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 Post subject: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 12th, '12, 03:20    


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My name is Bao and I'm writing this story in my free time.
Posted it so Aki can read it.
Please criticize it. :D
I need help to make it better.
I will post a chapter each week.
Or whenever I get done with them.

Quick Summary:
This story is about a girl who's a light mage in a land where light mage's are useless. She's struggling to find a place where she belongs and doesn't find it until she's been cursed and turned into a boy. She's training to become a combat mage with her level headed best friend Micah under the supervision of two intensely insane twin mages who don't know their own power.

You're welcome, Aki.
"No problem Bao. ILY~<3"

Quick sketch of current characters.
May contain strong language.

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 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero
Posted: Mar 12th, '12, 03:22    


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In a land deemed Vero, Magicians of all types dominated. Each magician was born with a specific power that sealed their destiny. One that determines what each was to do in the future. There were magicians who specified in animals and others who control the weather to name a few.

On one especially cold and dark winter night in a city named Oceana, a child was born who held the power of light in her possession. Her hair was white as the snow outside and her skin was a perfect blend of peach and milk. The child’s smooth round face displayed a cute slender nose and beautiful full lips. Her eyes still shut tight to the world. Everyone in the room frowned as they set their eyes upon her tiny glowing fingers. The new born only lie there in silence as if she was a still birth. Her mother cradled her close and sobbed silently to herself as her father stood by the bed side, a lonesome tear making its trail down his cheek. Everyone knew that it was an omen to be born with the power of light. Although beautiful, this child was going to grow up with a hard life. That was the destiny of a light magician. Light was already abundant from the sun or a source of fire. A magician with the power of light wasn’t as strong as one with fire. They could easily be beaten out with someone who had the power of weather or electricity. In short, light was nothing but useless in this day and age. One who possessed this power will not grow up with many job offers, or any at all for that fact. The most they were used for was man power but that was the dilemma. This child is a female, there for not as strong as a male. She would be chosen last for any job that requires strength.
“I would suggest at a young age you start training as a warrior because she will be in need of it for her future,” the midwife suggested. She was only trying to help but that only darkened the mood in the room. Everyone knew the child was too beautiful to be wasted as a warrior as was true of all light magicians. Every single last one of them was the definition of perfect beauty because of their power but that was all they had. The power itself was a curse, beautiful but useless.

“I am going to name her Astral, after the night sky. She is my star in the dark no matter how useless she is to everyone else,” the mother declared as she hugged her daughter closer.

Chapter one
“Astral! I’m not paying you to make mistakes!” A rather large woman with a flour covered apron on frowned as she screamed into the face of a young girl whose straight long hair was so white you wouldn’t notice the layer of flour on it. Her hair itself looked like a soft curtain of flour. The woman had her hair in a green bandana and her sleeves rolled up. In her left hand was, through Astral’s deep golden eyes, a weapon. It was in fact just a normal baker’s rolling pin which was heavily covered with a layer of flour as well. Everything was covered in flour. Just minutes before, Astral had accidentally spilled an entire sack of it all over the tiny bakery.

“I am deeply apologetic, Corin! It just kind of slipped out of my fingers!” Astral defended herself in a very poorly executed way. The angry baker only raised her weapon, getting even more furious.

“That is no excuse young lady! You think just because you’re beautiful you can get away with anything! Get out of my shop this instant! I’m not paying you this week! That flour wasted my money and time! Now I have to get this disastrous mess cleaned up as well! Get out! Out! Out! Out!” Before giving her a chance to reply, the baker shoved Astral out the door and slammed it behind her. Letting out a deep sigh, the young girl pushed her way through the crowded market place and found her way to a fountain where she dusted off the abundant flour and washed her face. After cleaning herself up somewhat, Astral stared into the water until it was calm again. The girl staring back at her with deep golden eyes had a sour look on her face but even so, her perfect beauty remained. It didn’t matter what she did with herself, everyone regarded her as the most beautiful maiden in the city. Everyone knew though, they all knew she was a light magician. The women hated her for being beautiful and the men never wanted to hire her because she was a distraction to work. If some scumbag did hire her it was only because he had intentions of defiling her.

“I hate you,” Astral scowled at her reflection, “everyone thinks you’re beautiful but I only see useless ugly.”

“Why are you always so depressing?” A voice interrupted Astral’s conversation. She neglected to turn around, recognizing the voice as her one and only friend, Micah. He leaned in the fountain next to her, his reflection appearing beside her’s. His long wavy blue hair matched that of the ocean. Micah had it tied neatly in the back but it draped over his shoulders as he leaned over, the tip of it dipping into the water. The bangs in the front also draped over so that it cover his eyes to anyone looking at him. In the water his soft light brown eyes were shown and they were directed at his best friend’s reflection.

“It’s hard not being depressing when no one really wants you around,” Astral complained and reached down to shatter the reflection in the water with her hand. Her attempt failed though. Her hand touched the water and it noticeably moved but the reflection was still clear like it was a mirror staring back at her.

“Micah, stop it! I don’t want to see her anymore!” Astral complained and turned away from the fountain. Her reflection froze the way it was and stayed in its position.

“I like seeing your beautiful face though. It makes me happy,” Micah smiled as he reached down to Astral’s reflection and caressed it as if he was caressing the cheek of someone real.

“It’s creepy! I don’t like the fact that I already left and my reflection is still there. It’s like a ghost or something.” Astral crossed her arms and leaned her back on the fountain so that she wouldn’t have to look in the water. She didn’t want to see her own face anymore. It was the thing that distressed her in the first place. Micah waved his hand around in the water where their reflections were and it ripped away like normal water again.
His power was the power of water and his job was supplying the city with clean water. Micah considered himself to be more of an artist though. The boy was calmer than water that’s been contained and as carefree as water that flows in a stream. His wish was to be an artist but at this point in his life, being an artist was not enough to support himself. Micah had left his house when he was only seventeen and came to Oceana to paint and become an artist. He figured a city by the sea would give him inspiration but by the twelfth night, he started running out of food and money. His paintings weren’t selling enough for him to afford a home so he decided to go find a more befitting job.

