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Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 22:42
by Moi

I bought some purple dye for my hair yesterday.
I'm really hoping it will take a little because it said it's best for brunette's, which I am.
But I don't have much hope because I've tried many hair dyes and they don't really take because my hair is dark.
If I want lighter hair or just a different shade in general I'd need to bleach my hair.

I've only bleached my hair once and I went with a blonde color.
It took like two hours and it cost me like $70.
I was so excited to have blond hair, but as soon as I saw it, I missed my dark hair.
I did like the color I picked, but I was just kind of meh.

I've dyed my hair black and I've dyed it burgundy a few times.
I was happy to dye it black, but my mom wasn't.
For some reason, she didn't like the fact I dyed my hair black.
I was thinking of dyeing it black again, but I found the purple dye.

I really would like my hair to be ombre.
I just love the look of it xD
I'd also love to have opal hair.
It's the prettiest thing regarding hair I've ever seen.
My birthstone is opal too so I love opal stuff x3

Do you dye your hair?
If so, what color did you dye it last?

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 23:09
by Akili Li
Wait, is opal hair dye an actual thing or more a wishful fantasy? I want to see opal hair now, too, but I haven't the least idea how it would work...

I always wanted dark green (think pine needles) hair when I was growing up. Never found a hair dye with the right shade, so I've never done it. But I would, if I found such a thing!

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 23:26
by Sanssouci
I don't dye mine, it's just plain brown.

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 23:50
by Akili Li
Sanssouci wrote:I don't dye mine, it's just plain brown.
Do you have fun playing with it in other ways? Interesting styles, or adorn it with hats, or hair clips that make you smile?

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 16th, '20, 01:04
by Rayven
I dye my hair all the time. Always the same color-lightest blonde. My hair was this color when I was a kid but it got darker as I got older. It wound up a dark blonde almost light brown and I hated it. I've tried other colors but I never really like it and always go back to the shade of blonde I love.

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 16th, '20, 01:52
by Sanssouci
Akili Li wrote: Do you have fun playing with it in other ways? Interesting styles, or adorn it with hats, or hair clips that make you smile?
I cut it very short once every fall, and I wear a lot of hats.

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 16th, '20, 02:13
by Moi

I may not use the dye. A friend told me the brand I got a pain in the ass.

Akili Li: That'd be a nice color to have.

Rayven: My hair was very light when I was a little kid. Dunno how it got to be dark brown ._.

Sanssouci: What shade of brown :3

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 16th, '20, 02:36
by Akili Li
Ooooh, opal hair! You *can* do it!

Thank you, Moi. (I could not pull that off, my coloring is not a good match for it, but it's fun to look at)

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 16th, '20, 21:40
by Moi

As soon as I first saw opal hair, I wanted it.
I love all things that have that opal coloring.
I think it's called holographic, but it's opal to me xD

You can always try it if you want to. That's what matters - you liking it, right?
That's why I dye my hair. I just like it xD

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 17th, '20, 20:41
by Rayven
Moi, the opal hair examples you posted are gorgeous! :qlov: I would love to have those too but I'm not sure if I could pull it off. Plus, I tried to dye just a streak of my hair purple once and I didn't like it. I was very surprised that I didn't.