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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 08:21    

Raine Seryn

Joined: Oct 7th, '10, 14:09
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MMMM I love cinnamon with chocolate. I found the most delicious german chocolate bar with cinnamon in it at the specialty candy store.
*_* It was legit like $6 for one bar, but totally worth it. But last I looked they rotated it out. ;__; They got rid of all my fav flavors lol. Maybe I'll make kyle take me there this weekend since it's been a while since I looked.

I'm not even 100% sure where half my stuff comes from originally. My mom and grandma picked most of it up at yardsales over the years. I do know I have a fancy black box that says it was handmade in korea. And I have several dolls that look like they're from japan. And my grandma recently got me a few dolls that look like kokeshi dolls to me.
It's all a hodgepodge of things. XD

LOL mouse whisperer. Maybe he was just tired of the cats and wanted to leave.
My animals understand me, but they usually don't listen to me. They get defiant and they sigh at me or purposely do what I tell them not to. >_<
The cat that napped with the bunny is probably like..11-12?? now?? I know my second oldest one is 9, because her daughter is 8 (which I only know because I posted kitten pics on facebook 8 years ago lol). For him being 11-12+ he's really healthy looking. I mean he's fat, but he's active and I'd never guess he was so old. @_@

None of my cats are skittish. In fact all but one of them are super friendly.
Knoxx in particular. He'll go up to anyone and scream at them lol. Kyle's cat,
Mint is a little shy, but she's still friendly. She just get's a little nervous in new areas or places she isn't normally in. Like when she's upstairs she's cautious,
but if she's downstairs she is super comfy.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 6th, '17, 22:47    


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I hate when good things are expensive >8,u
It's like "I want it, but I don't wanna pay for it >~>"
You can always try to figure out ingredients and make your own.
I know it likely won't be identical.
My family does that to me.
Says "This tastes exactly like ___" Why you lyin' >~>

My grandma was German and ever year, she made a ton of cookies and sent us some every Christmas.
I remember the ones that had the chocolate kisses in the middle.
Because I'd just eat the chocolate and leave the cookie <<

I'd love to collect antiques. There was an antique store where we visited my uncle, but I didn't get to go inside ;;
Buuut it never crossed my mind stuff could be haunted xD
But I'd love a room full of dolls of all kinds.
There was this lady where my dad lived, and every year, she'd have a doll show.
She had dolls for all eras and all countries. It was awesome.

Oh, my cat's the worst.
She'll sneak out sometimes and I will call for her and look all over for her.
She'll hear me, but won't come out.
I have to get on the ground and look under cars and such >>
My dog Saya used to be anti-social. I'd call her, but she wouldn't come to me. If I tried to pet her, she'd walk away. Now she comes to me and lets me pet her. I call her a lick sniper because she'll come up out of nowhere and lick you in the mouth if you're low enough. She ALWAYS tries to lick people's mouths O__o
Me: -bending over- -pets puppy- What a cute little-- 8U
Saya: -walks by, licks me inside my mouth, keeps walking-
Me: >>....
My Hyde knows "Squirrel" and "Ball" but he's so dumb. 8,u
He tries to cram himself through small spaces but he's way too big to fit and when my dad walked into his garage, Hyde ran to the other side and was confused. He didn't know why my dad wasn't there xD
And this one time, I was feeding my dogs, and I stopped to talk.
Saya legit gave a heavy sigh like she didn't want to listen to me and just wanted food xD

I think it's cool how pets have different personalities.
Even shitty personalities >Bu

How have you been u8?

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A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 7th, '17, 20:30    

Raine Seryn

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LOL I don't think I could re-create this bar of chocolate. But most other things that I like I try to learn to make on my own. Except french macarons... >_< I still can't get it quite right.

My grandma is german ;u; she makes cookies every year that were passed down to her from her grandma. And she gave me the recipe >u< no one else has it hahahaha. Not even her own children. They're just basically very thin shortbread cookies with egg and sugar brushed on top. But to me it makes it the holidays.
She doesn't make any other cookies though.

My mom used to go antique shopping with my grandma. I think they still go sometimes, but they don't have a lot of money so they don't buy often.
I used to collect porcelain dolls hahaha. I even had one that was super old and totally blue and scary looking. They used to be displayed facing my bed in my room. It scared the heck out of my friends. XD But now they're all put away somewhere.

My cats are pretty ok when they get out. They usually come right up to me or they get dumb and just plop into the dirt and roll around until I pick them up.
Ewwww I hate dog slobber as it is. I'd be so mad if one licked my mouth!
LOL my dogs lick hands as you walk by. It's maddening. I have to constantly wash my hands or walk around like a t-rex.
HAHAHA the sigh from animals is just so cute. My cats do it to me a lot if I don't feed them right away or if I tell them no.

I'm ok. Feeling weird today, like kinda floaty and like I'm not me??? but otherwise I'm good. I think I just need more sleep since I've been having nightmares lately. @_@
How about you?

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 8th, '17, 17:30    


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So glad I’m off work til January lol. No work on my birthday!

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 11th, '17, 20:23    

Raine Seryn

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!!! Happy birthday! And also I'm so jealous! I didn't draw for like 2 days and now I'm late on a deadline and have like 7 commissions stacked up. @_@ uggghhhhhhh

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 11th, '17, 21:57    


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not quiiiiiite my birthday yet lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 12th, '17, 19:39    

Raine Seryn

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LOL well I figured, but idk the day so I thought I'd get a jump on it. XD haha

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 12th, '17, 22:24    


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its on Thursday, fyi...xDDDDDDDDD
its December 14...le sighhh, another year older...;-;

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 14th, '17, 22:09    

Raine Seryn

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Oh! That's today! Happy birthday! lol

:( I feel ya tho. Bdays were fun as a kid but now it's like... pls stop I'm old enough thx

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 14th, '17, 22:22    


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lol it IS today! happy birthday to meeee!
although i say that, i'm currently home...alone...by myself......waaaah i'm so tragic looooool!

everyone is busy at work and stuff and i'm on vacay...;-;
i was hoping we could all get together this weekend for like a dinner or some sort but i heard last night that my sister is planning a short road trip for the weekend.....with FRIENDS. XD
aaaaaah tragic, old, me. so friendless pfffffffffft.
ah well, just another day pft. just like any other day. except i was BORN on this day. loooool.

//complaining for the sake of complaining

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