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 Post subject: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 4th, '12, 23:55    


Joined: Apr 14th, '07, 00:58
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    Hello everyone.

    Today I would like to introduce a new feature on Kingdom Of Knuffel, the Wild Knuffel.

    To keep this announcement as unexacting as possible I have split it into two parts, the first is the "HOW" and the second the "WHY" part. Like this, if you do not care for the reasons of why we decided to do things a certain way, you only need to read the first part!

    ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~

    What are Wild Knuffel?

    Wild Knuffel are a new addition to Kingdom Of Knuffel - Knuffel users can create themselves and can even earn food with!

    How does creating a Wild Knuffel work?

    To crate a Knuffel go to the "Wild Knuffel" link in the menubar (you can find it under the Knuffel tab") and click on the "Click here to create your own Wild Knuffel" link at the top of the page.
    You have to upload 5 different, evolving states of your Knuffel, select a name for it, and then click on "Create Wild Knuffel". Easy as this!
    However, there are some restrictions for the images:
    - Your Knuffel must be your own work
    - No copyrighted designs, meaning you cannot use characters from games, manga, movies, etc. This doesn't only go for whole characters, but also for any clothes your Knuffel is wearing
    - Images have to be exactly 300 x 377 pixel in size
    - Images must be png files
    - Images must have transparent background
    - If you drew your Knuffel on any kind of background, the background must be "cut out" cleanly. No traces of the bg around the Knuffel should be left.
    - There must be a significant difference between each stage! Just adding one or two accessories to each stage does not make an evolution! (making this huge because that's the reason why I have to reject most submissions!)
    - No reuse, meaning you cannot create the same, or a similar Knuffel more than once
    - The Knuffel has to consist of colored, filled areas, on transparent background, meaning you cannot upload things like pencil scribbles, sketches, etc.
    - The Knuffel has to fill out most of the available space and leave a margin on all four sides, just try to fill out the 300 x 377 pixel in good proportion

    A detailed list of requirements can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=46087

    Some additional info:
    - Your images must be colored images with transparent backgrounds in png format. However, this does not mean you cannot upload a Knuffel drawn with crayons or watercolor, as long as you manage to cut out the background cleanly. If you don't know how to do it, ask around. There are many skillful users on KOfK and a lot of them are always willing to help others out.
    - You can use the base provided on the Wild Knuffel Uploading site (link above the name field), but you do not have to! You can create your very own base in your very own style. You do not even have to create a humanoid Knuffel, but please remember that your Knuffel must fill out the majority of the 300 x 377 pixel field when using your own base and especially when drawing animal Knuffel.

    For every Wild Knuffel you created that a user adopts you earn 50% of the adoption fee.

    You Knuffel will then be manually checked by me and will be up for grab once I have approved it.
    You will get a PM when your Wild Knuffel gets approved or declined.

    How does adopting Wild Knuffel work?

    The adopting process is quite simple: Every user can adopt Wild Knuffel by following the "Wild Knuffel" link in the menubar. You can brows through the available Knuffel, sort them by date, price, quantity and even polarity.
    To adopt a Wild Knuffel simply click on the "adopt" button next to it.

    Pricing, Time and Number Available

    Here it gets a bit complex:
    Every Wild Knuffel is only available for one month, aka 30 days.
    Every Wild Knuffel has a quantity of 500 Knuffel available
    Every Knuffel starts out with a price of 2500 food
    Every day the price goes down by a certain amount of food.
    Depending on how "popular" your Knuffel are, the price will raise again.

    However, for now this is only a testing state, so we reserve the right to see how it goes and adjust any of these numbers in the future.

    Digging, Leveling and earning Food with Wild Knuffel

    Wild Knuffel cannot dig and do not have any element they belong to.
    Wild Knuffel only need about 40% of the EXP a regular Knuffel needs to gain level.
    Just like regular Knuffel Wild Knuffel earn you food for leveling up, however, the amount of food you get is smaller, and they only give you food for every second level up! [<- this is new]

    Giving up Wild Knuffel

    You cannot give Wild Knuffel up for adoption again like you can regular Knuffel. However, if you don't want a Wild Knuffel anymore, you can simply release it back into wildness. You won't earn any breeder's fee for doing so. (The option to release them into wilderness is not yet available, but will be added very soon.)

    ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~

    And here come the WHYs:

    I guess the most important question will be

    Why can't my Wild Knuffel dig?

    When introduced Candy Island and the option to dig for material, and most of all for food, we had followed many requests of users for more ways to earn food. However, unfortunately this has not really done Kingdom Of Knuffel's virtual economy any good. The inflation is enormous and the food Knuffel earn users is the main reason for this. Material has also become almost worthless and the market is flooded with material no one wants/needs.
    Since with Wild Knuffel we are adding the option to have a non-predictable number of Knuffel released to the site, the effects of giving them the ability to dig could be quite devastating and crush this site completely. We could not take the risk and after a lot of debating have agreed to strip Wild Knuffel of the ability to dig.