The two had met one midafternoon when Micah decided to throw away all his paintings. Astral was out looking for a job as always when she strolled across a despairing Micah. The boy was standing on a steep cliff. He looked as though he was throwing away his life itself with the paintings in his hands ready to let the wind take them. Astral had mistaken it for suicide and bolted as fast as she could towards the cliff. She tackled poor Micah to the ground and tried to reason with him, telling him this and that about why he shouldn’t throw his life away. Micah understanding the situation only laughed. When they both got up again and saw face to face who each other were, Micah was breath-taken by Astral’s beauty. He was speechless and just stared in awed as Astral stood there angry for being laughed at, tears nearing her eyes. Instead of explaining himself, Micah found himself flirting with a stranger. He complimented her beauty and compared it to the shining sun itself. Astral waved it away and demanded Micah to promise not to kill himself. At this point, he only laughed again and nodded in agreement. In the end, he never did throw away those old paintings. They still sit in his house, covered in dust under some tarps.

“What am I going to do now? I’m not getting paid this week and I’m sure she won’t want me back next week. I can’t just depend on my parents until they die,” Astral complained. Micah turned around mimicking Astral’s post against the fountain and bit his pale lips. Just then, beyond the busy marketplace, Micah spotted some Combat Magicians looking at some weapons from a stall. An idea lit up in his mind. It was pretty farfetched but what else was there for Astral? There was no way he was going to let his beloved friend go stand on street corners.

“Hey, we should become combat mages!” Micah proclaimed as he patted Astral’s head. She was shorter than him by a few inches but it felt like many with the way her stance was. Instead of being shocked like Micah predicted his friend to be, Astral seriously pondered it. Her parents did give her some pretty heavy training as she was growing up. She knew the art of daggers and was skilled with a sword. Her accuracy with a bow was also up to par. She could be a combat magician if she wanted. The only problem with that was that she was a poor magician. The only thing she knew how to do with her light was turning it off or on and bending it. Then again, if she was a combat mage, she would surely meet others who could give her more knowledge of her power.

“Yes! Let’s try it out!” Astral exclaimed and stepped away from the fountain. She made a little spin around and hugged the unsuspecting Micah. His face flushed slightly pink but quickly disappeared as he hugged her back. He was ready to go anywhere with this girl. Even if his life here was satisfactory to survival, Micah often found himself questioning whether or not it was the right path to take. Astral was the one who always inspired him to do more and think of more than just his boring life as a water supplier.

“How would we go about doing this though? We haven’t got a clue on how to even start.” Micah questioned. Astral smiled deviously at him. Oh even her devious smile was like a pure candle in the dark. Micah’s thoughts admired his friend from inside his mind. Instead of telling her best friend what she was up to, Astral simply started walking in the direction of the mages Micah spotted earlier. It seems as though she spotted them as well. Then it occurred to him, Astral was going to go speak to some dangerous mages who she knew nothing about. They could simply slash her to pieces on the spot for disturbing them. His mind painted a colorful picture of just that happening.

“Wait! Astral!” Micah started after her but as soon as she heard him she made a dash for it.

“Oh dear god. Why do I have to be in love with such a troublesome woman?” Micah muttered under his breath as he held his hands out at his sides as if he was praising god. Slowly he motioned his arms upwards and closed his fingers until his hand formed tight fists. The water in the fountain behind him shot up and out towards Astral faster than anyone can blink. It dodged between the people on the street and made its way to Astral just before she could run into the two mages. She was only inches away from their backs as they browsed through some new wares. The water gripped her tightly like two fists holding on to a snake trying to wiggle free. Micah sighed in relief but he had forgotten that Astral had a pretty open voice.

“Hey! You guys! Turn around!” She yelled, even though there was no need for it as she was right behind them. The two males turned around simultaneously and looked down at Astral. One was in jade green robe and the other was in a royal purple one that looked similar to the other’s. Their faces even matched like mirrors if it wasn’t for their hair color and eye colors. Their face was heart-shaped and long, making them look very feminine. Their eyes were sharp as if they were from the east. Both of them had short hair from what Astral can see. The hood of their robe was upon their head still and covered up most of it. The one in the green robe had the most beautiful shade of golden hair that was so golden that he could sell it as gold if he wanted. The other one had blood red hair the color of a deep ruby. Their eye colors were the exact opposite of what their hair was. The golden haired one had ruby red eyes that seemed like it could bleed you dry and the other one had golden eyes similar to that of Astral’s.

“Shit,” was all that managed to escape Micah’s mouth when the two turned around. They both seemed like cold blooded murderers who would do anything to get what they want. Micah refused to release Astral from his water grip in case they tried anything. At least then he could still protect her. Running past the crowd, he caught up and moved Astral back a feet or two. There really was no more room than that. Too many people were trying to get where they had to be.

The mage with the purple robe and ruby red hair reached his hand out towards Astral. Micah hesitated to do anything because for a split second he wasn’t even sure if he could handle them. He froze in fear and his heart felt like it was jumping through his ribcage and out of his chest.

“Oh my, what a darling. She’s beautiful isn’t she, Cephas?” he caressed Astral’s hair instead of attacking her. That threw Micah into a state of shock. He fully expected the mage to be aggressive.

“Never mind the girl, look at this power. It’s magnificent! I am truly amazed! I didn’t think city folk knew any combat magic! Unless you are also a combat mage,” the one known as Cephas directed his question to Astral.

“Um, why would I encase myself in a coffin of water? It’s clearly Micah’s power,” she replied with some attitude in her voice. Cephas looked over and examined Micah from head to toe.

