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Where'd That Come From

Posted: Sep 22nd, '20, 01:41
by Moi

I'm someone that doesn't care much for kids and never planned to ever have children.
I don't hate kids, they just make me really anxious and are loud so I avoid them.

Anyways, I have noticed that I have a caring and nurturing personality.
Like if we have company - adult or child - I'll ask if they're hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, comfy, etc.
I like to make sure they're comfortable and don't need anything.

And especially when it comes to food and eating - I make sure people get what they want and enjoy it. I love sharing food with people and seeing them eat and be happy. Food means way more than just sustenance we need to survive. It brings comfort and happiness.

So even as an introvert that couldn't keep a cactus plant alive - I'm nurturing and care about other peoples' wellbeings and happiness.

What do you find somewhat out of place about yourself?

Re: Where'd That Come From

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 07:18
by kitestrings
people are always surprised (in real life) at my personality versus my appearance. they see me and think that i'm soft spoken and, i dunno really. i guess... delicate? i really don't know. but i'm constantly amazed that people have no ability to judge who i am based on how i look and how they're constantly shocked at the person i actually am. the whole "don't judge a book by its cover" thing is cliche, but 100% true. i should know, people look at me and go "yeah, he doesn't swear." bitch, what?

so probably the thing most out of place about me is how i physically look. otherwise, i struggle to think of something i do that seems weird in relation to the rest of me.

Re: Where'd That Come From

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 09:42
I have a real issue in social settings as i can be super introverted and just listen to the conversation that is going on, but with family i tend to be more boisterous and outgoing.

Re: Where'd That Come From

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 10:42
by Kitalpha Hart
kitestrings wrote:people are always surprised (in real life) at my personality versus my appearance. they see me and think that i'm soft spoken and, i dunno really. i guess... delicate? i really don't know. but i'm constantly amazed that people have no ability to judge who i am based on how i look and how they're constantly shocked at the person i actually am. the whole "don't judge a book by its cover" thing is cliche, but 100% true. i should know, people look at me and go "yeah, he doesn't swear." bitch, what?

so probably the thing most out of place about me is how i physically look. otherwise, i struggle to think of something i do that seems weird in relation to the rest of me.
ahahahahahahahaha the looks too cute, innocent, etc to even think of swearing and then they jump when we go dude what the absolute fuck problem
I have that problem too :')
I've had people apologize to me for swearing and then get really confused because I tell them that I don't give a shit. Usually by swearing because telling them it's okay somehow doesn't go through

Re: Where'd That Come From

Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 05:47
by Suugar-Fiend
Recently I've been resenting my job, bcs of Covid theyve done some really questionable things. As a result I've found myself being very short and blunt to my team leads when a mistake is made, specially when it involves me because I'm tired of being so nice all the time. I used to be this super nice girl who would let them get away with more than they should but now I rlly dont. I also dont rlly care how harsh the truth i say comes out. If its true it needs to be said and I rlly dont care if I hurt your feelings.
I'm just surprised sometimes of how angry I can become in a work situation and how harsh I can be since I wasnt like that before.