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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 26th, '17, 19:13    


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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
After Cole bid Leanna goodbye he went to visit his mother once again. He told her he was heading home, but before returning he had one single question for her. Freya seemed reluctant at first but Cole was persuasive and eventually she gave in, disclosing that one truth to him. The truth that planted a sense of guilt in him. He hung his head as he turned around. "You couldn't have known." Is all he heard her say before leaving the room.

When he arrived back home, the little house near the sea, seemed meek and old. The door squeaked lightly as he opened it entering a room of silence. His own thoughts weighed heavy on his mind. He began cleaning up the rooms. Reminiscing in old and new memories alike. Wondering at what point in his life he had gone astray. His childhood was a happy one, his teenage and young adult stage were controlled by distrust and loneliness. Now? He was swaying between love and hatred and a small portion of insanity. Torn among his sense of duty and his own desires.

Frustrated Cole put his hands on his little cupboard looking at the mirror. He brushed his hair away taking a look at the scar above his eye. This time though he viewed it with a clearer vision, deep in his heart he knew the faults he had committed. Yet he came to accept them. Others might not, that's what scared him the most, why he refused to tell anyone. He let out a bitter laugh. How does the saying go? You reap what you sow.

Leisurely Cole walked along the street, people passing by mostly ignoring his presence. While the marketer's were advertising their goods, armoured knights walked around recruiting for the army. It was somehow a disturbingly odd mixture in his eyes, but that's how life was. No matter what happens it keeps moving forward. Cole put his hands into his pockets as he focused his eyes towards the generel direction of the dragon academy. Suddenly he felt arms slip by and wrap around his abdomen.

Suprised Cole stuttered. "L-Leanna?" he turned around seeing a unfamiliar flock of dark hair bound into a pigtail. The girl looked up to him with silvergreen eyes and a bright smile. "No you silly. It's Janet." He continued to give her a confused look as he forcefully removed her hold of him. "I think you are mistaking me for someone." Cole stepped back. The girl clearly showing shock and sadness on her face. "But, but-." She then turned angry forming a fist and boxing him before running off with a "You Idiot Cole!" Cole bend in pain as she almost hit him in his wound. Almost... It still hurt like hell. After getting back his posture he scratched his head. "Should I know her?" He asked himself seriously considering all the girls he had met so far, most of them were fleeting, nothing noteworthy, but this one seemed to ring a bell somehow. Before getting to deep in his thought Cole realized he was late and began running instead.

A little out of breath he arrived at the academy before slowing down his pace. As he walked towards the shacks he noticed the guard on the way, hard to miss. But it seemed that the guard had also recognized him, throwing him a warning glance. Cole walked inside the shacks. A few people seemed to be taking care of their dragons. A little to many for his comfort. He spotted Leanna immediately, as her silver hair stood out quite a bit.

Cole walked up to her. "Hello young lady." He bent down a little to greet her. "May I abduct you to a place no one knows?" He tried to seem smug before breaking his act and grinning. "So how was my acting as a noble thief? You think I'd have a chance at that career?" He laughed a little before turning a tad bit more serious. "No but seriously. Let's go someplace that has less people." He shifted his stance pointing behind him towards the door. "We'll be back before your bodyguard notices anything."

Looking back at Leanna he noticed Dramor running up to them. Cole greeted him with a long hug and after exchanging their affections he turned to the princess. "I'd suggest we go to the Dragon Forest. We can talk all in peace there. And these two get to unwind a little." He smiled confidently whilst his heart made nervous leaps. Cole had absolutely no idea how he was going to explain things to Leanna. But he had to. He owed it to her.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 28th, '17, 01:07    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
The dragons were relatively peaceful today, which Leanna was thankful for, honestly there were like giant puppies when they got excited. The exact thing that happened the moment Dramor saw someone walk in. Leanna could help but chuckle, it was adorable really, the way this massive beast was so emotional. A voice broke her out of her little trance, her smile grew when he spoke, the voice a clear giveaway. She giggled a little at his acting, "I think I can handle myself" she retorted, lightly pushing him away. "Your acting was passable but some lessons might be in order" she said with a smirk.

Dramor clearly couldn't hold back anymore and ran up to Cole, his throat making a noise similar to how cats would purr. Leanna smiled, it was truly adorable. He suggested heading back to the forest which made Leanna nervous, what was so important they needed to be completely isolated? She bit her lips gently, if her mother knew she was flying away into the forest she would flip. "Yeah... okay sure." Leanna hadn't flown on a dragon by herself, but it would be unfair to take one dragon and leave the other behind, so she led Azutri out into the open air and hesitated. The purple dragon seemed to sense her unease and leant down, getting as low to the ground as possible. She looked over to Cole who was already on Dramor's back.

