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Posted: Dec 14th, '19, 22:44
by Moi

My dad came to visit me and he saw a scratch on my scalp.
And he and my mom pointed out a scratch on my face too.

I scratch myself in my sleep sometimes. Really nasty looking scratches too.
My nails are like tissue paper during the day and like Wolverine's claws at night >>

And before anyone mentions it - I have extremely dry, itchy skin at all times, so that's most likely why I do scratch myself in my sleep.
Just one of many things wrong with my body.
When you don't love yourself and neglect your health - it kinda piles up.
Also genetics that screw you over too.

I just wanted to post this to see if anyone else scratches themselves or if you sleepwalk or sleep drive or anything like that - you can post too 8u

Re: Scratches

Posted: Dec 15th, '19, 20:38
by Sanssouci
I have dry itchy skin, so I sometimes get these rashy looking patches where I have been itching a lot. And I get a lot of mystery bruises.

Re: Scratches

Posted: Feb 10th, '20, 14:13
by kitah810
I have a mild form of insomnia. And random body twitches, and sometimes my arm gets tingly from the fingers to my elbow, then has a spasm then it gives out and I can't hold anything. Not sure what that's about, but I plan on getting it checked out.

Re: Scratches

Posted: Feb 11th, '20, 22:19
by Moi

Sanssouci: Those mysterious bruises. I was taking a shower the other day and I was shaving my legs and I had multiple bruises on my knee.
I thought it was dirt at first because it was splotchy, but it was bruises xD

kitah810: Yeah, I'd definitely get that checked out. I know I have restless leg syndrome and my leg jerks a lot when I sleep.

Re: Scratches

Posted: Feb 11th, '20, 23:58
by kitah810
My bf has restless leg syndrome. His legs jerk a lot when he's trying to sleep. I feel bad for him cause he has trouble sleeping because of it.

Re: Scratches

Posted: Feb 17th, '20, 16:27
by Aradiiaa
I scratch myself semi frequently, but unless I have some kind of skin ailment (god, i was such a menace to myself when I had rashes, yikes) it usually doesn't affect me much. My chronic insomnia and body pain make me toss and turn a lot though, so I might get little bumps and scratches from trying to get comfortable.