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Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 21st, '20, 02:26
by Moi

I went to Walmart last week and bought some of these double cheddar chips I like and when I ate one - it was very bland.
I though maybe I had picked up a less salt or fat free bag, but I didn't.
They were just barely flavored xD

So I bought some more today and they better be right >8u

Have you ever bought something and were disappointed by what you got?
Do you ever get a refund or want to see a manager?
How do you feel about onions?

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 22nd, '20, 13:39
by Rayven
I hope your chips are right this time. XD

I have, but I'm more concerned with how I'm treated. I am much more likely to ask to speak with the manager if the cashier or whatever is rude.

I love onions! :qg:

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 23rd, '20, 14:55
by kenma
the same thing happened to me with a tube of pringles a few time i always get so disappointed :mcshout:
but sometimes i get one that's extra flavourful and it makes my whole day lol
i'm too socially awkward to call the manager or anything like that even when i get my order wrong and i just feel bad and i don't want to inconvenience anyone
also i like onions but sometimes i hate the aftertaste

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 23rd, '20, 15:27
by Trickett
I think there have been several products I've tried that have been disappointing but I don't really remember any.

Except, we have this chocolate milkshake (or chocolate milk, I guess) in the fridge right now which I just think tastes funny.
At first I thought it might be out of date but nope, lots of time to go. And then I thought it might be a contaminated batch and worried I would have to contact Aldi but quickly decided this was probably paranoia and I'd hear about it if it was a problem. So then I thought maybe the dishwasher might have left residue in the cup but the other cups seem all right, although I'm still suspicious of the dishwasher...
But no, in the end, I think it just tastes funny. Maybe they changed the recipe?

But on onions, I used to dislike them as a child. I hated onions in my food. But as an adult I really quite like them. They're good in so many things. They're even fine on their own. :3 Except for, as Kenma said, the aftertaste sometimes. Especially on raw red onions.

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 03:12
by JosieQ
I have that specific problem with Ruffles Cheddar Sour Cream! Turns out the bigger bags that cost less per ounce are the crappier chips. In fact it's that way with a lot of things now, several big packs of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are made in Mexico (unlike the smaller, slightly pricier ones), and they taste like garbage.

So I guess many companies are just producing the bigger stuff cheaper, and it's worse, and I hate it.

I've returned countless bags of garbage, I will not stand for it! I'll keep doing it until it starts costing them more expense for ruined returned product they can't resell than it does for them to be cheap, until they up the damn quality! I WILL DO IT ALONE IF NO ONE ELSE HELPS ME, I HATE GARBAGE PRODUCTS I HATE THEM.


Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 03:21
by Kitalpha Hart
Well, the product they call "living" is pretty shitty, but there's no way to return it, soooooo

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 03:21
by JosieQ
Complain to your mother, demand to crawl back in...

No, wait...

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 03:28
by Kitalpha Hart
That would make mom laugh hysterically, call me a dork, and then bring it up for several years to where i wish I hadn't done it

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 03:47
by JosieQ
My mom overused and misuses "dork". :mcsweat:

Re: Disappointing Products

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 04:51
by kitestrings
too many times i've brought something home and hated it. food, utensils, the bedframe i'm sitting on right now... practically everything you buy that isn't out the ass expensive is cheap garbage that sucks. sometimes even the expensive crap is sucky garbage. several hundred dollars for a bedframe that's falling apart after less than a year. my luck.

also i love onions, they're delicious. love them caramelized and charred the best. but i'll eat them raw, too. except red onions. red onions are like, if you took an onion and cranked up the smell and took away the subtle sweetness. it's like a stank onion lol. i'll eat em but not because i wanted to.