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 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 25th, '17, 18:48    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
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Location: New York State
Haneul immediately confronted him. Tae couldn't believe that Haneul would actually say something like that. He definitely looked as shocked as he felt. Sure, Haneul was smirking, clearly wanting to have fun. However, Tae was no longer in the mood for fun. In fact, he felt like curling up in a ball in a cave somewhere and disappearing forever. "N-No, hyung, I--"

Suddenly Lain was there and was telling Haneul to leave him alone. It made him feel at least a little bit better. It seemed like Lain, at least, understood why it had taken him awhile. Tae dropped his eyes to stare at his shoes. He wanted to thank Lain, but it felt like doing so would only encourage Haneul.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 3rd, '17, 06:14    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
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Haneul widened his eyes at Lain. " 'Leave him alone'? Aww, getting possessive, aren't we?"
Lain blustered, "Stop taking what I say out of context, it's really stupid."
"Of course, it's my mistake," said Haneul airily, "I should've thought it through before waylaying him, because if anyone should have a problem with what he did, it's you, and you obviously have no complaints because you enjoyed it."

Lain shook his head at Haneul slowly, shocked. "I know you think this is funny, but you're taking this way overboard. How much longer are you going to stretch this? It's sickening."

Haneul raised his palms in defence. "Whoa, whoa, dude! Can't you even take a fucking joke?"

Ju-Kan spoke then. Lain hadn't noticed him walk up to them. He didn't know how long he'd been listening in. The leader said, "You know, Lain... the fact that this bothers you so much when it's just joking around... it wouldn't bother you so much if nothing was up."

Lain's mouth fell open, and his mind went blank. Was Ju-Kan actually... accusing...? No way- he, Lain, must've misunderstood-
"You wouldn't make such a big deal of this if there wasn't anything between you two," said Ju-Kan coolly. Lain just stared at the stony-faced leader, utterly baffled and wondering where the hell that had come from- then he remembered him walking in on the two of them right before the concert was due to start, when Tae had stopped him to ask what he'd do for the tension escalator, and the leader seeing the situation differently than what was actually happening.

"You've got the wrong idea!" said Lain hotly.

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Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 3rd, '17, 14:52    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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Location: New York State
Haneul started to accuse Lain of enjoying the mistake that Tae had made. Even Ju-Kan got involved. Tae tried speaking up to say that nothing was going on between them, but he couldn't get a word in. Lain was getting upset and Tae needed to do something. Lain had helped him out so many times before, he had to be the one to help this time.

"N-Nothing's going on, hyung." Finally he could speak, but even he didn't think he sounded convincing. Despite telling the truth, Tae had no idea if his hyungs were going to believe him. He hoped they did. He didn't want to deal with the jokes anymore. He hated their assumptions that something was going on. Why...how could they even think that?

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 3rd, '17, 18:46    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
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Location: a remote internet isle
"N-nothing's going on, hyung."

For a moment everyone stopped and looked at Tae. Lain was surprised because they usually paid no attention to him as it was so easy to override him. Maybe they hadn't expected him to speak up.

He hadn't sounded at all believable, but Lain appreciated the attempt.

Ju-Kan poked his head forward like a pigeon. "Why do you sound so nervous, huh? Is it because you're lying? Because you're ashamed of whatever it is between you two?"
Lain threw his hands up in despair. "He always sounds like that!"
"No, I think he definitely sounds more nervous nowadays." Ju-Kan straightened. "When he's around you."

Lain started to say that was because of the fanservice, that made things awkward between them. "That's because-"
"A-ha!" Ju-Kan pointed at him dramatically. "So you admit he is more nervous around you!"

"LET ME FIN- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" He tried to snatch Haneul's phone from him; he'd begun recording them while they were all caught up in the argument. Haneul held it up high and as Lain made a snatch for it, pressed the power button.

Lain grabbed the phone but couldn't unlock the phone to delete anything. "URGH!" He didn't think he'd ever felt so frustrated. He dashed the phone to the ground and was actually ready to break it open or do whatever it took, but Ju-Kan caught him and pinned his arms to the side. Lain wanted to kick him but a small voice of reason told him that wasn't a good idea. He was the leader.