“He doesn’t look like a combat mage by the way he’s dressed does he, Cairn?” He asked his twin brother. The other twin scrutinized Micah’s looks as well.

“He does not. He’s dressed like just a regular man with a regular job but then again, he could be undercover.”

“Undercover! Should we be alarmed?”

“Nah they don’t look like they’re attacking. It just looks like he’s attacking her.”

“Why would he use his powers on a beautiful innocent maiden such as herself?”

“We should save her!” Cairn came to the conclusion and the two of them took a step backwards, bumping into the weapon stall. Their eyes suddenly glowed with intense power. The bystanders and people passing by quickly disappeared. Everyone knew just how powerful a combat mage was. The lady behind the stall quickly shoved her wares into a bag and scurried off.

“What did I tell you Astral!?” Micah said and started dashing in the opposite direction with the ball of water and Astral with him.

“You didn’t tell me anything!” She screamed back. That was in fact true. All he said to her was her name and “wait”.

“You’re not getting away from us you lowly scum!” Cairn proclaimed. All of a sudden he looked like a mighty god about to lay the hammer of justice on his people. His red aura radiated with his brother’s yellow one. Cephas placed two fists together and made a tearing motion like he was ripping something apart. The floor under Micah started turning grainy and sandy to the point where it was quicksand, sucking him in.

“Micah!” Astral yelled. She was useless once again, to even protect her friend. Even in the sand trap, Micah didn’t release her from the water tomb. Instead he brought her up higher to keep her safe. Just when Micah sunk deep enough to his chest, Cairn slapped his hands together and held it there like he was praying. The sand instantly hardened and turned into pavement again, trapping Micah in the ground. Cephas and Cairn approached Micah and was about to do more damage but they were stopped in their tracks. Water was being splashed at them. Astral had managed to free one hand now that Micah’s water trap was weaker due to his being immobile. She was using Micah’s water and splashing it at the two.

“Stop it, you jerks! Stay away from Micah or I’ll really hurt you!” The two stopped and stared at her briefly before bursting out laughing.

“You? Hurt us? A lowly light magician? Ha!” Cephas started laughing so much he had to hold his stomach because it started to hurt.

“There’s no way someone as delicate as you can do us harm,” Cairn added. After the laughing fit, the two returned to their regular composure like when Astral and Micah first met them.

“It seems as though we have mistaken, Cephas. They’re actually friends,” Cairn patted his brother on the back. Cephas nodded and repeated the motion he did before with his fists. The sand softened again. This time Cairn made a motion with his left hand like he was tossing a ball in the air and then clapped his hands together. Immediately, Micah was shot out of the ground and the sand beneath him turned back into pavement.

“Sorry for the misunderstanding. It was no big deal anyway right? Truce?” Cephas held out his hand to Micah. No big deal?! They scared away the whole street and that was no big deal?! I’m afraid to see them when they’re in serious combat… Micah was amazed yet afraid at their nonchalantly destructible power. His shook Cephas’s hand out of fear.

“Micah! Let me go already!” Astral complained. She was still stuck in the ball of water in the air. With a wave of his finger downwards, the ball collided with the ground and the dirt soaked up the water. He made a small pulling motion with his right hand at Astral and the water was pulled from her clothes.

“Your power is amazing, sir! We would love for you to join our party!” Cephas exclaimed, grabbing Micah’s hands in his.

“I’m no combat magician though. I have no experience at all,” Micah declined. Cephas pressed the matter though, “That’s a lie! We saw your power just now! You had to have experience to be able to do that!” That was true but most of Micah’s experience was from his job as a water supplier. He had to take well water and pull the pollutants out of it then put it in a clean well and that was what he did all day.

“Yes! He’ll join you! But only if I can too,” Astral insisted. Cairn smiled softly at her, “Of course you can. It’s always good to have a woman on the team. Also, being travelers, we often need light so it would be good to have you around in dark places.”

“Wait, how do you know I’m a light magician?” Astral questioned. She was sure she didn’t say anything or even used her power one bit.

“It was honestly a very educated guess. Only light mages have beauty like yours. The white hair and golden eyes are telltale signs.” Cairn explained.

“Yeah and we’re seasoned travelers, we can pin point different types of powers pretty well,” Cephas added.

“That’s so amazing! I can’t wait to get on the road with you guys! I feel like I’ve finally found my one true calling!” Astral pumped her fist in the air as she leaped for joy. Micah only sighed at his friend. These were strangers they’ve only just met and she wants to tag along with them?

The street was finally starting to fill again with regular marketplace commotion. The twin mages introduced themselves to Astral and Micah as Cephas and Cairn and vice versa. After introductions were made, they all discovered they were around the same ages. Micah had assumed that the twins were at least five years older but his deductions were incorrect. Astral was twenty-three, Micah was twenty-four, and the twins were twenty-five. They also learned what powers the twins possessed. Cairn had the power of stones. He could make rocks and use the power that was sealed inside. He couldn’t breakdown rocks though. That was Cephas’s power. Cephas had the power of sand. He can break down rocks and sand to the smallest molecule and control each and every tiny speck to do anything he wanted. He just couldn’t reconstruct them back together into a rock again.

When all the chattering was done, Cephas and Cairn departed, saying something about picking up a new quest. They instructed Micah and Astral to go home and pack. Astral also had to inform her parents. She was afraid but at the same time excited. She knew her parents would accept it. After all, they only want her to have a good future. They was no way staying in this city would give her that.

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 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 12th, '12, 07:47    

Deer In Gray

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αмυηα נαвgo мυяєoвωα

More, please.

η u g a j e i l j a l n a g a .

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My handsome sons, Ezra Alonzo and Emiliano Fidel !

( My old username was Agriimony )
➜ DeviantArt !

