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Re: What draws a Knuffel to you?

Posted: Jan 29th, '22, 07:28
by HanafuruLove
Honestly? When they're bright and shiny. Glitter. Sparkles. Reflective surfaces.

Hold my drink while I realize that I'm basically just a bird.

Also I cannot resist anything with a traditional East Asian design. Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Korean, it is all Very Good.

Re: What draws a Knuffel to you?

Posted: Jan 30th, '22, 08:37
by Akili Li
I just realized I answered this question the first time in regards to elemental knuffel and didn't address it at all for wild knuffel.

For wild knuffel, it's mostly the lines and the style, and second theme choices. Things that are wilder or more related to nature tend to draw me in more, and in an entirely different category, things that remind me of my family members will always draw me in. Whatever form that reminder takes, which can be obvious or rather obscure.

Re: What draws a Knuffel to you?

Posted: Dec 4th, '22, 02:48
by KaT124
Thought about letting this topic die... But I'm reading the answers and actually find it fun to see everyone's preferences! I'm hoping more drop a line to how they pick their knuffels.