    Why do Knuffel only need half as much EXP to gain level?

    Regular Knuffel can be leveled quite easily if you dig with them regularly as they earn more EXP by digging up material for you than by simply feeding them and playing with them. Since Wild Knuffel cannot dig and earn EXP this way, we have decided to make up for it by letting them level way faster.
    On the other side we have reduced the amount of food they give you. This is another counteraction to fight inflation, which we thought was necessary to do. Regular Knuffel already earn you a multiple of their original adoption fee when you level them up all to level 100. The amounts you get per single level might seem little, but in the end it adds up quite a lot. Wild Knuffel don't have a steady price and technically could be adopted for as little as 100 food. If they earned you food for leveling the way regular Knuffel do, the amount of food released through leveling Knuffel into the virtual economy would be even bigger as it is now.

    Why do the creators of Wild Knuffel only get 50% of the adoption fee?

    For the same reason as why we have decided against them being able to dig. Everyone wishes to get more food, but the more food the virtual economy has, the higher the prices of old items get and only old users with rare items profit from this. We want KOfK to be as fair and enjoyable to everyone though.
    However, even with users just gaining half the food for leveling their Wild Knuffel than normal Knuffel, the food that gets generated into the economy through this way is about 3000000 food per each 500 Knuffel a user creates! So this whole system is not even a food sink, but still creating a mass more food than it is taking out of the economy. We just wanted to minimize it as much as possible.

    Why are Wild Knuffel only available for 30 days? Why does the price raise and fall?

    We thought about several options, like letting users pick price and quantity of their Knuffel according to a realistic measure of how popular their Knuffel might be, but let's face it: Most people would try to sell their Knuffel for the highest price and the highest quantity possible in hope of gaining the most profit. But unfortunately not everyone is equally skilled and not every Knuffel will be equally desired. If Wild Knuffel would not disappear after a certain time the database might end up being filled up completely with Knuffel no one might want, or not want for that price. So we decided for the time limit and also for the price raise and fall.
    The idea behind this is simple: For every day your Wild Knuffel is up for grab but does not get adopted by anyone, or not by many users, the price will fall, so that other users, who were not willing to pay the original price for it, might decide to get it for a cheaper price after all. In oder words, we believe that it might actually help users getting their Knuffel adopted if we add this auto-decline of the price.
    On the other side, if a Knuffel is popular and the demand is high, the price will raise again. I wish I could tell you something easy as "For every X Knuffel adopted per day, the price will raise for Y food", but starkad came up with some complex system to determine "popularity" and I simply do not understand it.
    We hope that this system will help automatically regulating the prices of Knuffel according to demand.

    Why can I not make a Knuffel from X from manga/movie/game Y?

    Unfortunately that is something beyond our control. Characters form games, movies, books, anime, manga, western comics, etc and their designs are copyrighted. We do not own the "right" to "copy" them and therefore none of these can be used on KOfK.

    ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~

    I hope that this covers most of the question.
    Feel free to ask additional questions here, but be so kind to check whether your question has not possibly already been answered first.

    And now: Have fun with this new feature.

    ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~

    And here is even more text for you to read!

    Hey guys, first of all I'd like to thank all of you - I am completely thrilled by how well this new feature is received and by all the awesome Wild Knuffel submissions - I knew we had some creative people here, but all these awesome Knuffel are way more than I expected. It makes me really happy to see them.

    But unfortunately I also have to reject quite a few submissions, which makes me sad, so I would like to remind people what mistakes not to make and explain them a bit better, so this mistakes don't happen again. It is extremely disappointing to a user to put effort into a Knuffel and then have it rejected after all.

    The most reasons why I have to reject Knuffel are:

    1. Not clear-cut: The background has not only to be transparent, but there must not be random bits of a white background floating around in the image. No random white pixel around your Knuffel. I am already approving as much as I can, but there must be some minimum standards that have to be followed. Please, if you have problems with the background try asking other users for help!
    The best way to get a completely clear background is to work with layers and there are FREE art programs that offer layers, like for example GIMP, so maybe you want to try it out: http://www.gimp.org/

    2. Not enough change between the single stages:
    I understand that this is really difficult, but it is really really important.
    When other users want to adopt your Knuffel all they see is the first stage. They can already see in the first stage whether they like your style, the colors, etc., but they cannot see their future stages so they have to be able to rely on the Knuffel to actually change. Knuffel are evolving pets. If all the change between a stage is adding a pair of socks, this is not an evolution!
    Please make sure that your Knuffel changes significantly between each stage!
    To give you some guidelines: Try to add at least 3 changes between each stage. It should be even more if the changes are only minor things like adding eyelashes or a ribbon somewhere.
    Look at your first stage and at your last stage. The overall feel of the 2 images should be completely different.
    And, please, even if you add more than 3 "changes" to each stage: Your Knuffel should not just change from "guy with little clothes" to "guy with many/different clothes"! Actually evolve the Knuffel!
    I have seen some Wild Knuffel submissions where the change between the first and the last stage was hardly enough change for two stages. I hate to have to reject these, but it just does not work with the concept of evolving pets.