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RIP, Mommy.
04/14/57 ~ 09/05/15
RIP, Daddy.
07/02/63 ~ 05/07/18

{ αят ѕнoρ } { мαтєяιαlѕ } { ѕєllιηg } { вυуιηg }
{ мαякєт } { нαngσυт } { fαcєвσσк } { Gaia }

 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 12th, '12, 09:19    


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Chapter two

It took a few days before the party of four could start their quest. Cairn and Cephas told Micah and Astral to pack but didn’t contact them until a few days later. The only excuse they had to that was that they couldn’t find a quest they liked. Those two were just picking and choosing like it was candy from a candy shop. Astral had imagined it being more important and mind occupying. There were just so many things to consider when one goes on a journey. What quest is at the right level for us? Or perhaps what is suitable for four people? Also the reward for doing the quest or what equipment we had should affect the quest too. It seemed like the two only choose one because they simply “liked” it.

“So what are we supposed to do again?” Micah questioned the two experienced combat mages on their quest. The four of them were already outside the city walls and ready to depart. Astral had her sword with her and a few hidden daggers. Micah brought a pouch with some food in case they needed it. They twins didn’t seem to have much on them. They looked as they had a few days ago in the market place.

“Listen, alright? It’s amazing. We managed to snag a quest involving the Fairy of Fullmoon Forest!” Cephas presented proudly with one arm draped over his brother’s shoulders.

“Ah, yes! I’ve always wanted to meet her. I wonder what she’s like. I heard she’s dreadfully rude and nasty to anyone who enters her forest but she’s a real hot babe!” Cairn explained excitedly. His face turning strawberry colored as his excitement rose.

“I heard she’s more powerful than Merlin, the one and only magician in the world who was born with multiple powers!”

“How is that possible?! She’s only human like us!” Cairn turned and faced his brother who was equally getting as excited as they exchanged gossip.

“They don’t call her a fairy for nothing, Cairn! She has the power of spells and enchantments! It’s incredibly rare and it’s basically an indestructible power!” Micah and Astral only watched as the two fawned over the “Fairy”.

“Are you sure we should still be traveling with them? We’re new to all this and they’ve picked an incredibly hard quest it seems,” Micah whispered to Astral who stood there getting increasingly nervous the more she hears about the quest.

“I can’t believe we get to break into her house and steal her legendary glass crystal ball!” Cephas hugged his brother and the two started jumping up and down.

“Micah. I’m scared,” Astral commented as she hid behind Micah, refusing to take her eyes off the ecstatic twins. Seeing Astral scared to death made Micah’s heart drop. He hugged her tight and whispered in her ear, “we’ll just leave them and go find out own quest okay?” Astral only nodded. The two started slowing backing up back into the city but before they could get far, they backed into something grainy and soft. Turing around revealed it to be a wall of sand at least thirty feet high. The sand engulfed them and hardened, leaving Astral and Micah in a large boulder with their heads sticking out.

“That’s funny, I could have sworn you guys were going to accompany us,” Cephas smiled, his eyes glaring daggers of blood red death at them.

“We can’t allow you two to leave, this mission was decided just because we now have you,” Cairn’s smile was softer but something in his voice indicated that he was far more deadly than his brother. Micah had decided at that instant that these two guys are nut jobs, very powerful nut jobs.

“Whoa, wait. We are joining your party. We just, you know, wanted to give you some space,” Micah lied in the most convincing voice he could manage with the happiest smile he could form. The rock softened and melted away in the form of sand, “well in that case, let’s get going why don’t we?” Cephas said cheerfully and started walking off towards the woods. Just beyond those woods lie Fullmoon Forest where the Fairy is supposed to exist. There are typical rumors that if one enters the forest, they’ll never find their way out. Once trapped in there, they’ll lose track of the time of day since it’s always a fullmoon there. This was said to be a trick of the Fairy to keep trespassers away.

“Why did you guys pick such a crazy quest for us? We’re beginners!” Astral complained as she followed behind Cephas. Micah followed her and Cairn was in the back of the group.

“Didn’t Cairn tell you? We choose this mission because we can finally do it now that we have you two! I’m so damn excited!” The smile was heard in his voice even though Cephas walked in the front and the only thing that could be seen was the back of his robe.

“Yes. And there’s nothing to worry about as long as you have us here with you,” Cairn assured them. There was no point in trying to push for answers anymore. The two mages had logic that was incomprehensible by Astral and Micah.

As the crew made their way deeper the sky noticeably got dark which was rather strange since it was only morning time. The trees also seemed to droop more and more as well. At some point in their journey, strange plants and animals appeared. That was expected though. Many of the inhabitants of the forest are solely moonlight creatures so anywhere there was sunlight they didn’t appear. The temperature started to rise as well. Instead of getting colder the darker it got, the air around them thickened and heated up.

“Alright we’re almost there. I need you to clear up the air, Micah,” Cephas stopped and pulled off his hood. His golden hair was just short all around and choppy like a toddler went scissor happy but never got to finish the job. His face was pink and dotted with sweat. Cairn took off his hood as well. Instead of short choppy hair, his was neatly groomed into a long braid. It was getting hot like a sauna and the air was stale and moist making it harder to breath. Micah raised an eye brow at Cephas.

“What do you mean? Like, make it cooler? I can’t do that. I’m not a weather mage or an ice mage,” he objected. Cephas patted him on the shoulder. The pat was hard though and it felt like his bone would break if the combat mage did it any harder.

“Silly boy, all you have to do is take the water out of the air and it’ll be fine again. If we try to go any further in this heat, we’ll be a cooked dinner for the fairy,” he explained. It seemed like a rather stupid idea as taking the moisture out of the air would just make it hot and dry which would cook them even more. Micah complied anyway since he wasn’t sure just what Cephas would do to him if he didn’t. He formed a fist with his hand and placed it up to his mouth like he was holding a giant straw and sucked on it. A small ball of water started forming in his hand and it got larger the more he sucked. The air around them started to noticeably get cooler. When he was done he had a hot water ball about the size of a large chicken.

“How…?” He questioned, amazed that Cephas’s plan worked.