"Please make Haneul delete it, hyung," said Lain plaintively. If the leader told him to, Haneul would have to do it.
"No way," said Ju-Kan, sounding delighted, "Ever since that stylist put up that video online there's been too much HanJu. It's not fair that we should suffer from something like that and you don't, especially as you're the actual couple."

"Yeah, and I know you were planning to give me shit over that HanJu video," added Haneul. Lain groaned. Haneul knew him too well. "Well now you can't 'cause if you try I'll give you shit about this video." He winked. "Ball's always in my court, man. Time you learnt that."

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Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 3rd, '17, 20:44    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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Location: New York State
Everyone looked at him. Suddenly he felt even more nervous than before. They usually just ignored him. He was easy to ignore. He was always a little nervous around people, even them despite living with them for years.

Then Ju-Kan called him out on sounding nervous. "N-No..." He tried to say he didn't sound nervous because of anything going on. Then Lain tried saying he always sounded like that.

Was he really more nervous around Lain right now? He had tried to hide it. Then Lain seemed to agree with him. It was that obvious? "I-I..." He suddenly couldn't speak. Lain freaked out and tried to grab Haneul's phone. Did he...?

He basically said Lain couldn't make fun of him for the HanJu or he'd release this video. Tae's stomach dropped. He wouldn't...

"H-Hyung..." Tae didn't like this. He wished that his hyungs would just see how hard this was for him and let it go.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 4th, '17, 08:18    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6052
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Location: a remote internet isle
"H-hyung..." There was something else in Tae's voice other than his forlorn nervousness, something like an imploring note. It was clear this was affecting him badly and that made Lain feel terrible. He stopped struggling against Ju-Kan.

"Please. Don't put the video up." The leader just looked back at him with that cursed stony face of his. "I'll do anything, hyung, what do you want me to do?"

"You're this afraid of people finding out that the ship is real?" Ju-Kan said suddenly.

Lain opened his mouth to say the ship wasn't real, dammit, why couldn't he get that into his head, but then he remembered he was trying to cajole him into not putting the video online, so this wasn't the time to argue with him. He shut his mouth and swallowed, not knowing what to say.

"You know you two can't be together, right? I don't need to tell you why. You'll mess up the group, you'll get in trouble with the company. You're both guys. You'll definitely be separated, if not worse." Ju-Kan turned him around to face him, and shook him by the shoulders. "Don't you know it? Eventually you two will be found out, and you'll have to face the music."

That's no logic. If Ju-Kan was thinking 'They'll eventually get found out anyway so let me have my fun now and upload it' he had to stop him, but he didn't know how. "Hyung, please." His voice was choked up, he was on the verge of tears. This was such a fucking mess. If that video went up he'd fucking die.

"You're that afraid of being separated from him?" said Ju-Kan, his voice suddenly soft.
Lain could kill himself for the intense embarrassment, but he nodded out of desperation. "Hyung, please. We'll be sensible and responsible. We'll sort things out between us, just... don't put the video up, please."

Ju-Kan sighed. "Fine. But you better stick to your words. I don't care how you're going to do it. I don't want anything, any inappropriate feelings between you two."
"Hyung, thank you so much." Lain's knees caved and he was on the floor. "I'll always be grateful, I swear." He was actually crying now, and he didn't even know from what feeling because he'd gone through a rollercoaster in the last ten minutes.

(0) (0)
Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 4th, '17, 13:08    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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Location: New York State
Ju-Kan still thought it was real. And Lain wasn't doing anything to convince him otherwise. It made Tae feel even worse. Although Ju-Kan started saying what would happen if people thought it was real.

The band would suffer. The company would suffer. Lain would suffer. And it would all be Tae's fault. Because he was too nervous and too quiet to stand up to his hyungs. He couldn't let that happen. Maybe he could pretend he wasn't so nervous anymore. Make his hyungs believe nothing is going on between them. Then everything would fine.

