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Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Jan 25th, '21, 08:18
by jundere
That's so true ;-; I'd love not having to talk to people but it doesn't seem possible ;v; sometimes I think about how nice it would be to be a cat,, and laze around with no responsibilities

your cat is kind of a tsundere too! she only gives affection when she thinks no one will hear her :,) my cat does that too! he ignores us all day and then when we're dead asleep he comes into our room and cuddles with us ;v;

I feel like I'd definitely know hes a grandpa cat though! he's got big droopy whiskers like a beard almost! and he lazes around the whole day, just like Macaron ;v; his fur is still pretty smooth though, so maybe he's just an older adult instead of a grandpa?

my kitty is also an only cat, so I'm not sure why he feels like he has to inhale his food ;v; thank you though! I'll definitely keep you updated!

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Jan 25th, '21, 22:22
by Moi

Yup cats literally do nothing and get fed and given toys and nice stuff u,8

Oh my God she also plays with a toy mousy when no one is looking >XD
I'll see her and say "Momo are you playing with the mousy 8D" and she'll glare at me and just leave >>

Maybe they're not just grandpa cats - they're wizards u8888

Do you have any other animals? Could still try to inhale his food. I hate to admit, but I'm not good when it comes to knowing why animals act the way they do xD;
I'm always learning new things.
I also was feeding my dog Hyde some treats the other night and my mom asked me "Is he even chewing those >8U"

Alsoooooooo Casper was napping in the house the other night and I got some pics.
He was like half asleep and kneading x3

Picture :3

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 18th, '21, 12:17
by kenma
Hello there! I'm rising from the dead just now. I thought I could pop up sometime but it's been really hard when all I had time to do was study study and
study. But! I'm finally done :mcargh:

How have you all been? Any exciting news?

I need to get my life together now cause I lived on frozen pizza, and quick pasta for a whole month. And my flat is a proper mess. Thus I have decided that today is cleaning day. Nothing better than to relax in a clean bed, and not have to worry about that pile of dishes in the sink that's been sitting there for days. :mccute:

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 18th, '21, 22:08
by Moi

Welcome back. Glad you're okay :3

I've been okay. We got a lot of ice and snow, which we weren't all that prepared for 8u
The snow this time wasn't even good snow Bu

I'll help you \8u/ -lights everything on fire-
Fire cleans all :3

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 18th, '21, 23:55
by kenma
gaah i wish it were that simple i spent a whole day cleaning and i'm still missing some stuff. i think i kinda overworked myself but it was necessary :mcheh:
Moi wrote:The snow this time wasn't even good snow Bu
i get it we got a snowy day here too but it was so little and it melted right after it stopped snowing oof it was no fun really

also i was wondering @jundere how's your cat doing?

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 19th, '21, 02:38
by Moi

I'm glad you got some cleaning done :3
I'm not the neatest person but I don't like crumbs and dishes everywhere u8

The snow we got in January was like soft and powdery but you could also make snowballs out of it.
This snow was too soft and it had ice under it so if you walked into the snow, you'd slip on the ice >Bu

I almost slipped off the porch, but I was opening the door so I had something to hold onto.
Hurt my fingers, though.

My Momo has been staying inside mostly. She has her food and water and litter box.
Well, I let Sabre inside because he was cold out in the snow and she started growling and hissing at him.
I opened the door to let him out and she ran out instead.
I chased after her, but she didn't go far.
She had no idea it was snowy outside xD
I grabbed her and she fussed at me and I said "Get inside you'll freeze uB<"

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 21st, '21, 23:45
by kenma
@moi ugh icy roads are the worst please stay safe! and momo is one cheeky cat. hehehe poor sabre

did you guys see the new knuffel that came out today?? i think it looks so nice!! i hope i can see it levelled up soon i think it will take a while until someone has it fully leveled up

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 23rd, '21, 02:58
by Moi

We pretty much stayed home for a week and it was horrible 8u
No food and I couldn't get my sleep medication.

Momo is just a whole mess 8u
She's the most hateful and ungrateful cat I've ever met.
But she's also really sweet so it evens out, I guess xD

Mine's almost fully leveled 8u

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 23rd, '21, 10:48
by kenma
i hope you were able to get your meds in the end. the knuffel look sooo nice. it's officially one of my favourites

Re: sock's den (everyone is welcome!) (new)

Posted: Feb 23rd, '21, 21:49
by Moi

I haven't gotten them yet. Should be today. I hope.
Luckily my mom and my aunt had some I could take.
I take 600 mg every night and instead of giving me the full amount, they gave me some refills of 300 mg so I had to take TWO at night and ran out quickly.
I don't know why they just didn't contact my doctor and give me the full amount >Bu
And since COVID, they don't give me refills.
I had to contact the clinic and my doctor over and over again because I called in my prescription and no one was filling it.
The clinic said to call the doctor and the doctor said to call the clinic.
And they were just jerking me around.
I didn't have my medicine for like TWO WEEKS >Bu
You know what would have helped? REFILLS.
If I got refills, I call it in - they fill it quickly.
If I don't have refills, they have to call the doctor, the doctor has to sign off on it, I have to wait a week or two to get my meds.

This one time I didn't have my sleep meds for TWO WEEKS.
I have horrific insomnia, sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. So I'm dependent on my sleep medication.
But for whatever reason, it wasn't getting filled. And I was losing my mind.
My sleep meds are for sleep, but they're also antidepressants.
I was literally losing my mind because of the lack of sleep and lack of good chemicals to my brain.
I eventually made an appointment just to tell the doctor I needed my meds.
See, I call the pharmacy and they tell my doctor and he fills it.

Doctor: So what's your reason for being here today 8U?
Me: I haven't had my medication in two weeks >Bu
Doctor: What!?
Me: I called and called and told the pharmacy and they never filled it.
Doctor: No one told me anything oO!

Then he told me "I'm going to go to the pharmacy myself and ask what the issue is!"
And he fixed it.
My aunt said she didn't like him because he was annoying, but I liked him.
He gave a shit about me.

Sorry for the rant xD

This knuffel seems to be the brother or sister to Fire Gen 7 8u
I might make a new knuffel some time soon...