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spring is here!
woohoo!  9%  [ 6 ]
yay!  10%  [ 7 ]
i'm so happy!  9%  [ 6 ]
:food:  72%  [ 50 ]
Total votes : 69
 Post subject: the elephant in the sock drawer
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 19:50    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
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Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland

(5) (1)

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 19:51    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland
[ the intro ]

i am the trash king welcome to my kingdom

(2) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 19:51    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland
[ the dwellers ]

the god of mischief / voodoo cat / emperor of hearts / snakeperson
Lume aka mercu

the great ancient evil / the evil overlord / the evil santa / the big fluffy polar bear dog puppy
Alduril aka Satan

the warrior maiden
Totenveloren1 aka the Lady Sif

mercu researcher and historian / message carrier
KimiLavender aka Iris

the local shapeshifter

the evil wannabe / chief procrastinator

the no-news-carrying owl / the joke whisperer / the sass master
Nellie aka Casey

court jester / thread poltergeist

the one true bondage queen / dominatrix otome peddler / amusement apprentice

mistress of indecision / witch of the void / she who rambles and is overly formal at times
Celestial Wolf aka the Lady of Many Names

chief superhero

the shady stalker

the lurking turncoat

(4) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 19:54    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland
[ the decor ]

this thread contains a shrine to alice in one of the corners

(2) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 19:59    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland
[ important dates ]

KimiLavender wrote:I now officially declare the 25th of November to be Bake-Mercu-A-Cupcake Day! :mcgrin:

march 9 - kimu's bday
march 11 - eugene's bday
march 16 - eri's bday
april 6 - casey's bday
april 21 - ald's bday
june 2 - nele's bday
august 14 - chris' bday
september 25 - alice's bday
october 5 - lovely's bday
november 11 - veetles' bday

(4) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 20:01    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland
[ memorable quotes ]

Nellie wrote:this thread is a wild ride

AliceON wrote:posting in this thread gives extra chances of:
getting fp
getting daycare tickets
getting items and materials from various villains
catching a fairy

Totenveloren1 wrote:Violence is always the answer!* :'D

*in this thread

Vineda wrote:Silly is this thread's middle name... :qn: :mctongue:

necroshear wrote:
내가 사랑하는 비스트

I know
I love noodles
I adore noodles
I dream about noodles
I marry noodles

비스트 내가 사랑하는

Nellie wrote:farts are glorious toten, have you ever had to endure the smell of one? they're mighty and powerful and us humans shy away from them

KimiLavender wrote:'Tis the greatest dream of all, to be quoted by mercu :P No higher honor exists in this world or the other!

Merrymaking wrote:You are never alone. Think about the Vashta Nerada, the Silence, and everything else... and even if you don't believe in them, there's always the bacteriae. "mchappy"

Nellie wrote:I'm going to kill myself, come back to life and piss on my own grave

Nellie wrote:but I don't know german stef I can't just say shnitzel hitler pickle frickle

Nellie wrote:I think for the first time in days I'm all out of pee

good thing too, because I'm out of pants

Nellie wrote:just out of curiosity did any of you ever swallow a bit of chocolate and then swung your head upside down because I did and the chocolate went straight to my nostrils and it stung so very bad

Projectwolfie wrote:lighting people on fire is fun

Projectwolfie wrote:HOW DO TUMBLR.

1. Click links.
2. ??????
3. Profit

Nellie wrote:I'm doing alright, I just had a magnificent pee trip after holding in for like two hours

and how are you? :P



Projectwolfie wrote:Put a bow on the cake. Then the cake is a cutie pie. c:

Totenveloren1 wrote:"I am fire, I am death. I am mercu" xD

Totenveloren1 wrote:Omg imagine you're getting fed up with their christian pop cause you can't sleep and you try to angrily yell out your window and you go 'JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE!'

and you just get a chorus of 'AMEN' back xD

Totenveloren1 wrote:I watch/read plenty of comedy, have you spoken with Casey in this thread before? Plenty of comedy to be had :P

Nellie wrote:it's not your fault, Chris is just an obscure joke maker, so obscure he's like a cave

Nellie wrote:you know it's a good idae when mercu agrees

Nellie wrote:forgive me for my sims

Totenveloren1 wrote:Man governments are like angry birds where everyone is either bird or pig no real difference they're just angry and wreck everything >>

