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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 14th, '17, 23:09    

Raine Seryn

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D: ah. that sucks!
I'm pretty friendless too, so I understand. I really only have my bf, but I started talking with an old friend recently so I'm hoping we can be good friends again.

maybe go treat yourself to something? Like a sweet or a dinner for yourself?
idk?? :( I hope your day is going ok even though you're alone </3

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 14th, '17, 23:14    


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lol my dad said that he'll take me out for dinner tonight....xDDDDDDDD just the two of us lonely hearts pffffffffft. SO I DON'T HAVE TO COOK WAAHAA.
its nice to reconnect with old friends.

pffffft i'm finee, i'm very nonchalant about these things.
besides i just downloaded a whole batch of anime osts/japanese music last night since i've noticed i haven't gotten any new music lately. so i'm listening to that on full blast pfffffffffffffffffffft.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 14th, '17, 23:18    

Raine Seryn

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ohhh that sounds nice though! <3 I hope you guys have fun!
I don't ever do anything alone with either of my parents. My whole family is a bit distant despite living together (or well my mom now lives with her mom to help her out. but I live with my dad).
Yay not cooking! :D

Ohh ok that's good ;u; <3
*A* getting to listen to stuff without bothering anyone is always nice. Even when I have the chance my music is always very quiet lol. I don't like things loud.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 14th, '17, 23:29    


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My aunt gave me some Dove chocolate that was mint.
But it was chocolate with mint flavor and chocolate chunks.
I found it weird because mint ice cream is mint and has chocolate chunks so it's mint chocolate.
This was all chocolate with mint flavor.
So I don't get why the chunks were there xD

8U it must be a German grandma thing!
My grandma came here from Germany and she didn't know how to do anything.
My grandpa actually had to make lunches for her before he went to work because she didn't know how to cook or anything.
She managed to learn how to cook all kinds of things just by reading books.
My aunt said she's surprised she wasn't fat growing up because my grandma made all kinds of desserts and breads and foods.

I'd really love a Victorian house with Victorian furniture and dolls everywhere 8u
And vampire stuff. Love vampires u8
I used to watch one of those channels where they sold dolls and you'd call in and order.
I just sat and watched it. As a child. 8u

I got a bell collar for my cat. So I can know where she is.
However, you can hear it ring but not be able to see her at all.
It's kind of scary uB

I try not to get licked in my mouth. But she goes straight for the mouth.
It's not like accidental. She goes for it on purpose. I don't know if she saw humans kiss and tries to do it or if she's just evil u8
My Hyde sniffs my first. Like I'm poisonous or something. Then he'll lick.
I tell him he makes me feel self-conscious 8,u

I've felt that way before xD
D: what kinds of nightmares? If you want to share.
I've been okay. I'm kind of tired right now xD

I've decided to stop aging. Anything else is a LIE >:U
BAH. We'll be here with you 8U
I hope you have fun with your dad.
Dads can always help cheer you up.

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 14th, '17, 23:52    


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Raine; lool thankss...xP although the thing is that conversation between my dad has always been...awkward...xD;; like we don't know what to talk about lol.
aaaaand my dad can be a bit loud and abrasive sometimes. like, he doesn't know how to tone down his voice so it always sounds like he's angry and shouting...xD;; so i wouldn't say i get along with him...^^;;
still, not having to cook is a good thing so.......xP

well i don't like bothering anyone either...xP i use headphones if its late and keep my music to the bare minimum when there are people at home...xD;;

Moi; thankeeeee bby! ;u;b and thankee for the gift, you're awesome baeeeeee!
i'm asian, it always looks like i never age......8U people still think i'm in my early 20s when i'm almost 30 looool.
and, as i just told Raine, i don't really get along with my dad; cheering people up and having fun are not his forte lol. making people upset with his loud, almost always angry sounding voice......xD;; which is why we rarely ever talk to each other......unless its about downloading the latest drama or music for him.......xD;;

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 00:13    

Raine Seryn

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I'm so mad. I let my cats run around upstairs today and I can hear this stupid lady upstairs saying she let one of my cats out! >_< Just don't leave the door open!! not hard!!! ;__; I hope my cat is ok.

....and now another stupid lady came over and they're fighting??? neither of them even live here... =_= hate it. hate it.

