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 Post subject: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 9th, '17, 14:46    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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"A Hogwarts experience is never complete without spectating a fight between
a Malfoy and a Potter."

-- A writer who wishes he was writing the newest edition of Hogwarts: A History.


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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 9th, '17, 15:15    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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Caelum Malfoy
The son of Corvus Malfoy and
Dorothea Malfoy (née Rosier)

17 years old

Hogwarts House:

Year Level:
Sixth Year

Blackthorn and dragon heartstring,
11 inches, quite rigid

Over time, the Malfoy family has started to accept muggle borns as an essential part of the wizarding community as proven by the 72 inch flat screen tv hanging in their living room. Their belief of blood purity has weakened as well as their practices of the dark arts.

The only thing that remained constant was their surprisingly high ego and their apparent addiction to teasing Potters.

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 01:17    


Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
Posts: 247
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Julia Potter
Daughter of James Potter and Olivia Potter (nee Bones)

17 years old


Year Level:
Sixth Year

Cherrywood and Phoenix Feather
11 inches, nice and bendy

The Potter family is well known in the wizarding world for the deeds Harry Potter had done while going through high school. Now that everyone has moved on, they have done the same. The Potter family has, for the most part, made peace with the Malfoys, so there is no actual hatred. It is meer teasing and silly namecalling between them.

Julia is a very bright girl, owing to the time she spends studying. In her spare time, she enjoys playing Quidditch with friends (although they all tell her she should join the team). When not doing that, she could be found by the lake under a series of trees, reading, writing, or drawing. Anything that helps her relax after a long day.

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 07:38    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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Caelum ran a hand through his platinum blonde hair until a few strands got caught in his ring. He twitched and fiddled until he somehow got his strands free. Another year at Hogwarts means another year of staring from poor uneducated fools that think the Malfoys are still a dark wizard family. Well, of course they are, but not as much. Heck, they've accepted, although reluctantly, that the Weasleys and their muggle loving tendencies are not that bad.

He had arrived at the King's Cross railway station with both his parents through side-along apparition. Of course, he is quite proficient in the magical method of transportation, but they would rather not pull at the Ministry's strings by having a minor apparate by himself. His emerald eyes scanned the crowd of wizened wizards at witches and the numerous students screaming their goodbyes. He noticed a toad flopping away but didn't bother as the Longbottom managed to catch the thing. He smirked, turned to his parents and said his farewells, and strode to the seventeen year old wizard.

"Frank." He greeted, his pale lips still skewed to a smirk. The wizard looked to him, still clutching the toad, and grinned. "Caelum! Oh, it is great that you're here. My mum wanted to thank you for that moo-vee collection you guys sent last summer. She's done nothing but watch though."

The Slytherin chuckled and pat his friend's shoulder. "Let's get on the train, shall we? I trust Zabini managed to save a compartment for us?" he asked as he strode towards the train, his robes billowing behind him just as his father taught him and how his father's father had done just the same. "Aye. The last one on the right, as usual. We should have our names written on there, seeing as we take the same place every year."

The two friends entered the compartment, Aren Zabini waiting for them inside, trunks shrunken and a howler screaming at the top of its metaphorical lungs. The two stared at their friend, waiting for an explanation. Aren sighed and answered with one word that explained it all.


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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 19:18    


Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
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Julia was already on the train that morning, sitting alone in her compartment with her trunk stowed away properly. She was already reading one of her textbooks, starting to study for the new year. This was what she did every year since her first year, even before she was sorted into Ravenclaw. At first, she worried her parents would be upset since they had all mostly been Gryffindors. But they were happy for her as long as she was.

She looked up briefly, seeing Mr. Malfoy and his friend as they passed by her compartment. She went back to her book. She didn't want to think about Malfoy right now. She didn't even want to know what things he would try to do to bother her this year. She remembered the prank last year that caused her to break her arm... Then the one that caused a small thin scar in the shape of a star on the back of her left hand.

She didn't hate him exactly, but she knew they weren't friends either. She knew their families made peace for the most part, but she wondered if there was any way the rivalry could ever really end between the two of them. It would be nice if they could at least keep things civil. Maybe this year was the year things could actually change for the better.

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 15:05    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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The game of exploding snap was, to put it simply, boring. Aren and Frank did nothing but lose, like they'd agreed to lose is turns. The cart loaded with candy had nothing spectacular either and the train ride passed in silence. The view outside was nothing breath taking, just the continuous line of trees and the occasional cloud. The Italian had fallen asleep and Longbottom had taken a deep interest in his toad.

Caelum was bored.

Then he remembered something. As he was heading towards their compartment, he thought he saw a bundle of fiery red hair in one of the compartments. Not a bunch, that would be the Weasleys, but one bundle, meaning one person, meaning her. Julia Bookworm Potter. A smirk formed on his pale lips and a gleam of excitement flitted past his eyes. He knew just what to do to get rid of his boredom.

