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 Post subject: The Frosty Castle -October Contest
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 07:04    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle
Due to tinypic shutting down, I no longer have a picture link to Frosty Castle. I will work on it as soon as I can. I did not know they were shutting down.

    This started out as a small charity created by two friends who were leaving KofK... But one of the charity owners (Blaze) got a little too attached and ended up staying much longer than originally planned.

    I'm really happy that this charity has, for the most part, been very successful, and I've had a lot of fun running it! Unfortunately because of time restraints, this thread will soon be retiring as a charity, and will be moved to hangouts. In the mean time though, prizes are still being given out to those who can [s]endure our torture win our games, so please come join the fun![/s]

The Frosty Castle is under new management! My main account is Death Candy, but I am now taking care of this too. I am reorganizing everything and finishing trades that have been sitting. As soon as I get all the items sorted I'll be creating a new spreadsheet! I'll be hosting games but for now "pick a number is on hold". Please be patient as I get everything updated. If you have any questions feel free to pm me on Oracle of Ice or Death Candy.

  • Follow KofK terms of use and any other relevant rules.
  • No mules are allowed to participate in the charity.
  • Follow the rules as posted for each of the events.
  • Do not do anything that could be considered cheating to win prizes.
  • Please do not obtain items from here with the intent to sell them.
  • Please be patient with us.
  • No begging.
  • Be polite.
  • You have 3 months to accept a trade from us, otherwise it will be cancelled.
  • Remember these are our hard earned items, we don't owe them to you.

Breaking the rules can result in being disqualified from certain games, or even being completely banned from the charity.

Requirements for participation
  • Account must be at least 2 weeks old.
    ((This is to prevent mules, and to prevent items from going to people who end up not staying on KofK, sorry.))
  • Have at least 10 conversation posts in this thread. I'm letting this one slide due to it being slow around here.

    When you have met the requirements, please send us a PM telling us so.
    Then we will add you to the participation list.

If you have any questions, or need clarification on the rules, do not be afraid to ask!

Participation List
  • Kuuki
  • Meags
  • CrazyMae
  • K y o F o o c h a
  • Willow Evermore
  • Hibari97
  • Nioin
  • KimiLavender
  • mercu
  • ChocolateCat
  • Alezandla
  • Saloiq
  • Cremuex Levier
  • Sugoi
  • SchitsenGiggles
  • Yuuko
  • Yukyy
  • littleblack
  • ZaTanya
  • kashumaru
  • Ziaheart
  • Maromallow
  • PrincessKasumi
  • Eflete
  • PeachyTeacups
  • Twilightday
  • Blood_Yagami
  • Spica
  • star2000shadow
  • redk5
  • Chrizine
  • Star_Dust
  • shadami
  • Trinitydoll
  • Dreamsinger
  • Death Candy - new owner
  • Vineda
  • Kitalpha Hart
  • Akili Li
  • MissNikki
  • Mynah

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 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 07:08    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle

How lucky are you?
    Pick a number between 1 - 193, and find out!

How to play
    To play, you must first win a turn in another game. (We are really testing your luck here.) Once you win a turn, open the spreadsheet to see what numbers are still available, and pick whichever one you like. Who knows, maybe you'll win something really valuable... Or maybe you won't! Only one way to find out!

How do I win a turn?
    There are currently two ways to win turns.

    The first way to win a turn is purely based on luck. Whenever you see Oracle or Blaze post an image of a snowflake, quote it to be entered into a raffle to win a turn. A random number generator will be used to determine who wins. Snowflakes melt fast though, so you might not want to wait too long to check for them.

    Alternatively, if luck isn't really your thing, you can also win turns by completing Oracle's requests in the Minions game. So even the unlucky will still have a chance to get lucky.

What if I win an item I all ready own/don't want?
    In the event that you win an item you don't want or all ready own, you have the option to pass on the item. The item will then be raffled within the thread to other users. You will not be able to choose another number to replace the item you passed on. However, being charitable will reward you karma points. You can use karma points to instantly win someone else's unwanted item, or use it to get extra raffle tickets when quoting snowflakes. The amount of karma you get for an item you pass on will scale with the worth of the item (10k = 1 karma point).

Karma Points
    Akilil Li: ♥♥
    KimiLavender: ♥♥♥ *price check earth top 1
    646rebecca: ♥♥ *price check heartflower top, turquoise cat hair
    Hollyshark:*price check pterippus hair
    Kuuki: ♥♥ *price check light mantra 1
    Chrizine:*price check heartflower staff

The Spreadsheet

This is sort of obsolete as it is no longer the final give away.

(0) (0)

 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 07:09    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle
Due to tinypic shutting down, I no longer have a picture link to Frosty Castle. I will work on it as soon as I can. I did not know they were shutting down.
… to fetch me a banana.

    We give you a request, and you fulfill it to win prizes!

So what can I expect?
    Specific demands and prizes will be notified each time. The requirements can range from something simple such as asking you to guess the idea of an image to something that requires a little more effort like drawing an object, taking a picture, singing a song, etc...

    The objective is to make it outrageously hard relatively easy (in terms of skills required) so participants can never be rewarded have equal opportunities. You don’t need to have godly artistic skills and spend hours drawing a banana for us (but we may ask you to repeatedly sing your national anthem in an hour... Maybe?)