Ju-Kan finally agreed not to put the video up as long as they worked things out. That shouldn't be too hard, right? Lain was on the floor, crying. Tae felt horrible, but he thought if he tried to comfort him, it would only be seen as there really being something between them. Not to mention he wanted to cry too.

"Th-Thank you, hyung..." He mumbled after a moment. He couldn't be rude and make them change their minds about uploading the video. After a moment, he squatted next to Lain. He had to make sure he was okay.

"Hyung, are you okay?" He asked quietly. Part of him was nervous that Lain would just start being mean to him to try showin their hyungs that nothing was between them. He didn't want that. He just wanted Lain to be okay.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 4th, '17, 13:24    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6052
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Location: a remote internet isle
"Th-thank you, hyung."
Ju-Kan nodded at Tae curtly.

"Hyung, are you okay?"
Lain looked at Tae. Maybe it was because Tae hadn't stammered or sounded nervous. Maybe it was because he was already so overwrought that the relief of Ju-Kan agreeing not to put up the video wasn't enough to keep him from snapping. But he looked at Tae and all he felt for a moment was white hot anger.

"This is all your fault."

In his skewed sense of judgement at that moment, it was too easy to delude himself, to blame Tae. It was Tae who had escalated things more than they'd planned at the concert epilogue. It was Tae who hadn't known how to take a stupid paper that was passed to him. Tae who stuttered and acted nervous and blushed too damn easily and didn't stand up for himself so that it always fell on Lain and he was sick of it-

"All your fault," he repeated, his voice low and brutal. He looked away, blinking away his tears. He was beginning to feel bad now, but he told himself he'd said nothing wrong. Tae kept making everything worse. And he, Lain, had to keep trying to make everything better.

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Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 4th, '17, 13:39    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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Location: New York State
Lain looked over. He looked so hurt. Then he spoke out loud what Tae had been thinking since the beginning. He was so angry at Tae. It just made the maknae feel even worse. Lain was hurting because of him. Now he was angry at Tae. Something that hadn't happened before. Not like this. Tae suddenly felt all alone.

"Hy-Hyung..." Lain said it again and Tae looked down. "I'm s-sorry, hyung. I...I didn't..." He stopped talking. If Lain really was this angry with him, then nothing Tae could say would make it better. He felt sick. He'd ruined everything. If things kept going like this, the band would be ruined and it would be all his fault.

He stood up and walked to the far side of the room, away from his hyungs. He didn't think Lain wanted him around right now. He wanted to cry, but now he refused to cry in front of Lain. He was sure that the other hated him. He'd tried to help, but everyone usually ignored him anyway. Instead of helping, he'd just made things worse. He sunk to the floor against the wall and pulled his knees to his chest, trying to be as small as he could. Maybe if he just started being silent all the time, they would forget about him and how much he messed up. Then they'd all be happy.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: May 6th, '17, 05:49    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
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Location: a remote internet isle
Tae didn't even protest. He actually tried to apologize and the worst part was, he really seemed sorry. Which was messed up.

What I've done is messed up, thought Lain when he saw Tae scrunched up against the wall.

But though he admitted it to himself, it only made him angrier.
Because Tae taking it the way he did made Lain feel worse about it, piling on the guilt. But more than that he was just angry at Tae for never, ever standing up for himself.

He might've thought that Tae only kept from protesting because he decided it'd be best to humour Lain in his present condition. But the way he reacted, as though absorbing all the blame, and retreating to a corner with palpable despair, showed otherwise.

Lain got to his feet slowly, and walked over to Tae. He crouched, and took Tae's face in his hands, turning it towards him.
He was going to do something wrong. Something messed up.
Would Tae object at all?
Would this be what it took for Tae to finally be assertive in protecting his own interests?

Was it even to test that out that Lain was doing this? Why was he doing this?

Lain gazed for a moment into dark eyes full of hurt before capturing Tae's lips in a forceful kiss, intense and unbridled.

(0) (0)
Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

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