So she took a deep breath, and messily and ungracefully climbed on Azutri's back. As the dragon stood, Leanna recalled the amazing feeling of being in the air. Azutri lifted off and Leanna couldn't stop smiling. The two dragon's flew through the air, and landed in the clearing of the forest, Leanna got down but her legs were trembling, "I forgot how amazing that is!" she said, having to sit in the grass among the flowers, "I can't even stand up!" she let out a laugh, so unbelievably happy. The two dragons were off playing, well - Dramor was playing, Azutri seemed to enjoy basking in the sunlight.

She patted the ground next to her, fixing her hair from the intense wind that knocked it all out, "Sit with me..." she said with a soft smile, Cole's face seemed tense and serious, so she felt compelled to try and make him more comfortable, "... What did you want to talk about?"

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jun 1st, '17, 01:31    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole watched in his seat on Dramors back with a smile as Leanna struggled a bit to get up on Azutri. It was amusing and he laughed quitly before they lifted off. Flying above the city and the trees, basked in sunlight, the world appeared so peacefull and without any worry yet in the shadows something was brewing. Something he couldn't grasp entirely, and it worried him.

After landing in the clearing Cole got off with a quik jump regretting it a little, as his wound tugged painfully. It only lasted a few moments and he could breath again. He needed to remind himself from time to time that he still was wounded. He saw Dramor sprint off rolling in the grass. Cole watched with a smile wondering if his partner would ever grow out of it, or if it was simply a fixed personality trait of his dragon. His attention turned to Leanna as she commented and he replied. "Yeah. It never gets old. I loved it as a kid and still do now." He watched the two dragons for a few more moments before his expression became serious.

Cole turned around to Leanna as she invited him to sit near her, he followed suit and sat down beside. Nervously he began tugging at the grass infront of him sitting cross-legged. He needed a little time to gather his thoughts before he finally began. "You wanted to know what happened to me on my journey right? Well I'll tell you. But Leanna..." He became dead serious as he turned his head a little to look at her. She seemed a bit suprised. "You have to promise me to never tell a soul. Even if you might start despising me. Understand?" His tone was warning and harsh. Cole simply didn't want his mother to get in trouble because of him. After recieving Leannas consent, he turned his view forward, leaning back before looking up.

He sighed heavily as he began. "My search began quite uneventful. I only had a little bit trouble getting some supplies, such as food and clean water but I managed. So far everything seemed fine. Well, as long I was in our territory. When I crossed the borders to Yeurna things ... changed." Cole couldn't really find the right word for the feeling he got from the atmosphere of that country. "It felt weird, ominous if not even threatening. And it turned out my guts were right. After a few days I got ambushed in the woods." Coles face became expressionless and with each word he said his voice became emotionless and cold.

"They were three men. They were the first ones I killed." Cole counted on his hand. "After that I became a bit paranoid. Barely getting any sleep, growing more aggressive. The villagers refused to sell me anything. So I had to hunt but it was barely enough for me and Dramor. We began to starve. In the next village I began threatening people for supllies. I got some. But two villagers decided to come after me and take revenge and I just slew them." He added two more fingers now looking at his open palm, he glenched it, beginning with one again.

"One more at a riverbank for trying to steal." He added two more. "Another pair for going after Dramor." He added one more. "One for information of my mothers whereabouts." Cole paused taking a deep breath before continuing, looking at an open palm again. "One for the keys to the prison. Then three guards, which I actually enjoyed slaying." For a second Cole felt himself in that prison again and his eyes glistened dangerously before blinking and frowning once, continuing. "Also a kid who caught me in the act and finally my mothers dear friend who rat her out to them." He paused a little. "From which I got the scar..." He touched it, turning his head away from Leanna. "Afterwards I found out he had been under the control of that cursed gem." Cole plucked at a flowers petals. "Overall I've killed 15 people, of which not even a half was able to fight properly. If I wouldn't have known Targus was your brother I might have killed him too." He blatanly said going silent giving Leanna some time to think and let it all sink in.

Cole huffed and sighed before letting out a bitter but sad laugh. "Sorry to dissapoint you Leanna. But I'm not as nice as you might have thought. Especially not to my enemies." Cole finally looked her in the eyes unsure of how to feel at this point. "I just wanted you to know the truth before I..." He looked away ashamed. "Before I fall for you more than I allready have." He took another deep breath, feeling slightly lighter than before. "I have blood sticking to my hands. Blood I can't wash away anymore. To which I will keep adding. Especially since I intend to apply to the army and go to war." He frowned with a smile looking up. "Maybe I'll be finally useful for something..."

