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Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Apr 12th, '20, 15:35
by Sanssouci
From The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock.

Question #80: Would you rather die peacefully among friends at age 50, or painfully and alone at age 80? Assume that most of the last 30 years would be good ones.

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Apr 12th, '20, 21:24
by Moi

I guess the first option sounds better.
I don't see myself living past 50 anyways xD

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Apr 12th, '20, 22:13
by Sanssouci
I guess it depends a bit on exactly how long I would be alone and in pain. But I am leaning towards being older.

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Apr 13th, '20, 01:25
by mementomori
I don't see myself living that old either, so I think I'll take young and peaceful.

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 07:04
by ArmyAunt
I'm already past 50 and in pain (not a lot, but constant ache with moments of sharp pain now and then). My dad used to say that getting old was not for the faint of heart. I agree. I don't know if I'll live to be 80, but I sure don't want any more pain.

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 07:07
by Hitomi-no-Tsubasa
Definitely the first option. The world ain't all it's cracked up to be honestly. There is beauty and awesomeness, but it's buried under a lot of scum and darkness. Plus I would prefer a peaceful death rather than being alone and afraid.

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 08:21
by JosieQ
Wow guys. I don't know why you're not all killing yourselves now if it's that bad.

"All my possessions for a moment of time." I'll take 80.

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 09:23
by AutobotDen
I'd rather live as long as possible, because there's still so much that I haven't seen, people I haven't met, costumes I haven't made, books I haven't read, songs I haven't heard, foods I haven't tried... places I haven't gone... If all that meant I'd outlived my loved ones, being alone wouldn't be so bad.

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 09:52
by Leilailla
I want to live as long as I can sooo 80 (while being healthy, because if I can't see and read my books, I'll take 50)

Re: Young and Peaceful or Old and Painful?

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 12:39
by JosieQ
AutobotDen wrote:... books I haven't read...
Leilailla wrote:... and read my books...
Relief, thank you! Just the books ALONE in the world should make people want an extra 30 years, and we're in a golden age of television now there isn't even enough time for it all, these are just TWO things, people happy to croak at 50 like it's no big deal I mean!