“Ha, you are so typical newbie. The air is only hot because it’s a spell. Normally hot air could be wet or dry but this spell makes it so that the air is filled with hot water droplets. It’s basically like we’re in a giant cooking pot. Taking out the water will turn the air back to normal.” Cephas’s explanation seemed to make sense but it only made Micah question magic even further.

The group continued to travel deeper and when it got too dark to see, Astral lit herself up like a lamp. Her whole body glowed making her look like a goddess who came down to earth from heaven.

“Cephas, I don’t think I can make it anymore,” Cairn sighed to his brother, “my feet are killing me and I’m afraid I’ll be too out of energy for any fighting if needed.” He brought up exactly what was in everyone’s mind. All the walking was getting exhausting and not only that but at the end of the journey when they found the fairy, there would have to be some fighting at some point. They’re on a mission to steal something from her and the rumors described her as powerful. They would all need their strength if they wanted to survive.

“We’re almost there. I promise and when we get there, we’ll just sneak in, take the crystal ball, and leave.” Cephas’s willpower to do the quest was the only thing dragging everyone on. Everybody wanted to take a break but no one wanted to oppose the crazy mage.

Cephas was right though. Only a few more minutes of walking had to be done before they noticed another light in the distance between the shadows of the trees. There were also sounds of birds chirping and smooth piano music playing faintly. Being cautious, the group slowly approached the light. They soon found themselves staring into a secret garden full of beautiful flowers of all colors and variety. There were birds playing in the small pond and butterflies fooling around in the air. A little cottage made of brick with a straw roof was nested in the corner of the small opening. There seemed to be a small garden hidden behind it. The sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky with some small clouds drifting around. At the center of the garden was a delicate looking table made of metal and glass. On the table a nice selection of pastries were laid out along with a flowery teapot and five small teacups. Around it seated five chairs also made of the same material. One of the seats was being occupied by a man dressed in an elegant white suit with gold linings. He also had clean white gloves on that suggested him to be a gentleman. Short, neatly-trimmed, straight hair the color of pink cotton candy covered his face as he was looking downwards at a book in his lap. His square glasses with round edges and a thin frame were still noticeable though. The wing shaped earrings in his ears dangled at an odd angle as well.

“That is this? Some kind of Alice in Wonderland shit?” Cephas whispered, clearly not amused. The man looked up instantly and smiled widely at them, his sky blue eyes sparking. He placed the book down on the table with the pages still opened and stood up. He had clearly spotted them and started making his way over.

“I was waiting for the lot of you to come! I hardly ever get visitors around here. It often gets quite lonely. Come! Come in to the sunlight and enjoy some tea with me!” he greeted, his accent reminiscent of an Englishman. He grabbed Cairn’s arm gently and pulled him into the light, leading him over to the setup of tea and cakes. Cairn was too shocked to let words come out of his mouth or even thought process in his mind.

“Who are you?” Cephas questioned following his brother. He wasn’t very shocked but he was rather curious as to why there was a man living in the Fairy’s forest. Micah and Astral didn’t care who he was, they were both only relieved that there was finally light and a place to rest. They both quickly took a seat next to each other and sighed at the comfort of the chairs. Their legs felt like jello finally getting a chance to rest. Everyone sat down but Cephas. He only stood with his arms crossed next to his baffled brother.

“My name is Nicolas Bumble. Welcome to my Fullmoon Forest,” he politely introduced as he started pouring tea for everyone, even Cephas who was still on edge.

“Wait, I thought the Fullmoon forest belonged to the Fairy,” Cephas interrogated, his mind not being able to wrap itself around the fact that Nicolas is the so-called “Fairy”.

“I guess that would be what outsiders refer to me as,” Nicolas replied, biting his bottom lip.

“Oh darn, I was hoping the fairy would be a beautiful maiden of whom I could seduce,” Cairn sighed sadly. He picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

“I’m sorry for disappointing you. Like I was saying I hardly get visitors here! I’m extremely pleased you mages showed up!” Nicolas smiled brightly and clapped his hands together in excitement.

“Gee, I wonder why you never get visitors,” Cephas muttered sarcastically. Nicolas turned to Astral and Micah and asked for their names. The two introduced themselves very vaguely but Nicolas still had a thing or two to say about their names. He chattered on happily in a one-sided conversation as the two only sat there quietly sipping tea.

Cephas leaned down to his brother and whispered in his ear, “I thought you said the fairy was supposed to be nasty and mean. This bloke is nothing but pleasant, perhaps too pleasant.”

“How am I supposed to know those were just false rumors?! How do you think I feel, expecting a scorching hot chick and getting this flamboyant stick of butter?” Cairn whispered back. Cephas frowned at him.

“Is that all you can think of?! There are more important things on our hands like weather or not he still has a crystal ball.”

“I guess we’ll just have to distract him and take a look around.” Cairn suggested. His suggestion to distract didn’t even have to be planned. Nicolas was already distracting himself with the company.

“Hey, as long as you fellows are here why not help me out a bit. I was going to go tidy up my garden and feed the animals.” Nicolas stood up and grabbed Micah with him. Everyone turned their gaze to Cephas as if waiting for permission or asking for help. In Micah’s case, his eyes were pleading so hard it felt like they were going to pop out of his head if he tried any harder. Cephas only smiled back at him, “oh no! You guys go have fun! My darling brother is too exhausted so I have to take care of him.” He then proceeded to glare instructions at Astral. She knew exactly what was on his mind from the scary look he was giving her.

“Animals! I would love too!” Astral said excitedly as she jumped up off her seat. The three of them then headed off to the back of the house. Once being sure that they were alone, the twins dashed for the little cottage.

Looking in the first window displayed a single roomed area and a set of stairs. The room had a clean sink in the back with counters that were full of jars sitting atop them. The contents of the jars were unidentifiable though. There were also shelves upon shelves of more jars and in the middle of the room was a small table with a tiny cauldron set in the middle. Papers were scattered all around the table and on top of it making the room look like a mess.