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jun 19th, '17, 18:15    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Cole had turned very serious, which Leanna didn't particularly like. Whatever he wanted to tell her was something that clearly weighed heavily on his shoulders, and although she felt happy that he could share his secrets with her, she felt like this wasn't a secret she really wanted to know about. Cole's face was grey and tense, all his body language told her he wasn't happy about what was to come. When he asked her to keep this a secret she could only nod in understanding. She wouldn't even tell the birds. Cole then refused to make eye contact, looking forward at nothing while beginning his story.

Leanna listened carefully, taking in each word even as Cole became more and more defensive, he mentioned travelling to Yeurna and her heart sank. At first she thought perhaps this story was going to go in the direction of 'I got captured and escaped' but it didn't... Leanna let out the smallest of gasps when Cole told her he killed three men. And then two more. She tried to reason with herself, 'It was self defence', she chanted over and over again. But the list kept growing. More and more people that were making her chest tighten painfully. 15 people. Murdered by the man Leanna had been falling in love with.

She didn't quite know how to process the information, she didn't want to believe that the hands that made her feel safe and warm and happy were the same hands capable of killing. Murdering. It made her feel sick. After Cole had finished, explaining he was thinking of joining the army, Leanna left a silence hanging between them. What could she say? She wasn't honest or good with her feelings in the first place, and this made things all the more confusing. Could she love someone who had killed so many? Yeurna was an evil place, she knew that much, but she didn't know if that was enough to justify everything.

Leanna took a deep breath, the silence had gone on for a while now. She turned to him and looked at him for a while, taking in all his features, including the way he grimaced at the world. Cole was still capturing her heart even now. She reached over and took one of his hands in her own, holding it gently and running her fingers over his palm. "You promised..." she began, trying not to choke on her own sobs, "You promised you would protect me. That you would lay your life down for me. Was that a lie?" she asked, not waiting for an answer, "Did you wash the blood off with a smile? Did the thought of killing me ever run through your head?" She raised his hands, littered with tiny scars from sword fights, to her throat placing it there as if to challenge him.

"I don't know if I can see you in the same light I once did." she said honestly, taking a shaky breath, "But my heart still skips when you touch me. And there are still butterflies in my stomach when I think of you, or when you kiss me." She shifted positions, kneeling so she was slightly taller than him and held his head in her hands. "Those deaths will be on your conscious for the rest of your life. But if you'd let me... I can help you ease that guilt" She lent down and kissed him softly, pressing her lips against his in a way that wasn't passionate, but loving. She rested her forehead against his, grey-blue eyes staring into gold ones. She knew that even after such heartbreaking news that she still wanted this. She wanted him.

"I have a question..." she said in a quieter voice, her body shifting ever so slightly to bring them closer together, "Did you think of me, while you were there? Did the thought of me make you happy in those dark times?" Leanna took a deep breath to calm herself. "How far have you fallen for me?"

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jun 25th, '17, 04:30    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole allowed the silence to hang. It was Leannas decision to say something or simply walk away. He wouldn't blame her. He leaned back ever so slightly stopping almost all motion, staring ahead with a dark expression. When a hand reached for his own he came back from his absentmindedness. His gaze attentively followed her fingers that stroke his palm, before his eyes slowly wandered up to her face. Leannas expression betrayed the turmoil she probably felt after his confession.

It stung when she asked for his promise. "I-" Cole tried to speak up but quikly shut it as she continued. His expression changed from grim to shock, as she lifted his hands to her throat. He stared at her wide eyed before tearing his hands away, replying with a quit but intense. "No..." Cole first looked uncomfortably at his hands before staring off to the side. "I don't expect you to." He quitly mumbeled more to himself than her. That was the whole point of this discussion. Cole didn't want Leanna to mistake him for someone he wasn't.

Cole let his head hang, even as she spoke to him about her feelings. He wasn't sure how take it in. It felt like his heart tightned uncomfortably, unsure if feeling happy or guilty for having kept quit all this time. Yet Leanna came closer, taking his head between her slender fingers. He stared up at her, admiring her delicate features. He couldn't lie, he didn't expect Leanna to forgive him, or even more so, help him. After such a caring kiss, Cole felt as if a knot in his chest had come undone and he could breath again. He looked into her eyes with a mixture of gratefulness and amazement.

