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xBox One Games

Posted: Nov 6th, '19, 19:48
by Themis
Hello! I was wondering what those of you on xBox have been playing and hoping to see if I can find some people to play and chat with.

I mainly on there play Overwatch (I'm super excited about Overwatch 2!)
Monster Hunter World and the Borderlands games. I have not finished 3 yet, or made it very far in honestly because my husband and I have a rule that we play the first play through on the Borderlands games together, then we can branch off and do our own thing. Sadly though he recently got in to DOTA 2 on PC and has not been wanting to play Borderlands.
It makes me very sad, we were super excited about it, and I still am. I have been thinking about saying screw the rules and playing it anyway. Lol.

Oh I also love Diablo 3, of course, it's an amazing game. I can't wait for number 4, but sadly they did not announce a release date at Blizcon.

What are your favorite xBox games that you have been playing?
I have other ones I love as well, but I have not been playing them much because I have beaten them multiple times and/or they are not multiplayer games.

Re: xBox One Games

Posted: Dec 16th, '19, 18:33
by Lollipop
I don't play my Xbox One that much lately, but the games I play on it are usually Kingdom Hearts III and some games from Rare Replay, like Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Viva PiƱata.

Re: xBox One Games

Posted: Feb 1st, '20, 23:02
by Bear Witch
I love Diablo 3, I have it on Switch though. I have MHW on PS4.

As far as Xbox one goes... I mostly play older games on there. Oblivion/older Fallout games and more recently I got Neverwinter Nights because I loved playing it on PC back in the day. The controls are kind of crazy but I'm hoping I'll just get used to them.