“Definitely a house of a spellmaster,” Cairn commented.

“Yeah but I don’t see the crystal ball. We’ll have to go inside and check out the counters and upstairs,” Cephas reached for the door expecting it to be locked. Instead it opened quietly and obediently. The opened door revealed something far different than what they saw through the window. Beyond the door was a magnificent foyer with two grand staircases leading up to the second floor which had one set of doors in the middle where the stairs meet. On the first floor in the middle between the stairs was also another room.

“Holy mother of god, this guy is just full of deception,” Cephas said in awe.

“Let’s split up. We’ll find it faster. My poor Astral is out there with that creeper,” Cairn suggested. Cephas hesitated before agreeing. He knew that once apart, they were weak. They depended on each other’s power to function but Nicolas wasn’t around so it should be okay.

Out in the garden Micah was reduced to pulling weeds and using his water magic to water the plants while Astral and Nicolas fed the woodland animals who came for a meal.

“How come you live here alone?” Astral inquired. All her life, she was basically alone. She had no friends but Micah but she didn’t even meet him until she was at least sixteen. It was hard for her to imagine why anyone would seclude themselves, especially someone as talkative as Nicolas.

Nicolas hesitated, his mood darkening a bit as he pondered whether or not he should share his story with someone he just met. Astral seemed like a nice enough girl though. Her innocent face made her seem trusty and her soft light aura made him feel like he could fly away with her.

“I live here because I have to if I want to see the person I love,” Nicolas’s mouth bringing to light a tiny smile that he mustered up. Thinking about love only made his heart feel heavy though. It was a task all in itself just to smile all the while thinking about such a thing.

“What do you mean? Is she scared of people or something? I don’t get it.” Astral felt like the answer was so plainly in front of her but she didn’t know what it was. She felt completely clueless. Nicolas made it seem like it was obvious why he lived in a forest no one could get to normally. Astral’s eyes focused intensely on the man, anxiously waiting for an answer. Nicolas’s lips started to shake so he bit them to make them stop. It was not something he told anyone. His story was a secret he’s never told yet at the same time, he yearned to tell someone. His mind was split in two. It was a hard decision to make because telling this secret could ruin everything but at the same time, it hurts that no one knew.

Astral caressed Nicolas’s pink hair and rubbed his back to comfort him. Somehow her touch was warm and fulfilling. He sighed and threw the rest of the animal feed on the ground. Nicolas then proceeded to sit down as well with his legs crossed. He didn’t care if his fancy clothes got dirty at this point. Astral sat down beside him and smiled warmly, her smile lighting up her beautiful face. Nicolas turned away from her and focused his eyes on the animals chowing down on food in front of him.

“The reason why I live here is because the person I love is a man. I want people in the outside world to think of me as a woman so that the man I love won’t be disgraced. The only way to do that is to hide myself. He and I are pretty famous due to the powers that we were born with. Rumors are always floating around everywhere about us. I don’t want to burden him and I know that people frown upon love like ours. I don’t want people to think bad of him so I hide myself here. Lots of people always try to come and find me but the spell I put on the forest will only let them find me if I want them to,” Nicolas explained his story, his mood getting more depressing the further he explained. He neglected to mention who his lover was though.

“Why did you let us in then?” Astral pressed for answers.

“Because when I spotted the group of you in my glass ball, I felt a connection. An intuition of sorts. It felt like I had to meet you. Something just told me I should let you in. It was just you though. Those fellas you are traveling with, I’m not so sure about. Part of me felt so lonely here by myself as well. I wanted someone to talk to very badly. My lover only comes once in a while. He’s always busy with this and that being a famous magician.”

“I’m sorry,” Astral replied for lack of things to say. This poor guy was stuck in a bind to seclude himself and pretend to be a woman just for someone he loved. Astral wasn’t even all too sure if his lover loved him back or not. For all she knew, Nicolas’s significant other could just be using him. Even though she couldn’t say anything, her heart ached for him. She felt she was in the position herself being able to relate to being alone and not accepted for who she was. Since Nicolas shared his story, she wanted to tell him hers too but before she could say anything, Cairn and Cephas appeared.

“We should get going. It’s getting late and I’m sure your parents are concerned, Astral.” Cephas interrupted.

“Yes, thank you for your kindness, Nicolas,” Cairn smiled as he pulled Astral up to her feet and dusted her off as if he was her mother.

“It’s too bad. I was getting quite used to your company. Indeed I gave you kindness but you abused it. Please return my crystal ball to me before you take your leave,” the seriousness in Nicolas’s voice was stern. He seemed like a completely different person than the one they first met. The once beautiful sky slowed darkened with Nicolas’s expression.

“How can you be so sure that I we have it?” Cephas defied him. Nicolas only grew angrier with that statement.

“This is my forest. This is my home. Do you understand? My domain! I know everything that’s happening in my forest! To think that you are insolent enough to steal from me is quite baffling!” without even letting anyone have a chance to give him his ball back, Nicolas pulled out a plain wooden wand from his suit and muttered some words in another language. He waved the wand at Cephas but the already alerted twin blocked the incoming magic attack with a thick wall of sand which absorbed it. He produced a small clear crystal ball the size of a fist from his robe and tossed it at Cairn who caught it clumsily, almost dropping it. Cephas stuck his right arm out and drooped his hand over as if reaching for something on the floor and pulled upward. Sand seeped out of the ground underneath where Nicolas was standing and grabbed at his legs. In that time, Cairn gently handed the ball to Astral. Once his brother had hold of the enemy, Cairn started throwing punches at the air, making rocks form out of the ground and tossed in Nicolas’s direction. The fairy slashed his wand downwards, his mouth constantly moving from the casting of spells. The rocks that were once flying at him were now all split in two down the middle and lying on the ground. He waved his wand at his feet and the sand turned to water washing off his feet.