Slowly Coles hands crept onto Leannas back pressing her a bit closer to him as she asked her questions. "I did think of you. The first time we met." He chuckled slightly into her shoulder as he shifted his head brushing against her face. "Finding out who you really were." He spoke slowly, without restraint.. As he leaned back to look at her, an undefined glint in his eyes "And many more things I imagined doing with you." Cole leaned in, closing the gap between their lips. A gentle kiss. He lingered for a while on her like that. He wasn't in a rush, simply enjoying her soft lips, taking in her warmth. As he parted from her he had a somewhat sad but also content smile. "Happy? No. More than that. It kept me going, a single though circling in my head. 'I want to return home and see her again.'"

Cole brushed a few of Leannas loose hair strands aside, before answering her last question. "So much, that it scared me to no end and I wanted to run away. So you would never know my ugly side." He closed his eyes for a second taking a deep breath. "But I became selfish, and you gave me hope. I couldn't run anymore." A playful smile began to form on his lips. "So it's also your fault we are here now." He laughed a bit disarming the atmohsphere.

With a smooth motion Cole turned Leanna around making her sit down in his lap. He hugged her from behind his arms wrapped around her stomach. "And I won't let you run away either." His hold tightened for a moment before relaxing again. Cole kept holding her for a while. The sun had allready begun to set, yet the only thing he wished for, was to remain in this solitude together with her. He leaned in close to her ear, his breath ticklish, before murmuring in a soft voice. "I love you." Only seconds passed and he couldn't help but smile, amused by Leannas reaction. As he looked up thought he noticed Azutri coming closer, seemingly glaring at him. "You think dragons can get jealous?" Cole asked her, still refusing to let go, almost giving the dragon a challenging stare back. When out of nowhere he gets prodded. Dramor had come up from the side demanding attention too.

Dramor had lied down beside them looking at his friend with big puppy eyes, demanding to be caressed as well. Cole sighed deeply patting him a little, before slowly parting from Leanna. The warmth made room for cold emptiness. "We should head back." He remembered the guard the princess had come with and grew a little worried. Cole extended a hand to her, offering to help her get up whilst saying with a smug face. "We don't want them ringing off an alarm again right? I don't think my door can take another beating." He joked walking over to Dramor ready to straddle him. Ready to return home. An empty one at that.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jul 1st, '17, 16:40    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
Posts: 1198
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna was unsure how Cole would react to her emotions, she was never one for talking about how she felt to people - except to maybe Marie - but the way Cole spoke about her made that all too familiar clench in her chest return and she couldn't deny the bubbles of joy that seemed to fill her belly when he told her how much he wanted to see her again. They kissed again and she smiled into it, so happy that he was safe, that these secrets were something they could work on together. In a movement so smooth she blinked twice before realising what happened, she was sat in his lap, those strong arms wrapped gently around her waist holding her tightly and possessively... and she loved it.

His breath was warm she could suppress the giggle that erupted when he whispered in her ear, but as the words came out her normally pale face exploded into the brightest shade of red. He had said the words so easily, she was glad she wasn't looking directly at him; "I love you too you big idiot!" she claimed, leaning back into him as a kind of strange backwards hug. They had a moment of absolute peace, just them together, comfortable in each others embrace.

It was nice while it lasted, but it appeared the dragons wanted more attention than they were getting, Leanna giggled, "I think they very much can!" she said smiling at just how childish the two seemed to act. Leanna agreed although felt slightly lonely the moment they pulled apart. She let out an exasperated sigh, "I've lost track of time but there's probably already a search party on the lookout." she said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll just break a window this time." She hopped on the back of Azutri again, still rather ungracefully, and they took off back to the Kingdom. The flight back was much more pleasurable, Leanna was free of her worries although still wasn't sure how to help Cole ease his conscious.

When they landed she fell off, landing on her butt and let out a small yelp as Azutri tried to nudge her back to her feet. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to climb on and off gracefully" she added with a light chuckle. The guard met them by the doorway with a scowl on his face, he glanced at Cole and then back to Leanna, "Princess, if I hadn't seen the two dragons fly off I honestly would have sounded the alarm. Do not run away from me. I'd be hanged if you disappeared on my watch" he seemed really pissed off. "I'm sorry Luka, really! But I'm back, and safe, so you've got nothing to worry about". The guard huffed and let out an irritated sigh, "Of course Princess, I'm glad you're safe." he added, still scowling towards Cole, "We should head back to the castle..."

