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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 14th, '14, 20:56    


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ml1201 wrote:lol, I'd have them all really high, close to the point of proposing and then give them engagement rings and see how they all turn out as husbands. XD

If only that were possible. But I don't think most western culture approves of harems.
What I would love to see is a video game take up the challenge of allowing same-sex marriages. I think one of the Harvest Moon games allowed the female avatar to marry the Harvest Goddess (or the Witch) and she just shows up with a kid one day and says it's yours. I'd like to see that in more games where you can marry and have a family.

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 15th, '14, 04:21    


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That would be interesting, would totally do it with the guys. XD I actually switched my character's appearance to the male character because the design of the female was bothering me. o.o; Just those dangling things on the breast plate was annoying the day lights out of me, and the male's outfit looks more girly to me then the girl's anyways. o.o;

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 15th, '14, 11:07    


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Eh?! Wow, that's intense XD

I didn't know that. :O The Harvest Goddess is kinda a magical entity, though, so I guess she can pull kids out of thin air. Not quite sure if it would work out quite as well in RF (considering it took them long enough to even add a female character), but they could think of a way...Then again, I'm not quite sure the ex-staff of Neverland will ever work on RF again. ^ ^; There's a possibility, but it may be just wishful thinking at this point...

Well there was that whole overblown scandal with the Tomodachi Life gay marriage glitch. I think I remember reading that the creators promised to allow same-sex marriage for the sequel?

Hahaha, I've learned to ignore the buckles on the breastplates. XD Though you have to occasionally wonder what they're even for

Micah still wins the RF girly dude competition for me--

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 15th, '14, 13:45    


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Micah is adorable and girly.
His reactions are the best though. I remember when Sakuya tried to shear him! He totally didn't agree on it!

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 15th, '14, 15:29    


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Oh, I know what they are for and it ticks me off. :mcmeh: If you're wondering I'll give you a hint, draws attention to that area. That's their only use even though actual armor doesn't have that on it. :mcmeh: I wish when you changed their outfit it would also change how the character profile looked when talking to people, another reason why I switched to the guy is because his outfit design is so much better overall. He looks more like someone who's a scholar or a mage, which is kind of what an Earthmate is from my understanding, but also wears clothing that's not hard to do something like field work or fighting. Then you get the female character who looks to be wearing some kind of armor, which when you're being a scholar/mage you REALLY don't want to wear because of how heavy it is, and armor so poorly made is not something even someone that's a knight/warrior would want to wear. (sorry for the rant, I'm really into fantasy games to the point I know almost every single medieval weapon and the differences between them, just got into a discussion about war hammers and what the game we were playing has as a war hammer, which happened to be called a maul in that one x'D)

Looks like I'm going to have to see about getting the previous games or roms of them at least. x'D

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 16th, '14, 03:19    


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@Wiltherel; Hehe. I wish I could play RF3. My brother owns it and has promised to let me have one of the saves so I can play the game. But I am only allowed to play it once he is finished because I have a bad habit of spoiling game story endings. He has had the game for two years now and still has yet to finish it.

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 16th, '14, 04:13    


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*glances over at the games she's had for 5+ years she hasn't finished*
I have to be in the mood to play a game. :mcheh:

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 16th, '14, 11:32    


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@Wilth Yeah! XD He's the cutest Wooly everrrrr. I wanted to wed him to Raven just for her to balance off his femininity before laziness hit me as usual.

@ml Eugh D: Well they don't draw MY attention further than an odd glance when I first saw her design, so they don't bother me. XD It's not like Frey has particularly shapely breasts either. It would probably bother me if she had a slutty personality, but in the end, RF is still a family-friendly thing, so I'm pretty aight. Clothes changing according to equips IS always a plus point for me in a game though LOL

And same here! Hence my long post on the "what games are you currently playing" thread--
Right now I just switched back to Bravely Default.

@Dragon: Aww, I know the feel of being spoiled on RF3'S story, regarding Raven's identity and no thanks to said obsessed friend a few posts up XD I do see where you're coming from, too, though, as I've been nagging another friend to play Fire Emblem: Awakening for ages, but her bro won't lend it to her--

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 16th, '14, 15:31    


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I just see so much of that going on with female character designs that little things will tic me off when it comes to that. x'D Most women in video games are designed for sex appeal and not what's practical, so I get annoyed by it. Though Wilth found an awesome site on tumblr where people will fix up such things for fun. XD

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 Post subject: Re: Rune Factory 4
Posted: Aug 16th, '14, 21:57    


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@nuttyjigs; After what you just said I want to know more about Raven, but I don't want the game to be spoiled for me.
I love Raven's personality, or rather the personality she shows in RF4. She makes a cameo as an ore sales-man. In one of her dialogues she says that her favorite type of monster is Woolies.

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