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 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 25th, '22, 07:43    


Joined: Jul 20th, '08, 18:23
Posts: 693
Hugs: 23428
Haha, ya. I was really upset at first, until I realized how all her insults and personal digs were changes I've made years ago, and the person she thought she had power over literally doesn't exist anymore. It became humorous, and I thought of petty responses but kept what I wrote neutral and passive. But then she blocked me.

So I am keeping my childish ideals alive by playing here and opening Pokemon cards to feel better.

(0) (0)
I'm working on my wishlist! I love wings, and the color green and black, fyi.

 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 25th, '22, 07:52    


Joined: Mar 5th, '11, 21:23
Posts: 2553
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Ahh, I can understand where your upset comes from. Even though you've moved on well, it still doesn't feel good to not be able to have that "last word" and have the other party know your true feelings eh. It's a bleh feeling in the stomach that only time (and spoiling yourself) can heal :mcargh:

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 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 25th, '22, 07:59    


Joined: Jul 20th, '08, 18:23
Posts: 693
Hugs: 23428
EXACTLY, but I know, with or without her awareness, I am happy, and Healthy, and in a way better place, with nothing lacking in my life. So I spend money on silly games about Knuffels and collect pokemon cards!

Thank you for letting me rant, I feel a lot better!

(0) (0)
I'm working on my wishlist! I love wings, and the color green and black, fyi.

 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 25th, '22, 08:17    


Joined: Mar 5th, '11, 21:23
Posts: 2553
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Mood: ~(=w=)~
No problem! I've been through a similar situation so I can relate a lot ^^;;;
At the end of the day, we can't control what others think or do, but you have the assurance that you have a fulfilling life and bright future that leaves them in the dust, nothing can take that away~ :)

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! *hugs* :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 25th, '22, 09:04    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
Hugs: 85735
Mood: Glad to be back! ^o^
Sorry to hear you had such a bad day :mcgloom:
Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

And in the meantime can I take advatage of you and buy three FCs?

(0) (0)
G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 25th, '22, 11:31    


Joined: Jul 1st, '15, 12:52
Posts: 2398
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Location: Germany
Oh noes! Btw.. I've had a whole bad week xD and I can't see an end yet :mcgloom:

Aaaand I'd like to get 3 pretty :fc: please :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 26th, '22, 04:19    


Joined: Jul 20th, '08, 18:23
Posts: 693
Hugs: 23428
It was better, first real Thunder storm of the year (No rain, just the sky lighting up every few seconds and rolling thunder). Makes me very sleepy.

Trades are sent! Thank you very much!!

(0) (0)
I'm working on my wishlist! I love wings, and the color green and black, fyi.

 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 26th, '22, 04:54    


Joined: Jul 8th, '09, 23:07
Posts: 5132
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Mood: everybunny needs somebunny sometimes.
Hello :qh: Can I be put on the Fairy Coin list to win one or the waiting list to buy one? :mctongue: Thanks so much!

(0) (0)
Please message if you have any items from my wishlist and we can talk prices!
I'd be willing to overpay :mchappy:


 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 26th, '22, 05:22    


Joined: Jul 20th, '08, 18:23
Posts: 693
Hugs: 23428
Anime wrote:Hello :qh: Can I be put on the Fairy Coin list to win one or the waiting list to buy one? :mctongue: Thanks so much!
Hey Anime, I still have some for sale, and I'll update the free drawing. Each FC is 70k- How many do you want?

(0) (0)
I'm working on my wishlist! I love wings, and the color green and black, fyi.

 Post subject: Re: THE TIME CAPSULE (Random Bad Day/Fairy Coin Sale)
Posted: Jun 27th, '22, 10:51    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6073
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Mood: spiritual
Location: a remote internet isle
i'm sorry you had a bad day, rehgai, but i'm glad you're proud of how far you've come (as you should be!) since the time that immature person was referring to.

i'd love to buy 1 :fc: for 70k!

(0) (0)
Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

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