Leanna agreed, "Isn't Freya still there? Cole, are you coming back to the castle with us?" she asked, hoping he would agree - although she wasn't really sure what exactly their relationship was, she wanted to do something with it. Perhaps they could go out tomorrow into town or something? Luke seemed impatient though and they had to hurry back to the castle. "I'll see you in the morning." As Luka turned around to head out she gave Cole a very short and quick kiss on the cheek and waved him goodbye.

The castle was in chaos.

Immediately she sought her parents who were both pale-faced, grimacing at a stack of parchment and books and maps, "Whats going on?" she asked, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, all of which had equally pained expressions. Her mother glanced to the King quickly and then took Leanna outside. "Darling walk with me for a little". They headed through the hallways, she watched as guards of all ranks were carrying weapons and equipment in all directions, there was a lot of shouting, a lot of commands. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on. When they walked into the living room Leanna looked her mother in the eyes, "We're going to war, aren't we?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm afraid so, yes. Yeurna declared it officially a few hours ago." Leanna had never seen her mother look so exhausted. "We're establishing an army and building defences as we speak, our top priority is protecting the town and it's people. Yeurna are after our dragons, our land and our wealth..." she gave Leanna a look that almost broke the girls heart in two, "... and they want you" she said, voice wavering. "Why me?" she asked, the Queen shook her head, "No one really knows. They didn't specify. Maybe the Prince just wants you as a bride, maybe it's to gain power, I don't know." Leanna wondered for a split second if going to Yeurna would stop this foolish war - but immediately discarded it. "Get some sleep darling, I'm afraid there's nothg we can do for now."

Leanna hugged her Mother and headed for her room, which was now guarded, she recalled Cole saying he was planning on joining the army and that frightened her. She had no doubts he could defend himself, but Yeurna used strange dark magicks that a sword couldn't stop. And that worried her greatly. In the middle of the night, after a lot of thinking and a lot of inner-debates, Leanna made a decisions.

She would become Lee once more, and join the army as well, without telling anyone... even Cole.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jul 2nd, '17, 02:57    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
As they had landed back in the city Cole gave a short laugh to Leannas clumsiness. "Eventually you'll get used to it." His attention then turned to the angry guard who seemed to eye him warily. Cole was allready used to it by now and discarded him with a puff turning to his dragon. Whilst he stroke under Dramors chin he turned to Leanna. "No I'm not princess. I'm heading back home. Mother seems busy with... other stuff." He sighed suddenly feeling a peck on the cheek before seeing her rush off after the guard. "yeah...." Cole smiled and ruffled through his hair getting nudged at by Dramor.

He seemed to sense the tense air. The air of war. Cole bumped his head against his friends. "Don't be afraid. I'll protect you." He gave him a squeeze before letting go. "I'll protect this city, our home. And her too." He smiled sadly knowing exactly what it would mean. Killing once again. After Cole led Dramor back to the shacks he bumped into Bermond. The old men seemed actually relaxed to his suprise. "What's up old man?" He smiled sheepishly ducking out of the way incase he was going to swing at him but he didn't. Bermond simply shook his head sighning before giving him a lopsided smile. "You'll never learn do you. No, I'm not here to lecture you. I don't think that's possible anymore." He sighed. "I'm here to give you a message from your mother." Coles interest was piqued. "She says she ordered something for you. It should be finished by now. You can get it from Misses Grogg." Cole was confused but still nodded. As Bermond passed him for a moment he put his hand on his shoulder dead seriours. "See you on the battlefield." To which he replied with. "Don't worry I've got your back old man." Bermond left him laughing in the end.

On the next day he awoke early. Finally cleaning up the house properly. Going as far as even doing his laundry. After he was done he tended to himself. Taking a good look at his wound. it had been stitched up neatly. Nothing less he would expect from his mother. Having changed his bandage and putting on new fresh clothes he headed out to town. He arrived at Misses Groggs shop and entered letting the small bell ring. It only took her a few moments before she came out from a door. "Well look who's here." her lips curled up into a smile. "Glad your still alive." Cole came closer to the counter. "So you've heard what happened at the castle?" She nodded and sighed. "If you were my son, I think I'd die a heart attack." She laughed. "Give me a second."

Coles eyes followed after her and he noticed how she began packing together pieces of an armor. "Is that for me? What did my mother tell you to do?" He finally asked demanding an answer. "A few things. I had to put behind all my other orders to get this ready." she continued to shuffle around. "She told me to make you an armor that would match your stupidity and keep you as safe as possible." Cole let out an irritated "Tzzz." Grogg walking up to him with a large bag throwing it on the counter making the content chink inside. "Here you go. You better not loose it or I'll smack you so hard you won't be able to tell top from bottom." She leaned on the counter. "And you know blacksmiths have a good right hook." Before her mien turned softer. "She knows you want to participate in the war. She simply wants you to return home safely afterwards." Cole didn't add anything to it. He simply thanked her and took the bag with him to the academy.

