woman and I'm kind of nervous about meeting her and her son xD

My parents divorced when I was 13 and my mom has had two lovers, but one was a piece of shit and the other sometimes calls.
My dad has had at least three woman - one he bought a deli with, one he met at Walmart and married, and one he met after his divorce who had nine kids.
He's not currently with anyone, but he doesn't like being alone.

I've never disliked women my dad dated - if they made him happy then that made me happy - I always gave them a chance.
If they break his heart, though - I ain't that forgiving.
I remember this one woman decided to meet with him and have dinner so he got all dressed up, made reservations at a hotel and a restaurant and she just never showed up and never called him to tell him why.
And that royally pissed me off xD

I know people sometimes don't like their parents not being together and their parents dating and remarrying, but it's never been a huge issues for me when they dated and met new people.
Except when people treated them like shit. Then I had a huge problem.

Re: New Lover

Posted: Nov 6th, '19, 20:57
by Sanssouci
My parents got divorced when I was 3, so I don't really remember them being together.

My mother was with an addict for a few years. He had no job, no drivers license, no money, was an alcoholic, and was always in and out of jail for cocaine. Then she was with a guy who was really overweight. Like, so big that he was just barely able to walk. He used to chain smoke and sit on the computer all day. Then she started to like this guy with a white power tattoo who lived in a van and smoked a lot of pot. Luckily he left the area, and she's been single for years.

My father dated an alcoholic who was very verbally abusive to me. Then he dated a lady with a couple kids. Then he dated another lady with a couple kids. One of the kids had a learning disability and was really nice. The other was really nasty and wild. Then he started dating a lady with a few kids but only one of the kids was here in the US. He's still with her. She's pretty weird, but she's nice. She doesn't speak English very well, but her son does, and my father gets along really well with the son, so that's good.

Re: New Lover

Posted: Nov 20th, '19, 00:41
by jacobgrey
Sometimes you have to wonder, what do people see in each other :qhehe:

My parents have stayed together so thankfully I don't have this issue. I really don't think I would like it.
My uncle split up with his long-term partner and left her for his secretary, ended up having 3 kids with each woman. It was a lot of kids. Also a lot of awkward because the first one was crazy but the second one was boring, and a real doormat with him. Also that we all figured out they must have been cheating on the first one together.
The awkward went away eventually but she never became all that open with us. In the end we don't talk to them anymore because he's an ass.