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Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 19th, '20, 20:50
by Moi

I'm someone that has no problem complaining if I'm unhappy about something.
I've had people tell me to be grateful and stop complaining.
But no. I will not pretend to be happy and satisfied when I'm not.

People always want to be happy, but you can't always be happy.
There's balance to the world and one feeling can't exist forever.
I do think this world needs more positivity, but you can't just pretend to be happy and content.

It has to be something kinda big for me to complain lately.
I have tried to stop being so negative so I don't complain as much as I used to.
But sometimes I can't help it xD

Do you complain a lot?
Do you feel bad?
Have you ever seen a yellow kiwi?

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 20th, '20, 03:20
by Rayven
I haven't seen a yellow kiwi. XD Sorry.

I used to complain a lot. I guess I still do sometimes. I'm just really picky. XD And I have strong emotions and thoughts about everything. It's rare that I don't have an opinion or that I'm indifferent about something. For me, it doesn't really have anything to do with being happy or not, especially since I've worked on being more positive. I just voice my opinion when I hate something, which happens to be a lot. XD

Oh, and sometimes I feel bad about it if I think others think I'm a party pooper.

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 20th, '20, 07:53
by Yokuutsu
I will complain all I want. Be grateful? Sure, depending on what's going on.

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 20th, '20, 08:19
by amalath
I do not really complain a lot, as I am a type of person to keep stuff to themselves. I do think complaining and letting it out can be healthy coping mechanism though, as long as it is justified and not someone making drama over every single thing. Some people use complaining as a way of emotional abusing and forcing others into what they want. I quickly cut ties with anyone who uses complaining to manipulate others.

There are a lot of people - especially in older generations - who see complaining as sign of weakness. However, it is important to communicate your feelings, especially if something or someone is making you really uncomfortable.

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 20th, '20, 09:31
by Mirika
I have the bad habit of bottling things up inside, so I perceive complaining to be an actual good thing. However, the problem for me is that people feel the need to do something with those complaints, whereas it's mostly just for getting it all out.

I also hate how lying is the custom, so I rather say I am unhappy with something than to fake it. It's already tough enough to say you're fine every darn time someone asks how you're doing 'because it is the only socially accepted answer' so I rather leave honesty to the rest.

Though I do believe the world needs more positivity, we can't do it by simply ignoring the bad. It's there. Bottling it up and faking your life is not going to be the solution either.

As for the questions, I complain a lot in online spaces, not so much directly to people anymore. Don't want to feel like I'm bothering people. So yeah, basically... I feel bad about it, and I often feel bad in general (especially with the current pandemic), so yeah. As for a yellow kiwi, I can only say I've seen gold kiwifruit, not so much yellow kiwis, hehe.

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 20th, '20, 11:15
by Zupprika
I think it's not about complaining, but about the balance. Some people talk about the negative stuff, but don't mention the positives. It makes them seem very complainy and usually demotivate people around them. I had a time in my life where I was very negative. It drove all my friends away, making me feel worse and complain more.

I think you can complain all you want as long as you also talk about the positive stuff around you.

And of course I've seen yellow kiwis. They're pretty good too.

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 02:35
by Kitalpha Hart
the bird or the fruit? Either way i don't think I've ever seen one outside pictures

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 04:17
by ArmyAunt
My mother used to tell me that if I ever ran out of things to complain about, I'd complain about THAT!

She also used to tell me that if I nagged my husband too much that he'd leave me. I just want him to clean up after himself and take the trash out without being asked. 24 years of the same arguments and he's still here.

I really do try to not complain too much, but how can folks know I don't like what they're doing if I don't tell them?

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 04:37
by kitestrings
i've tried to stop being so negative, even if i'm just of the disposition of complaining all the time. it's hard to be positive when you don't feel positive, but you can at least try not to be negative around other people if there's no need, so that's what i try to do. the operative here being "if there is no need." sometimes it's necessary to complain, or else someone might not know they're doing something that's causing you difficulty, which of course leads to misunderstandings.

and no, i've never seen a yellow kiwi, either fruit or bird.

Re: Stop Complaining

Posted: Oct 27th, '20, 14:22
by Carnehil
Googles yellow kiwi... what even is this thing?

Internally I complain an awful lot (but then I've heard complaining is a national trait of ours). When it comes to complaining to others it's more complicated. The more comfortable I am with someone, the more likely I am to voice my complains. It's mostly because I believe everyone has enough problems of their own to bother with mine (and it's not like whining will make anything better so why bother).