    Please try to keep these things in mind.
    For the ones of you who had already submitted Knuffel and had them rejected because they did not have enough difference: Your work must not be lost completely, you can try to improve your Knuffel by adding many more changes. Look at already existing Knuffel to get a better idea:

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 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 4th, '12, 23:58    


Joined: Nov 5th, '11, 02:59
Posts: 459
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Mood: Turning into an Algernon :(
Oh, hohoh. MY gosh o:
I just saw this right when I logged in P:

Edit - Thank you so much! :D
Now, I'll finally be able to see all of the wonderful work of Kofk's artists in the form of knuffel * U*

(0) (0)
Quests: new Wild knuffel funds > n< (progress ;-;')
trying to minimize amount of wild knuffel I buy xD;
Funds: 684p [yes, really (again). yay~
// 1.25k ~2k atm - u- [October knuffel] xD
next deadline- 11/19] but many other days to save for!! ..too many.
2215 (but 1895 after accidentally spending TT xD;)/1120
Image ~ <-- Clicky?! [Knuffel Quick View] - I feed back ; n; ..usually. Image [another link to more] click mine?
insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-I am member #11,313 c:
Spam thread - http://www.kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=44190
[Refer to here if I want to show you something c: ..or you're like kaxzu, and you just want to spam > u>;]

 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:00    


Joined: Apr 13th, '10, 08:45
Posts: 1689
Hugs: 55098
This is so cool. I'm so excited to see what people create!

Thank you so much! :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:01    

Sue Black

Joined: Jun 12th, '10, 13:27
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this sounds so amazing! *O* omg Firn this is so great! Thanks a lot!

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 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:02    


Joined: Apr 10th, '08, 06:56
Posts: 4957
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I have a question. I know you said it had to be original work, but what about the case of Knuffel mixes like you order from Eylis' shop? Can those be approved for Wild Knuffel?

(0) (0)
Thank you to Anored for making these Wilds for me. :)
You can see the rest of my Knuffels here: Guardians of the Wild Bunch

Looking for: Gen 1 D, E, F, L, W, Gen 2 L, W, Gen 3 D, E, Gen 4 E, F, W, Gen 5 L Gen 6 D, E, L, Gen 8 W, Gen 9 E, F, Gen 11 D

 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:03    


Joined: Nov 4th, '09, 00:02
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Location: NJ
Start making wild knuffels people! Go go go! -eager to adopt some wild knuffel- :qlov:

i wonder who the very special FIRST wild knuffel will be? -yes i am prodding all of you wanting to make some- :qhehe:

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 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:03    


Joined: Feb 13th, '10, 04:15
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Location: Germany
but the wild ones dont show up.. in my list..i bought two..one of each
not even if i sort them by wild knuffel only..

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Dream Avatars... (bold means most wanted of those..)

I NEED:Foxrell Ears (Mocha) -Foxrell Tail (Mocha) - Lady Antoinette Eyes (Blue Iris) -Opera Gown (Fuchsia)

Wild Knuffel Spoiler Thread

Looking to buy some TT/MT Sets...(click here)
Paying in FC/ FP..Please take a look..
TRADE some of my MT/TT items against Wishlist Items. Please look

Please stop asking me for double Queen Gifts Items.Starting October 2017 i wont buy more FC than i need anymore! Thanks^^

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 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:04    


Joined: Apr 13th, '10, 08:45
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If they were, Ambrienne, I think I will go broke. LOL.

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 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:04    


Joined: Apr 14th, '07, 00:58
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Ambrienne wrote:I have a question. I know you said it had to be original work, but what about the case of Knuffel mixes like you order from Eylis' shop? Can those be approved for Wild Knuffel?

No, these would not be allowed. These are not her own artwork. It's just recoloring of other people's (in this case mine) work.

Bononn wrote:but the wild ones dont show up.. in my list..i bought two..one of each
not even if i sort them by wild knuffel only..

Sorry about that, they should show now.

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 Post subject: Re: Wild Knuffel: Create your own Knuffel
Posted: Mar 5th, '12, 00:05    


Joined: Feb 18th, '12, 04:55
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Oh my, this sounds fun. If only I had any artistic skill. XD

EDIT: There's a typo on the adoption page~ "Aavailable" rather than "available".

Congrats Her Ugliness! <3

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Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Image Image
If anyone is dropping a Light Gen 3 Knuffel, I'd love to have her!

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