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Posted: Apr 13th, '20, 15:48
by Sanssouci
From The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock.

Question #82: Is it easy for you to accept help when you need it? Will you ask for help?

Re: Help

Posted: Apr 14th, '20, 00:15
by Moi

I don't usually like asking for help, but I will sometimes take it if offered. If I don't feel like I'm a burden xD

I'm short, so I have trouble reaching things on shelves at stores.
I will try any way possible to get something without asking for help.

Re: Help

Posted: Apr 14th, '20, 16:08
by Rubie
It all depends on the situation and what I'm doing. At work, yeah I'll probably go ask help or accept it. Also depends on the person too who offers their help. Every day life, it would definitely depend on the situation.

Re: Help

Posted: Apr 14th, '20, 23:35
by mementomori
I hate asking for help because I don't like bothering other people. And I have trouble accepting it if it's offered because then I feel like a burden...

Re: Help

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:50
by ArmyAunt
It depends, but usually I don't mind asking for help with little things like opening a jar or reaching something up high.

Re: Help

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 06:07
by Carnehil
I don't like asking for help but I'm not above accepting it when it's needed.
One thing I absolutely despise is the "helper" just going ahead and doing the thing for me. I see help as assistance and there's none of that if I don't get to have a part in the activity.

Re: Help

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 06:15
by Hitomi-no-Tsubasa
I don't like asking for help, but if it's offered and I know I'll need help to do something, then I'll accept.

Re: Help

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 06:16
by Beautiful Disaster
I certainly don't mind accepting help,, and even asking for it if I really need to, but I always want to try to do/solve something on my own first.

Re: Help

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 08:49
by Kitalpha Hart
I suck at asking for help
I don't really like talking to people in the first place (anxiety doesn't help), so asking for help? Nah, I'll figure it out myself
Unless I'm comfortable around you

Re: Help

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 09:26
by AutobotDen
It's easier said than done to accept and ask for help, in my experience, but it's gotten easier for me in the last few years. I went through a really dark point that I finally had enough of and reached out for help. That literally saved my life.