He stepped out of their compartment, his two friends not paying him any attention, and moved swiftly through the train, dodging excited first years and twisting around, still as elegant as ever. And then he found the compartment housing the Ravenclaw. He slid the door open and leaned on the frame with his arms crossed over his chest, his black school robes contrasting his pale hands.

"Got your nose stuck in another book, Potter?"

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 16:23    


Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
Posts: 247
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(Reply might be short. On my cell phone right now)

Julia's book had been becoming really interesting when she heard her compartment door slide open. She looked up, expecting someone friendly, when she saw it was Caelum Malfoy. When she heard his words, she nodded, going back to her book, "Of course, Malfoy." She responded, "Gotta keep my grades up for our N. E. W. Ts later this year." She turned the page in her book, almost having this one finished.

She didn't understand why Malfoy was there bothering her. She knew he didn't like her and that's why she avoided him. She didn't mind him too much herself, but because of the accidents in the past, she stayed away. She still had the scar on her hand from second year and pains in her right arm from fourth year.

After she put her book down, she put a book mark in it and put it away before turning over to look at him, "So what brings you here this time, Mr. Malfoy?" She asked, "Wanna torment me with your plans of humiliation you have for me this year?" She was only like this to be cautious. She knew he didn't mean to hurt her before but that didn't mean he might try to now.

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 17:20    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( Just how did she get a star-shaped scar? I'm curious. ))

As Caleum saw the traces of a scar on her hand, he felt guilt clutch at his chest. It truly was an accident and her arm getting broken was never really his fault. He blames Richard Goyle for that. It was the daft pig's hex that turned her broom into gelatin, not his. Sadly, the pig knew how to hide. As soon as he threw the hex, he'd hidden underneath the bleachers leaving Caelum the only one there. Sure he'd challenged the wizard to think of an ingenious hex for a broom, but the accident that happened afterwards had nothing to do with him, at least, according to him. It was a difficult year for him, being banned from the quidditch pitch and permanently kicked from the Slytherin team. The captain had to find a substitute chaser within forty-eight hours. He never let Caelum live that down.

He had always wanted to apologize for the scar but every attempt always turned into one of their petty fights, especially when he remembered getting sacked from the team. But when she had asked him what his plans of humiliating her for that year were, all of that guilt flew out of the slightly opened window.

An eyebrow raised.

"Surely you don't think I plan everything that happens? There is such as thing as bad luck, Miss Potter. I am not a seer nor am I that much of a genius that I can plan every single accident that happens to you." he answered, taking a seat across from her, crossing one leg over the other. "You Potters are, after all, known for attracting trouble." He looked around the compartment and saw only one trunk. "Where are your friends? I'd have thought they'd ride the train with you."

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 17:41    


Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
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"Well.... I really shouldn't blame you for my arm getting broken..." Julia said, thinking about it for a moment,"I tried to tell the headmaster I had seen Goyle briefly before the spell hit..." She looked down, feeling really bad," But they were all convinced you did it. I remember how they had banned you from the pitch, and from playing again." She looked at him sadly,"I've wanted to say sorry about it, for a long time. But then we always get in these stupid little fights. So... I'm really sorry. I really wish I could have done more to get the right person in trouble."

She raised an eyebrow too, especially when he had mentioned bad luck. "Bad luck?" She repeated,"I don't see those instances as bad luck. As for trouble, you and your friends... your friends mostly... have been in more trouble while in school than I ever had in our first year..." When he had mentioned her friends, she shrugged,"Most of them are prefects for their houses now." She said,"I'm happy for them but that's nothing I ever really wanted. Everyone else in my family was a prefect or a head boy or girl. I just want to get through the rest of the school being something other than 'Harry Potter's Great Granddaughter many times over.' I admire him for all he did, but all that is over now and it's time to move on."

She looked over at him again, pulling her long red hair up in a loose bun,"What about you? Why aren't you hanging with your friends?"

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 18:01    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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Caelum didn't exactly know how to react when Julia had started apologizing. No one has every apologized to him before like she had and it felt quite uncomfortable when she did. He had wanted to apologize as well but something was pulling him back.

When she started talking about being something other than 'Harry Potter: Savior of the Wizarding World's great descendant', he had frowned. She had it great, being known for something great and awe inspiring. Sure, the attention wasn't great and being known for someone else other that yourself was awful, but she had it good. All Caelum could be was a Malfoy, 'Descendant of the Death Eater, Dark Wizard Extraordinaire'. How could that compare to the 'Hero of the Light'?

He agreed that it was time to move on, but this was the Wizarding world. They are extremely in love with living in the past and staying in the past. Heck, it took them centuries before they accepted moo-vees and sodah pops.

"Aren's whispered his goodnights to the world of the living. I swear he's part vampire with all the sleeping he does during the day. Frank on the other hand was too taken with his pet toad." He sighed as he rested his chin on his palm, fingers curled to frame his jaw. "I appreciate those two, but sometimes they just become so ... underwhelming. Fifteen years with the same people would do that, I suppose."

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