There he put it on. The armor appeared to be black, but wherever the light hit the metal it would glisten in a dangerous red. Cole was amazed not by the looks but rather by how light it felt. Especially since it was a full body armor including a helmet that resembeld a bird with the long slick look. Curiously he tried to take a few swings with his sword. The more he swung the more fascinated he became by how fluid and well it allowed him to move. After having satisfied his curiosity he headed to Dramor wanting to show off a little. As he walked across the campus, he like usually ignored the glances people threw him. As he walked inside the dragon shacks he headed to Dramor who was allready awake taking a sip from his water. As he lifted his head looking towards him something seemed odd. "Hey there pal." Cole reached out to stroke him but Dramor dodged backwards. Cole froze suprised. "What's wrong?" he asked taking a step forward but Dramor instead bent down in fear. This was a first. Cole never had seen his dragon act like this, especially not towards him.

Somewhat irritated Cole made his way to the Castle still in the armor. A guard at the front gate stopped him. "Halt! Identify yourself!" He took off the helmet. "Cole Dregth. I'd like to join the army." The guard nodded and then led him to someone who appeared to be the head of the guards. "So you want to join? Alright, you'll be placed in the backlines." He began writing down something. Cole looked pretty angry at him. "I'd rather fight at the frontlines." He felt like he was underestimated and the following comment showed that he wasn't taken seriously. "Sorry kid. I don't think you qualify as a veteran fighter. No matter what you say." He said staring back. "Then how about a duell?" Cole said dead serious whilst the commander began to laugh out loud. The guardsmen who had recognized Cole tried to warn him but he waved him away. "Alright. Guess I'll have to teach you a lesson." Cole put his helmet back on. "We'll see."

They didn't walk far. They decided to fight in the gardens nearby. Cole assumed his fighting pose which differed to the usual one. The commander decided to leave no room to prepare any further, immediately launching forward. Cole blocked his attack jumping back, this time taking the initiative to strike. They exchanged a few blows before Cole decided to end it, he ducked under his strike, kicking him in the stomach. The men fell to the ground Cole quikly stepping onto the hand with which he held the sword, whilst pointing his own at his face. The commander seemed shocked "So. You think you can change your mind now?" Cole said seeing the discomfort on his face. He had been beaten by someone much younger than him afterall. "If that is what you want." Cole stepped away and turned around noticing that a few people had been watching.

He spotted someone particular amongst them. Leanna. With it his thougths of war were shoved away making room for her. Cole walked closer. Seeing as she was not alone, he put one hand behind his back whilst the other to his chest bending down saying with a darker tone of his voice. "Good morning princess." He smiled beaneath the helmet standing straight, looking at her throught the helmet with his golden eyes. "Could you perhaps show me around the castle?" He kept on going with his act, changing his voice on purpose. Wondering amused if she would recognize him or not.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jul 8th, '17, 12:28    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
Posts: 1198
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Location: Between Realms
In the morning, with fire in her eyes, Leanna performed her duties as Princess. She dressed formally and walked the grounds of the castle, praising those who volunteered and giving them her blessing. It was a simple act the she felt was unnecessary, but everyone who she greeted seemed to have a smile on their face afterwards. There was a young guy in particular who began bragging to his friends about how the Princess came to find him and kissed him on the cheek - she couldn't help but scoff at the bragging. After a little while she decided to see if anyone would let her help - everyone refused.

Leanna felt lost, recently she had been given so much freedom that it felt restricting to once again be put on the 'princess' pedestal. She found Marie who was doing a heap of washing along with a few other maids, "Marie, can I help you?". "Princess where is your bodyguard?" she asked accusingly, "Honestly... No, you may not help us. You should be overlooking things, not doing them." Leanna groaned and stormed off, embarrassed by the chuckles from Marie as she walked away. As she headed round the castle, she heard the familiar sounds of sword fighting - part of the royal garden had been transformed into a training ground as the existing one was full to the brim.

Seeing everyone dressed in armour and working to the point of exhaustion brought it all home to her - they were going to war. She watched one fight that seemed to have drawn a crowd and her eyes glimmered in recognition. At first she was happy that Cole was here, with her, but then the realisation took over and she thought about why he was here. To fight. To go to war and die. She shivered. A few people near her began talking in hushed whispers as he walked over to her, acting once again. She couldn't see his face but she knew who he was, she smiled sweetly, "Why certain-" "Princess Leanna!" she got cut off, watching a young man run towards her, "Your Highness, you must return to the castle at once. His Grace wishes to speak with you."