Micah whom everyone seemed to have forgotten about took this chance to attack as well. He held his left elbow outwards as if offering his arm to a young maiden and slapped the top of his left hand with his right. The water on the ground around Nicolas quickly seeped into the ground until it found a larger source of water. As soon as it did, all the water sprung upwards like a geyser erupting. Nicolas managed to jump out of the way before the water hit though. He landed on a cloud that he fabricated with his wand. A wall of sand then reached up to him attempting to engulf him but the cloud carried him higher. Micah used the technique he used earlier to take moisture out of the air and sucked up the cloud causing Nicolas to start falling back down. With more waves of his wand, a small weed started growing into a giant plant until one of its leaves were big enough to catch him. In the process, it also sucked all of the water out of the ground. Cairn clapped his hands together multiple times until the ground was solid as a rock, killing the plant. As it fell over like a giant tree, Nicolas jumped off. He grabbed one of the birds flying frantically in the air and used his wand on it. The tiny delicate thing evolved into a giant flying monster with sharp claws and ferocious teeth that were too big to fit in its beak. He hoisted himself on top of it and directed it to attack Cephas and Cairn. The bird monster opened its wings and swooped over to them, it’s beak snapping, trying to get a bit.

As the fighting went on, Astral only sat in the corner too scared to fight. She didn’t want to hurt Nicolas. It wasn’t like he was the bad guy here. She didn’t want to hurt her friends either. Even if she participated in this magical mess, she wouldn’t be able to do much. Her physical fighting would be stopped by the powerful magic Nicolas had. He could easily due away with her weapon by turning it into something else. If she were to fight Cairn, Cephas, and Micah, they would just rip her weapon from her with sand or water.

“Astral, I trusted you to understand me and now you will!” Nicolas’s voice thundered as he rode the beast. He chanted a spell and pointed his wand at her. Her three other friends were all caught in a bind and no one could save her. Micah had no water to save her with except for the droplet he gathered from the cloud earlier. Cairn and Cephas were both too busy trying to avoid the bird all the while trying to stop it with their own magic. Their attacks were weak against a flying creature though because it can easily avoid the ground.

“Astral!” Micah screamed. Seeing the girl he loved in danger sent a rage through him that made his whole body shake. Quickly he dipped his pointer finger in the water droplet and held his hand like a gun. In the small window of time he had, he pointed it at Nicolas and made a motion like he shot a real gun. The droplet of water went flying like a bullet, hitting Nicolas in the chest as his own spell made its contact at its target, throwing her back and knocking her out. The crystal ball rolled out of her grip and across the ground. Nicolas had let his guard down from Micah, assuming that he had no more water to use therefor rendering him useless.

Being wounded, Nicolas fell off the monster, distracting from its battle. Cairn took this chance to drive a giant pointed rock into it, pinning it to the ground, killing it instantly. Micah dashed his way over to Astral who slowly came back to consciousness. When she realized what was happening, she quickly stood up and ran over to Nicolas, ignoring Micah. The twins were busy making sure the bird monster was definitely dead before they met up with Micah.

“Where’s Astral!” Cairn huffed worriedly. Micah pointed at the girl running over to their attacker and then proceeded to run after her.

Once the light mage reached Nicolas, she plopped on the floor scooped him up in an embrace. His blood was now seeping everywhere, spoiling his perfect white and gold suit. A dribble of blood was also spilling out of his mouth. His calm sky blue eyes drooped, trying hard to stay open. They attached themselves to the figure holding their retainer.

“Nicolas! No!” Astral exclaimed, her voice sounding odd to herself. She ignored it though.

“Tell…him…love him,” was all that escaped Nicolas’s lips before his eyes closed and his body limped. Astral hugged the now dead body tighter. Her long hair draped over her shoulders and covered half her face as she lowered her head. Nicolas’s blood caught itself on to her clothes as well. Her friends had caught up to her and now were standing silently watching. Micah got down on one knee next to her and hugged her shoulders. He parted her hair and cupped it behind her ear, revealing her teary golden eyes. When he leaned in to kiss her cheek, Micah froze. Astral wasn’t the girl he knew anymore. In place of his love was now a young feminine looking boy who resembled Astral.

(0) (0)

 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 21st, '12, 05:51    


Joined: Mar 2nd, '12, 03:18
Posts: 11
Hugs: 2068
Mood: I feel...... Mellow, sleepy, happy
A boy.... That's really stupid, I'm sorry but it is... It needs changed! Humph.

(0) (0)
Brooketail Of The Warrior Cats Clans


 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 21st, '12, 07:15    


Joined: Feb 24th, '12, 05:56
Posts: 225
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Mood: iliaaaaad
Location: the x circle of hell
Brooketail wrote:A boy.... That's really stupid, I'm sorry but it is... It needs changed! Humph.

@Brooketail: Seriously. You need to control how you criticize other people. Stupid is not a good reason, and the way you said this sound like you're trying to flame the author. That's just rude.

*ahem* Anyway, I was only able to read the first chapter so far, and I have to say you got me interested. It's a bit tiring reading your writing though since you have so many run-on sentences...
[Her hand touched the water and it noticeably moved but the reflection was still clear like it was a mirror staring back at her. ]
When you read that out loud, it sounds pretty tiring, doesn't it? You'll need to add a pause (or a comma) to give your readers a short rest in the middle. If you want to make it dramatic, you can always use (...). This would be more common in dialogues than the actual narration.
(Her hand touched the water and it noticeably moved, but the reflection was still clear...like it was a mirror staring back at her.)

[“I am deeply apologetic, Corin! It just kind of slipped out of my fingers!”]
Err...apologetic isn't the right word here. It just sounds wrong. Also, don't overuse exclamation points (!). Mix it up with periods, and if you really want to stress someone shouting, use italics or bold.
("I deeply apologize, Corin! It just kind of slipped out of my fingers...")