Nellie wrote:luckily I'm an expert at fast walking so zoom zoom motherfuckers

Nellie wrote:I reject the probablity and maths of all kinds

Nellie wrote:I too desire to become toilet paper

then I'd get all the ass

Nellie wrote:I never check sizes because size doesn't matter when matters is how you use it :v

Totenveloren1 wrote:my brother made a mess again and wrecked part of his car, again. I'm not going to go into the details but it was just hilarious cause my parents and him are discussing/complaining about the repair costs and my mom made a comment on how the repair price is almost what they paid for the car so she sarcastically commented 'why not get a whole new freaking car for you to wreck' and right at that point a car sale commercial came on the tv xD

Projectwolfie wrote:Apples kill doctors: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

kaguya wrote:Ald you are the decaf of evil =P

kaguya wrote:Lots of things can be small and fluffy, like Ald for example.

Nellie wrote:that's because mercu is the best pizza

AliceON wrote:you can mow the kids on the lawn

Nellie wrote:everything is common in this thread

expect everything

mercu wrote:i can do one girl every day.

Errisa wrote::D yea yea. Mercu is the cutest, handomest, gorgeous AND hottest person ever <3

AliceON wrote:
you don't worship mercu???????

AliceON wrote:*eyes the hammer*
this is a very dangerous sex toy, concidering our topics here. should be handled with care

AliceON wrote:you can show me your weapons collection but keep in mind that I have 2 vibes, 1-2 anal plugs (unised though) and 2-3 love-balls sets in my arcenal so I can pretty much buzz to death literally anyone ;)

Veetles wrote:shit if mercu says it it must be true

Errisa wrote:And yes nick definitely missing out on sexy amazing Vee... -takes him down to average looking nick- >>

Nellie wrote:you should have hijacked the bus

Nellie wrote:I am sorely disappointed at your respect for authority and legal matters

AliceON wrote:vee's right
not fitting perfect into a system doesn't mean the problem is you. more often than not it's the other way round

Nellie wrote:dog day is everyday if you properly care and love your dog

if you're a shitstain who abandons dogs however, you can go fuck yourself and shove a whole rotweiller up your ass

featherquill wrote:A lot of people think I'm flirty but I'm just really nice.

Alduril wrote:remember, if you are in corner you have two sides protected and can atack in most directions while having vitals safe!

Projectwolfie wrote:Everything's the government's fault. Even the fact that there are no more donuts left in the your box is because the CIA stole the last one.

Projectwolfie wrote:The United Nations of Mercu.

Or as I like to call it, UNOM.

Projectwolfie wrote:Pray the plaque away.

Projectwolfie wrote:There are no adults.

Just other children who try to pretend to be adults.

(5) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 20:02    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland
[ cards against humanity expansions ]

dbz abridged
final fantasy

(1) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 20:03    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland

(1) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 20:03    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland

(1) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

 Post subject: chaos
Posted: Oct 19th, '11, 20:04    


Joined: Dec 19th, '09, 23:17
Posts: 34088
Hugs: 77346
Mood: anxious
Location: wonderland
ugh well since i can't keep track of my own spam thread so it keeps getting deleted
i'll just stick this here

Code: Select all

[limg]http://i43.tinypic.com/2yv1btc.png[/limg][align=right][size=70][b][color=#DC143C]AND WHO ARE YOU
THAT I MUST BOW SO LOW[/color][/b][/size][/align]
[align=center]// [u][color=#FFFF00]only[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]a[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]cat[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]of[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]a[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]different[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]coat[/color][/u]
[u][color=#FFFF00]that's[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]all[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]the[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]truth[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]I[/color][/u] • [u][color=#FFFF00]know[/color][/u] //[/align]
[align=right][size=80][color=#E22C31]And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere.[/color]
[color=#E94426]But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear.[/color]
[color=#EF5D1B]Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear.[/color][/size][/align]

(1) (0)
underneath it all, we're just savages
hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages

i'm not afraid of god
i am afraid of man

you can keep the last of me
i don't care, i am obsolete
you have seen the last of me
wring my neck, i won't feel a thing

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