Leanna looked between the messenger and Cole, in any other situation, in a time before now she would have refused. She could tell by Cole's body language that he assumed she would stay with him, and she wanted to so badly. "Of course. Lead the way." she turned back to Cole, keeping her professional princess aura, "Another time, Knight... another time" and she walked away back towards the castle, back to the drawing room where no doubt there were plans to keep her locked in a cage somewhere until the fight was over. She heard the whispers behind her, "How brave of a knight to speak to the princess" and knew it was time to talk with Cole about what they were going to do about 'them' - were they a couple now?

She headed back inside, saddened by how grim her father was looking, "Sweetheart come here" he ushered, asking her to sit next to him, "This is a harrowing time for everyone, but we - me and your mother - have particular fears about your safety. Now I know what I'm about to say will upset you, and you've every right to be angry. But we've decided it is best that you remain hidden while the war is going on. There is a country to the north; Sylinsgate, it's a small and very peaceful place, they've agreed to house you and hide you from outsiders." The King rubbed his face darkly, "This is not what I wanted for you" he said while cupping her face with his hands, "I'm so sorry my precious daughter."

Leanna was shaken and unsure on how to respond - her mind a whirlwind of questions, decisions and plans. She could go, or at least pretend to go, and come back as a knight, a volunteer. Perhaps she could find a double to take her place in Sylinsgate - the cute maid from the kitchen looked similar. He father hugged her tightly. "You should also know that, should the worst happen, and me and your mother fall, Targus has receded his position, and you are the heir to the throne." Leanna finally looked up, "What? I didn't even know he was awake?!" she said, "Yes dear. His mind is still unwell, he doesn't understand fully who he is or what he has done. But we made a formal decision to make you the next in line. This is still a secret, darling, do not tell anyone."

While Leanna and her father talked, and hugged and spoke about how they loved one another, a young boy guarding the door couldn't help but whisper to his partner Did you hear the Princess is leaving? and in no time at all the rumour at spread, the location had changed from the close kingdom of Sylinsgate all the way to Heika, the country half way across the world that spoke another language.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jul 8th, '17, 23:42    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Cole grinned satisfied as Leanna gave him a knowing look, ready to comply to his request but instead getting shot down. Just as she walked away from him, with the guard, an apologetic look on her face, he sighed deeply. He couldn't lie, he was dissapointed. His mood sinking quite a bit. As he turned ready to leave the garden ground he got talked to from the side. "Sir could you teach us your techniques?" Said a blonde haired young guard. "Please?" Said the one with ginger hair and freckles. Beside him standing another, the shortest one of the trio, who was simply giving him the so called -Puppy dog eyes-, trying to convince him in a group effort.

Somewhat thrown off by their straightforwardness, Cole thought it over. Figuring now that he had recieved some free time he could waste it on these guys, additionally getting some more training himself. He simply gave them a nod, keeping his mystique by not removing his helmet. Back on garden grounds they began their training. Cole started taking them on, one by one. It wasn't anything difficult, they were about a year or two younger than himself but yet seemed so much worse than he was back then. They couldn't even beat him one versus three. Cole didn't want to appear conceited, but if they wanted to survive the upcoming war somehow, they had to get better. And so he began barking at them, correcting their stances, their attacks and defenses, pointing out mistakes but also praising good work.

At the end of the day, which admittengly had progressed a lot faster than Cole had expected, the three were sitting down all exhausted on the ground. They were engaged in a conversation while taking a little break. "He is a monster." Said the ginger in a hushed voice. "Yeah, even worse then the commander." Agreed the blonde whilst the other nodded enthusiastically, appearently not one to talk much. "Man! I wish I could get together with the princess. Then people would respect me some more." The freckled one spoke up, the blonde ones face plastered witch a grin. "I'd go for her for other reasons. A fresh unplucked flower. If you know what I mean." The blonde nudged the ginger with his elbow suggestively, the third one simply staring at both with a quizzical expression.

At this point something snapped in Cole. He sheathed his sword walking over to the group, immediately putting his boot to the back of the blonde one pressing him down, who responded with a suprised yelp. Cole had overheard them while having continued to train by himself when they had decided to rest. "If you wanna survive on the battlefield you better get your head out of the gutter!" Cole spoke with a scowl. He was angry, a tiny bit angry. Before things began to heat up they parted ways, leaving on a bitter note eventually. Cole really was bad at making friends. Like really bad.