[His power was the power of water and his job was supplying the city with clean water.]
Redundancy times two~
If you're having a hard time looking for another word for something, you can always consult a thesaurus. That's what I do (I use MS Word). :D
(His magic was the power of water and it was his job to supply the city with fresh batches of it regularly.)

Anyway, everything was alright except for the run-on sentences and the part where Cephas and Cairn come in was confusing for me...it was like all the events were stringed together and in a jumble. That might be just me being sleepy though. /shot
If it were me, I might've put a little more time for Astral to accept their invitation to travel, but I guess she's just really impulsive. Hahaha.

I'll read Chapter 2 when I have the time to. ^_^

(0) (0)
.: Current Quest :.
I'm still missing: 24x Angelica Leaf, 16x Fire Ring, 17x Goblin Ear, 65x Paper Airplane
If anyone can help me with my quest, I would be really grateful!

I've been gone for a very long time, so I'm still trying to get myself back in this place. Yup. - 11/18/15

v old text that I'll still decide whether to delete or not v
Thanks so much to: Kyunicorn, Luluannabell, elaine3305, marorda, Mukkura, nel-tu-animoke, SilverOrchid, Esilda, and pretty much every awesome user here that I have met. ;-; (I have a bad feeling I'm forgetting people. <_<)
First Fairy found on 8/1/12! Got Lavender Fairy Headwings~

 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 24th, '12, 01:49    


Joined: Mar 2nd, '12, 03:18
Posts: 11
Hugs: 2068
Mood: I feel...... Mellow, sleepy, happy
Yeah, i cant critisize........ But its really disturbing that she turned into a boy.......... :(
Lag wrote:
Brooketail wrote:A boy.... That's really stupid, I'm sorry but it is... It needs changed! Humph.

@Brooketail: Seriously. You need to control how you criticize other people. Stupid is not a good reason, and the way you said this sound like you're trying to flame the author. That's just rude.

*ahem* Anyway, I was only able to read the first chapter so far, and I have to say you got me interested. It's a bit tiring reading your writing though since you have so many run-on sentences...
[Her hand touched the water and it noticeably moved but the reflection was still clear like it was a mirror staring back at her. ]
When you read that out loud, it sounds pretty tiring, doesn't it? You'll need to add a pause (or a comma) to give your readers a short rest in the middle. If you want to make it dramatic, you can always use (...). This would be more common in dialogues than the actual narration.
(Her hand touched the water and it noticeably moved, but the reflection was still clear...like it was a mirror staring back at her.)

[“I am deeply apologetic, Corin! It just kind of slipped out of my fingers!”]
Err...apologetic isn't the right word here. It just sounds wrong. Also, don't overuse exclamation points (!). Mix it up with periods, and if you really want to stress someone shouting, use italics or bold.
("I deeply apologize, Corin! It just kind of slipped out of my fingers...")

[His power was the power of water and his job was supplying the city with clean water.]
Redundancy times two~
If you're having a hard time looking for another word for something, you can always consult a thesaurus. That's what I do (I use MS Word). :D
(His magic was the power of water and it was his job to supply the city with fresh batches of it regularly.)

Anyway, everything was alright except for the run-on sentences and the part where Cephas and Cairn come in was confusing for me...it was like all the events were stringed together and in a jumble. That might be just me being sleepy though. /shot
If it were me, I might've put a little more time for Astral to accept their invitation to travel, but I guess she's just really impulsive. Hahaha.

I'll read Chapter 2 when I have the time to. ^_^

(0) (0)
Brooketail Of The Warrior Cats Clans


 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 24th, '12, 06:13    


Joined: Feb 24th, '12, 05:56
Posts: 225
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Mood: iliaaaaad
Location: the x circle of hell
@Brooketail: You could've phrased it in a better way though. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all, right?

(0) (0)
.: Current Quest :.
I'm still missing: 24x Angelica Leaf, 16x Fire Ring, 17x Goblin Ear, 65x Paper Airplane
If anyone can help me with my quest, I would be really grateful!

I've been gone for a very long time, so I'm still trying to get myself back in this place. Yup. - 11/18/15

v old text that I'll still decide whether to delete or not v
Thanks so much to: Kyunicorn, Luluannabell, elaine3305, marorda, Mukkura, nel-tu-animoke, SilverOrchid, Esilda, and pretty much every awesome user here that I have met. ;-; (I have a bad feeling I'm forgetting people. <_<)
First Fairy found on 8/1/12! Got Lavender Fairy Headwings~

 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 25th, '12, 00:45    


Joined: Mar 2nd, '12, 03:18
Posts: 11
Hugs: 2068
Mood: I feel...... Mellow, sleepy, happy
........... :qsweat:

(0) (0)
Brooketail Of The Warrior Cats Clans


 Post subject: Re: Light of Vero [Story]
Posted: Mar 27th, '12, 03:46    


Joined: Nov 5th, '11, 02:59
Posts: 459
Hugs: 25979
Mood: Turning into an Algernon :(
Oi :D

Took some time to really read those two chapters, and I'm satisfied c:
..but other than some typing errors and redundancy ....and what Lag said, there's not much I can find wrong > u<;

(0) (0)
Quests: new Wild knuffel funds > n< (progress ;-;')
trying to minimize amount of wild knuffel I buy xD;
Funds: 684p [yes, really (again). yay~
// 1.25k ~2k atm - u- [October knuffel] xD
next deadline- 11/19] but many other days to save for!! ..too many.
2215 (but 1895 after accidentally spending TT xD;)/1120
Image ~ <-- Clicky?! [Knuffel Quick View] - I feed back ; n; ..usually. Image [another link to more] click mine?
insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-insertspacefillerhere-I am member #11,313 c:
Spam thread - http://www.kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=44190
[Refer to here if I want to show you something c: ..or you're like kaxzu, and you just want to spam > u>;]

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