@ Moi- Yeah the chunks sound unnecessary. =\ how weird.

Ahaha my grandma came over from germany too. She didn't speak any english and just got dropped into west virginia with my grandpas family. He worked so much she was like alone with them for months lol. (and they were apparently kind of weird and there's a story of a house being blown up...)

Awww kitty lol. I tried having collars for my cats, but they always manage to rip them off unless it's not a safety collar. But I'd rather the collar come off than them snag on something and choke to death. :c
So no collars lol.

My 4 dogs just lick anything around them. When they get happy it's just snorts and tongues out hahaha. they lick the wall, the table, your hands, your pants. Anything that gets near their mouths. XD

I can't remember most of my nightmares, but I had one that my bf was cheating on me and that was not pleasant. I think its because his friend makes me uncomfortable so I keep getting a lot of anxiety about it. :( but I try not to think about it too much.

@ Hotarla- Aw D: well I hope it's a good time anyway!
My dad and I talk in the morning when he makes coffee. But aside from tiny updates on our lives we don't have anything to talk about. I've taken him to dinner a few times with my bf but it's always a bit awkward. =\ at least until the food comes out because we both love food so we just rave about how good it is and give eachother bites. XD
But that was seriously like... 3??? times???
I somehow always get left out of family things. But even then they almost never happen.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 00:31    


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Raine; heeeeeeeeeeeeeh NO COOKING = SCORE for me! //laughs
pffffft morning coffee...xP i don't partake in that. although, he does drive me to work in the mornings.....but even then we don't talk and we stay silent in the car too...xD;; we're very unsocial people lol.
but yeah, my dad and i rarely have anything to talk about, apart from "do you have new episodes of the latest drama?" kind of talks...xDDDDDDD;; like srsly, its literally the only thing we can talk about. and, after i give him my "drama update", its all quiet again...xD because its usually just a yes or no answer lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 01:00    

Raine Seryn

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I feel it. I don't wanna cook today. :(
I've been trying to kick soda so I need a very tiny cup of coffee in the morning to keep the headaches away. (it's very small. Like about 1/4c of coffee and a little milk lol.)
I bought a high caffeine tea yesterday that should be here next week. So I will switch to that once it's here.

My dad and I mostly talk about his work really. And his dogs. He tells me what project he's doing now or something dumb one of his bosses did. I think the past few days he's been digging a trench for a drainage system because he's building a tiny house on his boss's property. He was upset about it today because it snowed and he has to be outside all day. ^^; I guess it's more him talking and me listening hahah. I try to tell him about games I play, but I am kind of the black sheep of my family so I can see their eyes gloss over when I start to ramble.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 04:55    


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lol i never want to cook but really, i don't have much of a choice...xD;;
ahh, i've never been big on soda...hate it actually, only drink it for more 'special' occasions lol.

yeahhh, so i went out to dinner, dunno why but i feel a bit nauseous. dunno if its because i ate too much even though my dad and i had around the same proportions cuz we were sharing, although, then again, he's a man so maybe he can eat more than me...but yeah i feel sick...xD;; everything was either too salty or too sweet (the dessert). too major extremes blehh....

currently drinking some tea at home, hoping it would calm down. my second hot water shower helped a bit too...xD;; i wasn't going to take another shower since i took one before i went out but, when i felt how COLD i was, i was like "afff this, i'm cold, gonna take anotherr lol"

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 21:14    

Raine Seryn

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I like cooking a lot. But cooking every day sucks. It gets too tiring lol. I don't have to cook tonight though since I don't have anything to cook and no time to get stuff to cook. But there's hamburger meat and hamburger buns so I know the boys will be ok. XD
I'm not super into soda really. I like it with pizza, but I mostly drink water anyway. I just somehow got myself addicted to the caffeine of it and it's easier than making coffee or tea so I got lazy.. .__. but I haven't had any soda in about a week and a half and I'm fine so far.

Aww D: that sucks that the food wasn't great. I hate when I go out and it's not super good. I don't go out often so I always want it to be special lol.

I hope the tea helped! I drink ginger tea when my tummy is upset. Or I have this special tea for nausea, but I drank it all and haven't bought more. >_> It's gross tasting tho. bleh.
Ohhh I love showers when I'm cold. =u= <3

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