Is there anything I need to consider?
    1. Please make sure that we can verify your entries are yours! (eg. shout your username in the record, write your username on the drawing or display a board with your username in the photo) Any entry that cannot be verified will be automatically disqualified.
    2. Do not post your answers here. Send a PM.
    3. Check that you are eligible to participate.
    4. Your work may be displayed. Notify us in your entry that you do not want it shared.

Active Requests

Oracle of Ice wrote:Well, while I set this up... I'll give you guys something (maybe?) fun to do.

Minions, I order you...
To create your likeliness in the dream avatar creator!

Explanation: Create a dream avatar that looks like you in real life, and post it in the thread!
Note: If you are not comfortable with making an avatar that looks like you, you can always make a fake avatar.

Prize: One turn for the Pick A Number giveaway game.
(Currently being set up)

Deadline: None

I tried.

Oracle of Ice wrote:Minions, I Order You...
To create an avatar around an item!

Explanation: Use the Dream Avatar Creator and design an avatar around an item of my choosing, and winner gets that item.

The item is the
Ignore everything in the picture, but the. I have no idea how you can a blank avatar to build around. I've seen it done, but I have no idea how.

PM this account with entries.

Contest on hold

(2) (0)

 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 07:19    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle
Due to tinypic shutting down, I no longer have a picture link to Frosty Castle. I will work on it as soon as I can. I did not know they were shutting down.

What is this?
    It's virtually a dream avatar contest, but there's a catch! You will be making dream avatars using an item or a theme that I have chosen. I will be the voter, but this is subject to change.


How will the item and theme rounds differ?

    In the item rounds, the items we specify will also be the prizes. So if I we asked you to make dream avatars with a bird, that bird would be your prize!

    For the theme rounds, we will give you a theme, like "blue and white" or "Halloween" to work with. The prizes for these rounds will be unique to the theme... but you could win things like 5 commons off your dream avi, or even a rarer item or 2. These rounds will mostly be saved for special occasions, or for when we really feel like torturing you with some of KofK's more impossible color combinations. ;3

How do we enter?

    All you have to do is create your dream avi, then pm it to us!
    There will be a limit of one entry per a person.

How will voting go down?
    We will list all of the entries on the front page with an assigned letter. To vote, send us a pm with the entries in order from your favorite to your least favorite. The first entry you list would be the one you think deserves first place, and the last entry you list would be the one you think deserves last place.

    We will then score them depending on where you ranked them, so that the person with the least points is the winner. (First place = 1pt, Second = 2pts, and etc) In the case of a tie, we will pick the entry that was the most popular, meaning it had been placed higher more times then the other tied entry did.

Contest Update!

Please design an avatar around the . Remember the image below is all white so you can see what item to focused on. Send entry to this email and only one entry. If you want to change it just message me with the new entry and let me know it's been changed.

End Date:

(3) (0)

 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 07:25    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle
Due to tinypic shutting down, I no longer have a picture link to Frosty Castle. I will work on it as soon as I can. I did not know they were shutting down.]
Re-Title: Mini Games

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 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 07:26    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle
Due to tinypic shutting down, I no longer have a picture link to Frosty Castle. I will work on it as soon as I can. I did not know they were shutting down.

How do I get these?
    Just ask in thread. :3
    Anyone can ask for these, even if you don't meet the requirements for the games.
    But please don't be greedy!

  • Only ask for items you really want/would actually use.
  • Do not ask for items with the intention to sell or hoard.

Current Freebies

We won't list them since there are a ton between our accounts.
Just ask for what you need and if one of us has it, we will send it to you. :3

Other freebies may (or may not) be given out at our discretion to those active in thread.

(4) (0)

 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 07:41    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle

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 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 08:12    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle

Pumpkin Carving Entries

Christmas Cookies

Akili Li:

646rebecca: [x]

Chrizine: [x]

Kitalpha Hart: [x]

Oracle of Ice:

Death Candy: [x]

HollyShark: [x]

(0) (0)

 Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 08:29    

Oracle of Ice

Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
Posts: 681
Hugs: 3387
Mood: Evil
Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
Location: The Frosty Castle
Things that need to disappear... for now.

Newbie Raffle

This raffle is for newbies to KofK only!
    Non-newbies, please scroll down, you can participate in everything below this post! We also ask that newer members who have the ability to donate to not participate in the Newbie Raffle. This is meant to help those who are new and struggling with KofK’s economy.

How is this going to go down?
    Well, that’s pretty simple, if you qualify for the raffle you are assigned a number. We will use a random number generator to pick who wins each raffle. Those who lose will be carried over to the next raffle, and those who win will have to sit out a round before they can participate again (this is subject to change). As for what you can win? Well, we will post below what the current prize is for the raffle below.

Who qualifies as a newbie?
    If your account is younger than a year old, you automatically qualify.
    If your account is older than a year, but you were not active on Kofk until recently, please discuss it with me so we can determine if you qualify as a newbie or not.

Item Currently Being Raffled

Raffle End Date

Ticket List

    Oracle's Makeover
    Entries from Oracle's makeover.
    Broken Image








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     Post subject: Re: The Frosty Castle
    Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 18:17    

    Oracle of Ice

    Joined: Jan 2nd, '12, 03:41
    Posts: 681
    Hugs: 3387
    Mood: Evil
    Website: http://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=49517
    Location: The Frosty Castle


    Code: Select all




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    Due to tinypic shutting down, I no longer have a picture link to Frosty Castle. I will work on it as soon as I can. I did not know they were shutting down.

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