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Re: good books to read

Posted: Aug 8th, '08, 17:15
by KatieKitty
I like:

The theif of always - Clive Barker
By the time you read this - Lola Jaye

And probably alot more :qwhee:

Re: good books to read

Posted: Apr 8th, '10, 11:04
by Liwow
Hes majesty dragon is one of the best books Ive ever read!!! XDXD :mctongue: :mctongue:

Re: good books to read

Posted: Apr 11th, '10, 06:48
by Somnium Aeternum
I love sci-fi books. Books by William Gibson, Philip K. Dick, and Ray Bradbury are usually pretty much guaranteed to be great. They're all fairly different in the types of sci-fi they write, but I think they've all got really great style and fantastic stories. <3

Re: good books to read

Posted: Apr 11th, '10, 14:04
by -Leo-
i like books written by myself... ;9
honestly tho..there are NO good books made in these days anymore..
ok, there are SOME, but those are usually hard to get etc...

Re: good books to read

Posted: Apr 25th, '10, 18:04
by dawn123
I really like The midwifes aprentice, My side of the mountain, Misses frisby and the rats of Nimh. They are all really good books! :mclaugh:

Re: good books to read

Posted: Mar 29th, '16, 08:40
by ikiteru
My recs:

Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

Sunshine by Robin McKinley

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

Re: good books to read

Posted: Mar 29th, '16, 18:58
by savage_rose
I liked Lord of the Rings, it has just been so long since I read it. I should read it again :)

I just finished Magic and Manners by CE Murphy, it's a re-imagining of Pride & Prejudice with the heroine and her sisters magic-users. It was long but good!

Re: good books to read

Posted: Apr 8th, '16, 23:10
by Akili Li
Oooh, this I would like to read! "Magic and Manners"? I'll see if my library has it. Thanks for the recommendation. ^_^

I mostly came on to see if anyone had something light-hearted, with funny dialogue, to recommend to me. The catch? It can't be written in first person!

Re: good books to read

Posted: Apr 10th, '16, 00:07
by PupDragon
Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
It is a very good book. It has good in its name.

Re: good books to read

Posted: Apr 14th, '16, 02:55
by starcookie
I have to second the Good Omens recommendation. Very good book, very funny, and the footnotes just add to it.

The Green Rider series by Kristen Britain is good, so is Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, Anne McCaffreys's Pern books as well as her Brain and Brawn books (The Ship Who Sang is the first one of those), and Alan Dean Foster's Pip and Flinx books.

I could go on for a while, honestly. I'd also add any books by Patricia Briggs, Stephen King, and Mercedes Lackey.