After stomping his way back home, irritated and lackluster for anything else as a result he finally stripped his armor, and bandage, grabbing his bathing shorts going straight towards the sea, which was practically at his doorstep. He dived in and swam around for a while, back and forth. At some point to exhausted he lied down at the border between sand and water, his feet slightly dipped in it. The wave hit his whole body, washing over him, pushing but also pulling at him. He closed his eyes, remembering how he also used to do it as a child all the time. It was incredibly relaxing and allowed him to calm down, even though the water was getting a bit chilly allready. The sign of changing seasons.

Cole began to think. About the war, how he would go at it, who he would see there, perhaps anyone familiar? What if the worst case scenario happens? Perhaps this is the last chance he got to swim, to talk to his mother, which he had entirely forgotten to do today, and see Leanna.... God damn! Colee really wanted to see her again. But god knows with what she might be busy with. Hopefully getting somewhere safe. That is all he could hope for now. He sighed slowly feeling himself drift into a soothing slumber accompanied by lulling waves.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Jul 22nd, '17, 21:56    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
Posts: 1198
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Location: Between Realms
The King and Queen were pretty much always discussing the kingdom's future in the small but busy 'war room'. It left Leanna to grow anxious as servants and maids packed her things and set a carriage up for her imminent departure, she hadn't been given any time to say goodbye to anyone and was already being ushered out into the castle's main entrance where everything was ready to go. Hesitating, Leanna wondered just how she was going to be able to get out of this, she didn't want to go to Heika. Or anywhere. She was a Princess and she should stay with her kingdom!

Slightly distraught, Leanna ran back to the armouries, looking for Cole. Although she couldn't tell him her plan, for fear he might agree with her parents, she needed to at least see him before she would go 'missing'. It didn't take long for her to spot him, centre of attention among the ranks, "Cole!" she yelled, not caring for other soldiers or the gossip of the maids. "Come with me for a moment, I need to talk.... in private." her very worried and out of character facial expression must have caught the attention of some of the others who seemed concerned for her well-being as she pushed past them.

She led Cole to a small section of the garden that was still a garden and not a training ground. "I don't have a lot of time" she began, "Cole I'm leaving. My parents have decided that I should go into hiding, in Heika, while the war rages on." she started feeling tears in her eyes, "I'm supposed to leave this afternoon but I-" eventually, she couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her face. "I'm not even supposed to tell anyone but I couldn't just go without telling you" Leanna broke down, crying into her hands. There was the distant sound of someone yelling her name and she looked behind her, "I have to go." she said with sadness dripping from every word. "I have to go..." she kissed Cole hard on the lips, her tears making everything taste salty. "I don't know where I'll be living. But please, please stay safe."

The shouting got louder and Leanna knew she didn't have any time left. So she hugged Cole and then ran, and ran until she couldn't see him anymore or hear him calling after her. Leanna met her parents by the carriage and cried even more. Hugging them both goodbye, she got in the carriage alongside a guard and the driver. And they left.

About two hours into the drive Leanna called a halt, both passengers were confused but agreed and they allowed her to step out for a second. "You. Guard. As your Princess I'm giving you a command you can not refuse" she started, determination and strength in her voice. "Give me your clothes, and your armour." she demanded, watching him stutter and fidget. She grabbed a knife from the guards boot and pointed it at him, "I am your Princess. I command you to give me your clothes." she said again, almost shouting this time. She pointed the knife to the driver, "You are both under oath to never speak of what you've seen or what I've told you to do. You will continue to Heika and perform your duties." A young girl appeared from the forest to their left and bowed. "This is Cilia. She will take my place as a decoy. You will treat her like me, tell my parents she is me, and tell the locals at Heika she is me."

Leanna twisted the knife and pulled her hair back, bringing the blade to the back of her neck before slicing it through her silver hair. The shocked gasps from everyone made her tremble a little, but she pressed on, giving her dress to Cilia and dressing in guards' gear. Her hair, now shorter than Coles, made her look so different, but it was still silver, she grabbed ink from her bag and ran it through, making it turn a weird dark-green colour. "We understand each other, yes?" All occupants nodded, although unsure. "Then take Leanna to Heika. And never speak of this again."

With that Leanna, now under the new name of 'Syd' (the name of one of her favourite birds in the aviary) made her way back to the castle. It took four hours by foot, which meant it was now evening, and everyone was packing up. Leanna was exhausted, but kept going, sneaking back into the castle and making sure her name was included on the register. She took deep breaths and fished a thin sword from the weaponry, holding it felt familiar - but this one was heavier than her personal one. She decided to practice a little while the training ground was quiet.

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