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Gamer Streams

Posted: Apr 29th, '20, 04:54
by AutobotDen
Hey, y'all. This is a thread for streaming Let's Play type streams. In other words, streams where you watch someone else play a specific game. What are some of your favorite streams? Share them here! Got a stream yourself? Share it here!

I personally have a PG-13 rated (almost entirely because I cuss like I breathe, lol) stream on Twitch that I need to stop neglecting... I mostly play Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Minecraft. I also follow ThatBronzeGirl and BlueFenrisulfr.

Re: Gamer Streams

Posted: May 6th, '20, 14:23
by Sunlight
I tend to get overwhelmed watching streams so I tend to watch them after the fact when they get uploaded onto youtube. I usually watch supergreatfrien and cryaotic. I used to watch presshearttocontinue but she stopped posting game videos on her channel. I've noticed she's been putting stream videos on her other channel so I'll have to watch some of those later.